HAHAHAHA bush negotiates with terrorists

Bush strikes a deal with N. Korea after calling it appeasement when Obama suggested it.

How long have they been working on this? How long were they working on Iraq before March '03? Ignore all you wish, won't make you right.
Just three weeks ago Bush stood in front of the Israelis and told them this type of diplomacy was appeasement.

This is hypocrisy at its worst.

And you are impossible.
How is it appeasement? Don't get me wrong, I'm no huge fan of Bush, but it seems to me that this is how the game is played. Country "A" is doing something that country "B" and other countries doesn't like, so country "B" wields it's considerable influence in conjunction with other disapproving nations. After many many months of pressure, country "A" acquiesces and agrees to comply with the wishes of the other countries and is thus rewarded by country "B." It's called the carrot and stick diplomacy. Now country "A" sees that by doing the right thing it can benefit and maybe, just maybe, they will continue to do the right thing.

You're so hot to find fault with Bush, and fuck knows there is plenty to find fault with, that you look right past the fact that this is how it's done, they've made no secret of their desire for North Korea to dismantlie it's nuclear weapons program and they've made no secret that doing so, or at least begining to do so, was a condition that needed to be met prior to the lifting of sanctions.

Appeasement? No. Diplomacy? Yes. Though it may hurt to say so.
Right. For once I agree with what Bush is doing. But it's totally at odds with what he's been saying for years. In fact, they even lambasted Clinton early on for talking to N. Korea and trying to strike a deal on the exact same thing!
I am not unsympathetic to your point of view, and I can certainly see where you could draw these conclusions, though it is my opinion that you may have reached them while looking through "I really don't like Bush" colored glasses. I have always been under the impression that when North Korea met certain conditions, our relations with them would change. This, if I remember correctly, was the difference between the current administration and Clinton's. If I remember correctly (and I could be wrong), Clinton put no preconditions on negotiating with N. Korea and this is why they lambasted Clinton.

Regardless of how either of us feel or view the situation, if North Korea does what they say they will do, and if they continue down that path, it is definately a positive step.
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I am not unsympathetic to your point of view, and I can certainly see where you could draw these conclusions, though it is my opinion that you may have reached them while looking through "I really don't like Bush" colored glasses. I have always been under the impression that when North Korea met certain conditions, our relations with them would change. This, if I remember correctly, was the difference between the current administration and Clinton's. If I remember correctly (and I could be wrong), Clinton put no preconditions on negotiating with N. Korea and this is why they lambasted Clinton.

Regardless of how either of us feel or view the sitution, if North Korea does what they say they will do, and if they continue down that path, it is definately a positive step.

The deal Bush struck with North Korea is pretty much the same as the Agreed Framework, the deal that was in place under the Clinton Administration. Only now, after six or seven years of tough talk while the North Koreans processed plutonium (that was previously under lock and key and controlled by IAEA under the Agreed Framework) the North Koreans are believed to have several nukes that they did not have previously.

Basically, instead of pursuing the Clinton policy from the get go Bush embarked on a tough-talk policy that allowed the North Koreans to develop nuclear weapons only to return to the Clinton policy after the weapons were developed.