Happy Anniversary


Well-known member
Five years ago today, Bush told Iraq: ‘Bring ‘em on.’

.........on the day of the “bring ‘em on” comment, Travis J. Bradachnall, a corporal in the Marines, was killed in an explosion during a mine clearing operation near the city of Karbala. Since the remark, over 3,900 American troops have been killed in Iraq. Bush has since said he regrets the “tough talk.”


And they did bring em on, and not roses thrown in our paths.

Stoopid bushiies were cheering those stupit bush words. Remember ?


And I don't give a shit what YOU think about it!

I love the way he talks, I love his honesty and integrity... I love the plain-spoken demeanor, and the confident swaggar. I love like hell, the way he always makes the democrats eat dirt, and look like the jackasses they are!

I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did, I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans..."
Yep that is what I was talking about.
I tried telling the fools they would regret their cheerleading, got called lots of despicable names for it too.
Its "Bring 'em on" Day. I hope all of the Mothers of the dissapeared reconise Bush's comments today. I know Id be in Washington at the gates of the White House with a huge sign had my son been injured.


And I don't give a shit what YOU think about it!

I love the way he talks, I love his honesty and integrity... I love the plain-spoken demeanor, and the confident swaggar. I love like hell, the way he always makes the democrats eat dirt, and look like the jackasses they are!

I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did, I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans..."

This was an all-time classic. Good times!