Hairy Reed says no new Gun Laws will pass the Senate...LOL


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All you arrogant uppity East Coast gun grabbers out there should bend over, so Obama can give it to you again. He fed you your ant-gun crumbs, and you came on here with attitude to cyber prance around and look all bad and sheet. WE all know that The House will NEVER pass any new gun laws, butt pro-gun Senate Leader Hairy Reed says the Senate ALSO will not pass any new laws, so now what? Did you come when you first heard about all those new gun laws? WE WIN, YOU LOSE....Ja Ja Ja....forget about it......I did not ban any gun grabbers or their cohors....OmyYass

We all know that, but don't think the left wingers will quit on this. They will just blame the House. They will claim the American people want gun control, but the GOP in the house is blocking it

All Harry has to do is bring Feinsteins bill to the floor.
We all know that, but don't think the left wingers will quit on this. They will just blame the House. They will claim the American people want gun control, but the GOP in the house is blocking it

All Harry has to do is bring Feinsteins bill to the floor.
They do not have enough Senate votes to stop a Filibuster by a Republican Senator from a real pro-gun State like Texas, Idaho, Utah or Arizona, etc, because there are enough pro-gun Demos in the Senate who will vote no.
All you arrogant uppity East Coast gun grabbers out there should bend over, so Obama can give it to you again. He fed you your ant-gun crumbs, and you came on here with attitude to cyber prance around and look all bad and sheet. WE all know that The House will NEVER pass any new gun laws, butt pro-gun Senate Leader Hairy Reed says the Senate ALSO will not pass any new laws, so now what? Did you come when you first heard about all those new gun laws? WE WIN, YOU LOSE....Ja Ja Ja....forget about it......I did not ban any gun grabbers or their cohors....OmyYass


Oh,,, that's wonderful news.

I'll drink to that!:)
that is funny. interestingly, you don't hear liberals decrying this, nope, instead they bash the NRA while their own senate leader says no gun laws will pass the senate.
that is funny. interestingly, you don't hear liberals decrying this, nope, instead they bash the NRA while their own senate leader says no gun laws will pass the senate.

It is all part of the Alinsky tactics. The NRA is their target.

Identify and freeze the target. It is the Alinsky way and the dems play it well
We all know that, but don't think the left wingers will quit on this. They will just blame the House. They will claim the American people want gun control, but the GOP in the house is blocking it

All Harry has to do is bring Feinsteins bill to the floor.

Except that where they will claim most American's want gun control is so far through survey's actual fact, Even amongst 68% of the NRA. So do you think that they will leave it all alone when the majority appears to favor better gun control? There politician's, They will keep the masses happy before a minority and the masses currently support gun control.
Except that where they will claim most American's want gun control is so far through survey's actual fact, Even amongst 68% of the NRA. So do you think that they will leave it all alone when the majority appears to favor better gun control? There politician's, They will keep the masses happy before a minority and the masses currently support gun control.

If that we true then Reid would bring Feinsteins bill to the floor. A representatives job is to represent THIER constituents. Not some poll. Show me a poll that those numbers are reflective of every district in America and maybe you have a point.

I can tell you in no uncertain terms my representative knows to stay away unless he wants to back to his day job. He isn't scared of the NRA he is scared of US his voters.
Except that where they will claim most American's want gun control is so far through survey's actual fact, Even amongst 68% of the NRA. So do you think that they will leave it all alone when the majority appears to favor better gun control? There politician's, They will keep the masses happy before a minority and the masses currently support gun control.
The "Gun Dumb" soccer Moms might vote for "Moore" gun control laws, butt they aren't voting, Hairy Reed is. You Libs got your butts handed to you on this issue, "butt" here we go again, we have to keep listening to more talking points crap. "So do I think that they will leave it all when the majority appears to favor better gun control?" so what, who cares, we won and the rest is a bunch of whining hogwash BS.....sorry about that, butt it is what it is. You Libs need to know when you have been "defeeted" and just "MoveOn" to something like offering a budget, or cutting spending, something that can be bi-partisan.
If that we true then Reid would bring Feinsteins bill to the floor. A representatives job is to represent THIER constituents. Not some poll. Show me a poll that those numbers are reflective of every district in America and maybe you have a point.

I can tell you in no uncertain terms my representative knows to stay away unless he wants to back to his day job. He isn't scared of the NRA he is scared of US his voters.
Your a southern hillbilly, who would have guest jethro