Happy Mother Day

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
To Rana, Desh, Annie, Christie, the spouses of our guy posters, and anyone else I might have missed. May your day be calm and your needs catered to. And if any of your children acts up, just scratch them with the edges of all the cards you'll be receiving!

Our lass is having a great mams day, wi't new bairn.

Dude and Zappa are enraged by this, I don't get it, pair of sad cunt faced fucks!!
No feuding on my Mothers Day Card Thread, please. I made a jab at Dixie because he/she is no longer with us, and deserves to be picked on a little, because this is the only forum that matters on the interwebs.
Our lass is having a great mams day, wi't new bairn.

Dude and Zappa are enraged by this, I don't get it, pair of sad cunt faced fucks!!

You would well to spend less time on here and more time helping your missus with the new born. Nappies don't change themselves.
You would well to spend less time on here and more time helping your missus with the new born. Nappies don't change themselves.
We in the civilized USA call them diapers.
We have people called nannies who change them.

English and Irish nannies are not recommended, they are known as baby shakers.
The Irish ones tend to be unreliable drunks and junkies.
For preference Russian or polish, though Trinidad, the Dominican Republic, and Grenada seem to grow good nannies!!
A lot to be said for civilized folk who don't shake babies!!
To Rana, Desh, Annie, Christie, the spouses of our guy posters, and anyone else I might have missed. May your day be calm and your needs catered to. And if any of your children acts up, just scratch them with the edges of all the cards you'll be receiving!


I did not see this until now, thanks!
Why do people even respond to this guy's posts anymore?

Here's a better question...


12. No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification. It should be particularly attended to, to avoid any and all mention of descriptive encounters with children. It is unacceptable to bring that onto the board in any context. Do not suggest encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child.
We in the civilized USA call them diapers.
We have people called nannies who change them.

English and Irish nannies are not recommended, they are known as baby shakers.
The Irish ones tend to be unreliable drunks and junkies.
For preference Russian or polish, though Trinidad, the Dominican Republic, and Grenada seem to grow good nannies!!
A lot to be said for civilized folk who don't shake babies!!

Almost as much as there is to be said for a psychotic dad who sticks his gun in the face of a smoker for the high crime of smoking in public.
Almost as much as there is to be said for a psychotic dad who sticks his gun in the face of a smoker for the high crime of smoking in public.
No body did that, you fucking lying cunt.

A smoker was smoking illegally outside a store( barbour) on newbury st.
There is a stairway leading to the store, it's at basement level.
He was stood on the stairs smoking, I asked him to blow the smoke away from my kid.
He went off on one, as you often do, ranting that he could smoke where the fuck he wants.
I tried to leave the area, he was above me on the stairs, I was at the foot of the stairs.
He began puffing furiously on his cigar blowing the smoke at my child and I.
I got to the st level and the guy followed me ranting and puffing, several times up within an inch of my kids face.
The third time he blew smoke in angus face I stood my ground, put my son down and drew my ps90.
That stopped the deadly assault by this crazed individual.
Some time later the police arrested him.

My son still suffers from serious bronchial difficulties as a result if this attack.
But you think that's fine.
So long as an obnoxious liberal gets to poison the child of a conservative, right?

It's your dogma that encourages such behaviour.
No body did that, you fucking lying cunt.

A smoker was smoking illegally outside a store( barbour) on newbury st.
There is a stairway leading to the store, it's at basement level.
He was stood on the stairs smoking, I asked him to blow the smoke away from my kid.
He went off on one, as you often do, ranting that he could smoke where the fuck he wants.
I tried to leave the area, he was above me on the stairs, I was at the foot of the stairs.
He began puffing furiously on his cigar blowing the smoke at my child and I.
I got to the st level and the guy followed me ranting and puffing, several times up within an inch of my kids face.
The third time he blew smoke in angus face I stood my ground, put my son down and drew my ps90.
That stopped the deadly assault by this crazed individual.
Some time later the police arrested him.

My son still suffers from serious bronchial difficulties as a result if this attack.
But you think that's fine.
So long as an obnoxious liberal gets to poison the child of a conservative, right?

It's your dogma that encourages such behaviour.

Sure you did...you merely "asked" him to blow the smoke elsewhere.

The only problem with that little fantasy is too many here have interacted with you and understand there is no "ask" from you. It's you TELLING others how it's going to be...which I am certain is what happened that day on the street.

You confronted a smoker who had the audacity to smoke in public as is his RIGHT, you then got all pissy with him when he didn't immediately aquiesse to your demands and you drew your weapon and threatened the guy.

Too many here have seen you too many times fly off the handle too quickly to think it happened any other way than how I described it.

I think if your son is such a feeb he still wheezes thanks to a couple whiffs of cigar smoke he happened to inhale years ago, then he's got respiratory problems unrelated to your confrontation with the smoker.