Halt! Vote! Rational Reasons for Refusing to Vote

El Veto-Voter

Rugged Individualist
Halt! Vote!

Rational Reasons for Refusing to Vote

Some politicians look good in the early going. But the more I hear them say, the more I learn about what they've done, and the more I discover what they plan to do... the worse they seem. It doesn't take long for most of them to appear downright dangerous.

They say the stupidest things and expect us to believe them. They get caught lying and act like it is somebody else's fault. They promise to do what's impossible, like spending trillions on new programs without raising taxes or cutting existing programs. They are unbelievable.

I wonder why most of them are out of the looney bin. I certainly can't agree to give them power over me, you, and the normal people.

In fact, I can't imagine any reason for giving anybody the power to rule.

My vote is my power -- and they're not getting it.

Giving my vote power to a politician, because he claims he'll use it to serve me...is like giving my gun to a stranger in an alley, because he claims he'll use it to protect me.

Falling for such a ruse makes a person a willing participant in his or her own victimization.

Politicians are dangerous. Anybody who wants power can't be trusted with it.

Voters are political enablers. The act of voting makes one an accomplice to the abuses of power to come. And believe me, all politicians abuse the power.

If you vote, you are almost as guilty as the politicians.

If you vote, you forfeit your right to complain or resist.

If you don't vote, you aren't part of the problem.

That's why I don't vote.

El Veto-voter
The info is at HaltVote.com
Politicians are dangerous. Anybody who wants power can't be trusted with it.

Voters are political enablers. The act of voting makes one an accomplice to the abuses of power to come. And believe me, all politicians abuse the power.

If you vote, you are almost as guilty as the politicians.

If you vote, you forfeit your right to complain or resist.

If you don't vote, you aren't part of the problem.

That's why I don't vote.

El Veto-voter
The info is at HaltVote.com

Very creative, except......your boy, Trumpy, is still lookin' at a serious ass-kickin'.....

Halt! Vote!

Rational Reasons for Refusing to Vote

Some politicians look good in the early going. But the more I hear them say, the more I learn about what they've done, and the more I discover what they plan to do... the worse they seem. It doesn't take long for most of them to appear downright dangerous.

They say the stupidest things and expect us to believe them. They get caught lying and act like it is somebody else's fault. They promise to do what's impossible, like spending trillions on new programs without raising taxes or cutting existing programs. They are unbelievable.

I wonder why most of them are out of the looney bin. I certainly can't agree to give them power over me, you, and the normal people.

In fact, I can't imagine any reason for giving anybody the power to rule.

My vote is my power -- and they're not getting it.

Giving my vote power to a politician, because he claims he'll use it to serve me...is like giving my gun to a stranger in an alley, because he claims he'll use it to protect me.

Falling for such a ruse makes a person a willing participant in his or her own victimization.

Politicians are dangerous. Anybody who wants power can't be trusted with it.

Voters are political enablers. The act of voting makes one an accomplice to the abuses of power to come. And believe me, all politicians abuse the power.

If you vote, you are almost as guilty as the politicians.

If you vote, you forfeit your right to complain or resist.

If you don't vote, you aren't part of the problem.

That's why I don't vote.

El Veto-voter
The info is at HaltVote.com

The most intelligent post here in days except for mine.

You should have also mentioned that the Duopoly parties own the national media, the ballot access system, the national debate and every dime of special interest money. They also bilk the taxpayer's to pay for their private party primary elections and conventions. They use taxpayer's property, utilities and voting machinery in their private party primary elections and bilk the taxpayer's for security at their private conventions. They're a duopoly dictatorship operating on a bribery system, they've turned America into a government of the bribery, by the bribery and for the bribed and bribers.

Voting is for suckers! It only encourages the bastards and brainlessly justifies their corruption racket.

Very creative, except......your boy, Trumpy, is still lookin' at a serious ass-kickin'.....


Somebody should give a flying fuck because?

.....Your lies & dirty-tricks can't BE hidden, anymore????



Interesting... It seems the less content one has to say the louder they have to say it.

The dumbest things seem to be in the largest font sizes. And those who apparently can't reason rationally, compensate with huge meaningless photos and animated gifs.
The most intelligent post here in days except for mine.

You should have also mentioned that the Duopoly parties own the national media, the ballot access system, the national debate and every dime of special interest money. They also bilk the taxpayer's to pay for their private party primary elections and conventions. They use taxpayer's property, utilities and voting machinery in their private party primary elections and bilk the taxpayer's for security at their private conventions. They're a duopoly dictatorship operating on a bribery system, they've turned America into a government of the bribery, by the bribery and for the bribed and bribers.

Voting is for suckers! It only encourages the bastards and brainlessly justifies their corruption racket.

LOL, it probably is yours...

Just unsupported opinions...
Interesting... It seems the less content one has to say the louder they have to say it.

The dumbest things seem to be in the largest font sizes. And those who apparently can't reason rationally, compensate with huge meaningless photos and animated gifs.

He's just another leftist brainwashed propagandist. He has no rational arguments, so he attempts to make up for it with other folks art work.