Half A Cease Fire


Junior Member
Three days ago when the Hezbo attaked 4 IDF positions and launched 10 rockets the media reported that it was okay, the cease fire was holding. But then this weekend when the IDF destroyed weapons coming into Lebanon all hell breaks loose and everyone attacks Israel for disrupting the peace. LOL What a huge crock of crap!
Three days ago when the Hezbo attaked 4 IDF positions and launched 10 rockets the media reported that it was okay, the cease fire was holding. But then this weekend when the IDF destroyed weapons coming into Lebanon all hell breaks loose and everyone attacks Israel for disrupting the peace. LOL What a huge crock of crap!

I think that is called, bias, Toby. :clink:
I think that is called, bias, Toby. :clink:
Let's see now.

Israeli civilians killed by Hezbollah in the past two months? About 100, I believe.

Lebanese civilians killed by the IDF in the past two months? Over 800.

Yet Wevil, Grunion and Tubby all think that the brave, innocent Israelis are just defending themselves from the evil, dirty A-rabs. Now there's some spectacularly ignorant bias for you.

You lot need to stop concerning yourselves so much with emotion and rhetoric and start looking at the consequences of your actions. Generally, that's called "growing up."
Let's see now.

Israeli civilians killed by Hezbollah in the past two months? About 100, I believe.

hezbollah attacked Israel, they fired thousands of rockets at civilians on purpose. They disrupted the economy and killed innocent people. Where is your condennation?

Lebanese civilians killed by the IDF in the past two months? Over 800.

IDF goes after hezbollah to take out the rockets which are fired from among civilian homes and do so with every attempt to avoid civilan casualties which is difficult even with smart bombs. Yet you condemn Israel. I know who's side your on.

Yet Wevil, Grunion and Tubby all think that the brave, innocent Israelis are just defending themselves from the evil, dirty A-rabs. Now there's some spectacularly ignorant bias for you.
They were defending themselves from the mean vicious sub-human garbage that wants to wipe out all of Israel and then come here and kill your dumb ass.

You lot need to stop concerning yourselves so much with emotion and rhetoric and start looking at the consequences of your actions. Generally, that's called "growing up."

You need to get your head out of your ass and realize there is a real war going on and Israel is just a small part of it. Have you converted to islam yet, your going to have to if Israel falls and they start over here. Your nothing but a terrorist sympathizer.

The cease fire is a bunch on un crap that just gives hezbollah time to get rearmed. The un will do nothing to disarm them and the lebanese army isn't going to do anything either.
Let's see now.

Israeli civilians killed by Hezbollah in the past two months? About 100, I believe.

Lebanese civilians killed by the IDF in the past two months? Over 800.

Yet Wevil, Grunion and Tubby all think that the brave, innocent Israelis are just defending themselves from the evil, dirty A-rabs. Now there's some spectacularly ignorant bias for you.

You lot need to stop concerning yourselves so much with emotion and rhetoric and start looking at the consequences of your actions. Generally, that's called "growing up."

How did the current conflict start shitbrick? Part of growing up shitbrick is letting go of mommas apron and learning a bit about the world yourself.

Again like many others here you go right to the statistical approach, what does it really tell you? Nothing other than the fact that Israel if the more powerful force here. Bias? no it's fact! This is something that is required when debating such a volatile situation, something that you need to have to know more about the situation, something that you seem to lack, Bias? you just showed a great deal of it yourself....:rolleyes:
Hezbos are not a county. they have a goal, the elemination of Israel and the establishment of a Shia state.
Let's see now.

Israeli civilians killed by Hezbollah in the past two months? About 100, I believe.

Lebanese civilians killed by the IDF in the past two months? Over 800.

Yet Wevil, Grunion and Tubby all think that the brave, innocent Israelis are just defending themselves from the evil, dirty A-rabs. Now there's some spectacularly ignorant bias for you.

You lot need to stop concerning yourselves so much with emotion and rhetoric and start looking at the consequences of your actions. Generally, that's called "growing up."

I'm curious, who calls the numbers of civilians killed in Lebanon, 'civilians'? Could it be, possibly, that many of those are members/fighters for the Hizbollah? Just a thought, oh wise one.