Habitat for Hypocrisy

"I do not think the President of the United States should be a liar, and believe that the overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens agree with me." Jimmy Carter

They do, Jimmy. That's one of the reasons you were dumped by America's voters after just one malaise-filled term, which almost ruined our country.

We're still dealing with the aftermath of JC's disastrous administration.

In his early days, Carter parlayed a military career into a couple of terms in the Georgia State Senate, where his ability to damage his fellow citizens was somewhat limited. But ol' Jim was ambitious. He set his sights on the national arena.

After describing fellow Jackass Party loser George McGovern "unelectable" and "too liberal", Jim Bob promptly lobbied for the number two spot on the 'Crat ticket when McGovern won the '72 nomination. McGovern, showing sense for once, kicked Jimmy to the curb.

As Governor of Georgia, Carter famously flip-flopped on the death penalty and claimed he saw flying saucers. He also took credit for enticing the producers of the film Deliverance to shoot the inbreeding epic in his back yard. The citizens of Georgia probably breathed a sigh of relief when he left Atlanta for D.C. to take advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime void left by Richard Nixon's resignation.

When he announced his decision to become president, his own mother asked "president of what?" To the surprise of everyone who knew him - and the detriment of everyone else - he was elected.

He paved the way for the next 'Crat infestation of the Oval Office by telling an interviewer "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times." Of course, progress being what it is, he would be surpassed in the lust and adultery departments by BJ Clinton, as we all know.

During Carter's dismal single term in office, productivity declined to 1%, the prime interest rate reached 21.5%, inflation got as high as 12.5% and unemployment was 7.5%.

He gave away the Panama Canal. He cut the defense budget. He pardoned deserters and draft-dodgers. He raised Social Security payroll deductions. He supported Communist rebels in Nicaraugua. He betrayed Taiwan. He enabled the election of Robert Mugabe. He gave the terrorist PLO credibility by including them in his interminable Middle East "peace talks", which weakened Israel and led to OPEC raising oil prices and cutting supplies, in the famous "energy crisis".

Carter refused to help the embattled Shah of Iran, and actually asked the Iranian military to knuckle under to the Islamic revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini. They did, and most were slaughtered by their new masters in short order.

444 days of humiliation for America followed, during the infamous "hostage crisis", which more than any other factor probably helped elect Ronald Reagan.

After being turned out of office by an enraged electorate, Jimmy embarked on an anti-Israel campaign of breathtaking proportions. He also found time to cozy up to Communist tyrants Fidel Castro and Kim Il Sung. Jimmy also managed to certify the fraudulent "election" of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.

The culmination of his doddering private attempts to subvert American policy was the recent nauseating spectacle of Carter placing flowers on the grave of mass murderer Yassir Arafat.

Naturally, all this has led to Carter's showering with plaudits and awards by well-intentioned, stupid liberals.

Former New York mayor Ed Koch, a fellow Democrat, describes Carter as "a miserable president" and "a miserable human being now".




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