Hamas ‘hoards medicine and food’ as Palestinians go short of essentials

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Both Arab and Western officials have said Hamas has been stockpiling supplies for years, which it has stored in tunnels as it prepares for the possibility of a protracted war.

The terrorist group spent two decades building a labyrinthine network of underground tunnels, which are a central part of its defences.

The tunnel network is said to have entrances hidden beneath schools, mosques and houses and ia estimated to be 300 miles long with lighting, electricity and rail tracks for transport.

A senior Lebanese official said Hamas could fight for between three and four months without the need to resupply, the New York Times reported.

Hamas has stockpiled vital fuel, medicines and food while ordinary Gazans are running short of essentials, according to reports.


It takes someone obtusely stupid not to see or agree with that...
Israel has cut Gaza out too. The Palestinians are really suffering. But when it ends, they will welcome the conquerors with open and loving arms. Peace will be achieved for generations to come.
Israel has cut Gaza out too. The Palestinians are really suffering. But when it ends, they will welcome the conquerors with open and loving arms. Peace will be achieved for generations to come.

Well, who's fault is that? If Gaza spent more money and effort on economic and social improvement and less on trying to destroy Israel they wouldn't be in this fucked up situation they're in...
Both Arab and Western officials have said Hamas has been stockpiling supplies for years, which it has stored in tunnels as it prepares for the possibility of a protracted war.

The terrorist group spent two decades building a labyrinthine network of underground tunnels, which are a central part of its defences.

The tunnel network is said to have entrances hidden beneath schools, mosques and houses and ia estimated to be 300 miles long with lighting, electricity and rail tracks for transport.

A senior Lebanese official said Hamas could fight for between three and four months without the need to resupply, the New York Times reported.

Hamas has stockpiled vital fuel, medicines and food while ordinary Gazans are running short of essentials, according to reports.


Once the tunnels are fully occupied, what kind of intelligence exits to permanently seal the exits?
Hamas has stockpiled vital fuel, medicines and food while ordinary Gazans are running short of essentials, according to reports.
What's wrong with this statement? Hmmm, let me see. Aaaah, I got it! The shortage of medicines and food by which the Palestinian civilians are suffering is due to the heartless Israeli blockade! The Israelis certainly don't want the Palestinians getting food and medicine while the Israeli military is in the process of trying to kill them all. That would be counterproductive.

Mark my words, once the Palestinians are dead, the blockade will be lifted and Israelis won't have to suffer the thought any longer of Gaza being a wild animal park.

The Israel Defense Forces should cease fire when Hamas is no longer a threat.
The Israeli Defense Force should only attack Hamas ... until Hamas is no longer a threat. The IDF shouldn't consider killing Palestinian civilians as an added bonus.

All IDF who commit war crimes should answer for them.

Well, who's fault is that?
The Israeli Defense Force is fully at fault, for waging war on defenseless civilians who never attacked them.

If Gaza spent more money and effort on economic and social improvement and less on trying to destroy Israel
Gaza doesn't spend any money on destroying Israel. You are as dishonest as you are racist. The Ayatollah of Iran is the one attacking Israel and the Ayatollah of Iran fully funds all the attacks. Gaza doesn't have money for anything but basic survival.

You are a liar.
Well, who's fault is that? If Gaza spent more money and effort on economic and social improvement and less on trying to destroy Israel they wouldn't be in this fucked up situation they're in...

Israel is suppressing Palestinians and has for generations. They could have made a 2 state solution instead of ghettoizing them and iron-ruling them. People do not appreciate being ruled.
Israel is suppressing Palestinians and has for generations. They could have made a 2 state solution instead of ghettoizing them and iron-ruling them. People do not appreciate being ruled.

The Palestinians were offered two-state solutions repeatedly since 1948 and they refused them all. It isn't Israel that is refusing a two-state solution...
Both Arab and Western officials have said Hamas has been stockpiling supplies for years, which it has stored in tunnels as it prepares for the possibility of a protracted war.

The terrorist group spent two decades building a labyrinthine network of underground tunnels, which are a central part of its defences.

The tunnel network is said to have entrances hidden beneath schools, mosques and houses and ia estimated to be 300 miles long with lighting, electricity and rail tracks for transport.

A senior Lebanese official said Hamas could fight for between three and four months without the need to resupply, the New York Times reported.

Hamas has stockpiled vital fuel, medicines and food while ordinary Gazans are running short of essentials, according to reports.


Leave it to Christain Nation SCOTUS to grant standing to Hamas as in their Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam for those burning "it's just a God damn piece of paper" Bush's Islam "death to the infidels" Fourth Reich July 9/11 not so master plan just as Ha Mas ! not so master Islam race dhimmitude servitude Mohammed martyrdom to Valhalla pedophilia....