Happy 4th of July - Independence Day!

Yeah we are really independent, being led by the media and such.
We are the least independent we have ever been.

Anyway have a happy holiday, I am hosting a pool party for my employees and our families this afternoon, Got the steaks thawing, and my cook/housekeeper is fixing up lots of other food food. Plus many will be bringing homemade desserts. Wish we had some of Darla's tater salad though....I feel a serious case of bloat coming on.
Lots of fireworks this evening. I have a friend whose family owns a fireworks factory in Ohio.
I'm very independent.
I think the level of following the media is inversley tied to the level of education
Happy Independence Day!

I have a challenge to all of us that can be so negative about what our world has become.

Find something great that happened in the last 232 years since we declared our independence. Find someone great that was part of our long trek to where we are. Not the bad stuff, but the best of what we are.

The Wright brothers taking the short flight that changed the world.

One of my favs is that Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs sold a Volkswagon Beetle to get the money to develop their home computer. They started a revolution that put us here on this board.

During the American Civil War, the Union army marched into Tuscaloosa Alabama. At that time the University of Alabama was a military academy. They burned every building but 3. Two were small buildings on campus, but the third was the president's mansion. The story goes that the wife of the president stood on the steps of the mansion and declared that they would not set fire to her home. The mental image of a woman with a broom standing off soldiers is great to me.

The image of Neil Armstrong stepping off the ladder and on to the moon in 1969 is still in my head.

The Statue of Liberty standing in the harbor.

The sights and sounds of New Orleans. The food, the jazz, and the best funeral procession in the world.

Walking down Broadway on a warm night and feeling the excitement of opening night of a show.

Watching the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Walking thru Arlington cemetary and feeling the silence that is almost physical.
Hmm sort of a strang group of things there.

Several based on the strife and suffering of war. which is usually the result of peoples stupidity.

The statue of liberty came from France..
Hmm sort of a strang group of things there.

Several based on the strife and suffering of war. which is usually the result of peoples stupidity.

The statue of liberty came from France..

Based on the strife and suffering of war, or based on the memorial to those who fell. I guess it depends on your viewpoint.

And several that celebrate the individuality of our country.

Hey, it sure beats the "we suck", "Bush sucks", "Obama is gonna ruin us" and such that is usually posted here.

No one sees any positives?
july 4th represents american ignorance.serperation from england was foolish and stupid.anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.