Hakeem The Gargoyle


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In truth, gargoyles face outwards to protect the church’s wealthiest supporters, power, and income from the people who do believe in God.


This guy:



always reminded me of an angry gargoyle defending the Church of Communism:

After Cummings shuffled off to wherever it is that gargoyles go in the hereafter this guy applied for the job:

Nobody ever said a gargoyle needed a brain:

Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, one of the House impeachment managers, argued Thursday that Democrats’ hiring of a former British spy to collect dirt from Russian sources about the Trump campaign does not constitute foreign interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The New York congressman’s argument was based on the puzzling logic that Democrats paid for the information from the retired spy, Christopher Steele, rather than simply obtaining it.

“The analogy is not applicable to the present situation because first, to the extent that opposition research was obtained, it was opposition research that was purchased,”
Jeffries said in response to a question from Sen. Richard Burr and a group of Republican senators.

Notice the misdirection distancing Hillary Clinton from the Steele Dossier.

The Republicans had asked: “Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee hired a retired foreign spy to work with Russian contacts to build a dossier of opposition research against her political opponent, Donald Trump. Under the House managers’ standard would the dossier be considered as foreign interference in a U.S. election, a violation of the law, and/or an impeachable offense?”

The question should have been Did Hillary Clinton hire a retired foreign spy to work with Russian contacts to build a dossier of opposition research against her political opponent?

The Clinton campaign and DNC, through their law firm, paid just over $1 million to opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate Donald Trump and members of his campaign.

As part of the project, Fusion GPS hired Steele, a former British spy, to look into Trump’s ties to Russia. Steele relied on a network of sources to collect information from Russian government officials.

Steele provided the information to the FBI and members of the media.

Republicans have long cited Democrats’ hiring of Steele to rebut allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. The special counsel’s investigation failed to establish that Trump or any of his associates conspired with Russians.

Jeffries’s claim prompted a sarcastic response from Trump attorney Jay Sekulow.

“So, I guess you could buy, this is what it sounds like, you can buy a foreign interference,” said Sekulow. “You can purchase, if you purchase it, you purchase their opposition research, I guess it’s okay.”

Hakeem Jeffries Says Steele Dossier Doesn’t Count As Foreign Interference Because It Was ‘Purchased’
Chuck Ross
Investigative Reporter
January 30, 2020 8:23 PM ET

The ONLY reason Hakeem could ever get elected is the built in guarantee he has with his 80% gerrymandered majority minority district, 54% of which is black.

It's amazing how the left thinks so highly of folks like Hakeem, and over 20 others, the represent districts where the people vote using identity politics not what the person is capable of doing.
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The ONLY reason Hakeem could ever get elected is the built in guarantee he has with his 80% gerrymandered majority minority district, 54% of which is black.

It's amazing how the left thinks so highly of folks like Hakeem, and over 20 others, the represent districts where the people vote using identity politics not what the person is capable of doing.

To CFM: On the plus side every time Hakeem and his kind try to sound intelligent they sound so nauseating they make normal rank & file Democrats cringe in shame. Better yet, buyer’s remorse set in after Pelosi made him an impeachment manager. Now she looks for a rock to crawl under whenever Hakeem responds to a question.
To CFM: On the plus side every time Hakeem and his kind try to sound intelligent they sound so nauseating they make normal rank & file Democrats cringe in shame. Better yet, buyer’s remorse set in after Pelosi made him an impeachment manager. Now she looks for a rock to crawl under whenever Hakeem responds to a question.

Maybe Nancy felt like she had to have diversity among the managers. It just goes to show that while diversity isn't bad if someone is qualified, thinking someone is qualified and wanting to be diverse for the sake of being diverse can backfire.

His district has the 12th highest use of food stamps of all 435 districts. Just shy of 1 in every 4 that he represents relies on someone else being forced to buy their food. Don't know whether he's doing a shittier job representing his district or representing Nancy as an impeachment manager.