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Barack Hussein Obama, just TODAY, has finally done what he should have done a YEAR AGO. He has said, plainly, that "Rev Wright does NOT speak for this campaign. Two problems, though: 1.) It's TOO LATE.
If he had TRULY been the "New Politician" he SAID he was, he would have been HONEST with the American People, from Day 1, and said, "You're going to find out that I've gone to a Racist, Anti-American Pastor and Church for TWENTY YEARS, got Married there baptized my KIDS there, and it was WRONG, I NOW DENOUNCE EVERY RACIST AND ANTI-AMERICAN STATEMENT EVER MADE, in that Church".

He STILL would have LOST, but at LEAST we would've said "Now THERE'S a NEW kind of Pol. He CAME OUT, IN THE BEGINNING, and ADMITTED Past Embarrassing Mistakes." He might have had a CHANCE, in 2012.

Oh, his OTHER problem, No.2?
It's RIDICULOUS, to throw Rev. Wright Under the Bus NOW, NOBODY WILL BELIEVE OBAMA! Not after having OTHER associations with KNOWN Racists and Anti-American RadicalsNot after having "neighbors and freinds" like Terrorists William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who not ONLY Bombed the Pentagon, Capitol, and NYPD HQ, but recently, after 9/11, BRAGGED ABOUT IT, AND ABOUT NOT HAVING TO GO TO JAIL!!!

On the Basis of Ayers and Dohrn ALONE, that DISQUALIFIES him from the Office of the Presidency of the United States. Rev. Wright, one could argue, is a Racial Hatred thing, Obama can't help it, but TERRORISTS? Obama could NEVER get the LOWEST SECURITY CLEARANCE IN THE WHITE HOUSE, AFTER HAVING ASSOSCIATIONS WITH PRESENT OR PAST ENEMIES OF AMERICA!!

So Obama chooses NOW to throw his "Old Freind", his Spiritual Father and Mentor", the guy he WROTE BOOKS WITH, and used his favorite qoutes in speeches, married a Similar-Minded Wife, Baptized his KIDS, and NOW he expects us to believe that he "strongly disagrees" with his "Spiritual Father"?

This guy's DEFINITELY not as Smart as I thought he was, Haaaahahaha!
And if HILLARY wasn't still in the Race, (with Media-acknowledged HELP from Conservatives in Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, and others, Obama would have done NONE of this, Rev. Wright would not have gone "Public" this past week, etc.

So just THINK- NONE of this would be possible, NONE of this would've caused this big Obama Flip-Flop, Throw-the Rev-Under-the-Bus, without:

....the wheels on the bus go round and round round and round....the wheels on the bus go round and around all the...
Oh, BTW, that moron Suck'n'tease? Yesterday, I wrote a sarcastic, "joke" post called "It's not Fair!", talking about two women's discussions of Anal subjects, condoms, etc., and Suck'n'tease talking about licking anuses(go back and check, if you don't believe!
I think Mr.Suck'n'tease has some sort of Biological Brain Malfunction, from ingesting all that Feces from the guys he's always talking about practicing "analingus" on, Haaaaaaahahahaha! He actually wrote me back and told me "Fair is where you throw 3 balls for a quarter, or some such nonsense, haha. He didn't even GET that I was being sarcastic, when I told the women their chatter was distacting me, it wasn't fair!

As I said- too much Feces ingestion.
[ame="http://justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=10569"]It's Not Fair! - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
Geez..first he throws his grandma under the bus, now his pastor.

Well. The status quo clinton supporters and zionists have gotten to all of you. Congratulations on your collective stupidity.