Happy Father’s Day


Staff member
Damoclese, Happy Father’s Day. Hope you get to enjoy your day.

Happy Father’s Day to all our forum dads.

We celebrated my hubby and son in law yesterday. Son in law is leaving for a job on a rig. We had Tomahawk steaks, sautéed mushrooms, mashed cauliflower, collard greens and Mac n Cheese, Strawberry pie for dessert. It was a lovely day.
Damoclese, Happy Father’s Day. Hope you get to enjoy your day.

Happy Father’s Day to all our forum dads.

We celebrated my hubby and son in law yesterday. Son in law is leaving for a job on a rig. We had Tomahawk steaks, sautéed mushrooms, mashed cauliflower, collard greens and Mac n Cheese, Strawberry pie for dessert. It was a lovely day.

Sounds like a good day. What does your SIL do on "a rig"?
Sounds like a good day. What does your SIL do on "a rig"?
He’s a RATS guy! It mostly entails repairs. He worked on the LA Rams stadium and quit three days before the guy fell to his death. He quit because of poor working conditions. He was contacted by several lawyers and an OSHA investigators. He was really shaken by the death. His work is very dangerous. I couldn’t do it.
Damoclese, Happy Father’s Day. Hope you get to enjoy your day.

Happy Father’s Day to all our forum dads.

We celebrated my hubby and son in law yesterday. Son in law is leaving for a job on a rig. We had Tomahawk steaks, sautéed mushrooms, mashed cauliflower, collard greens and Mac n Cheese, Strawberry pie for dessert. It was a lovely day.

I never heard of a Tomahawk steak but it looks good from the picture!
