Happy Tax Day to JPP Leftists

I take great pride in contributing to my great nation unlike reactionary free riding mooches who don't understand how your roads get built, the water gets to your house, how you receive electricity and utilities or getting your trash picked up, providing for our national defense. I'm proud to do my civic duty...compared to all the right wingnuts to whom patriotism is just a word.
I take great pride in contributing to my great nation unlike reactionary free riding mooches who don't understand how your roads get built, the water gets to your house, how you receive electricity and utilities or getting your trash picked up, providing for our national defense. I'm proud to do my civic duty...compared to all the right wingnuts to whom patriotism is just a word.

Meh, you're taking the exact opposite line of rhetoric to the issue of taxes. I mean, exactly zero Patriots would have said in 1776 what you're saying now. At the same time, most would look upon the sentiment of not wanting to pay any taxes at all as a profession of anarchy.
I take great pride in contributing to my great nation unlike reactionary free riding mooches who don't understand how your roads get built, the water gets to your house, how you receive electricity and utilities or getting your trash picked up, providing for our national defense. I'm proud to do my civic duty...compared to all the right wingnuts to whom patriotism is just a word.

Don't take this personally; but since the General Election, you have gone bat shit crazy. :good4u:
Meh, you're taking the exact opposite line of rhetoric to the issue of taxes. I mean, exactly zero Patriots would have said in 1776 what you're saying now. At the same time, most would look upon the sentiment of not wanting to pay any taxes at all as a profession of anarchy.
Bull hockey pucks. Our founding fathers issue was taxation without representation. National Defense and Public Infrastructure, Education, Utilities and services aren't built and paid for with right wing selfishness or libertarian fairy dust.
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Don't take this personally; but since the General Election, you have gone bat shit crazy. :good4u:

Meh Bull hockey pucks on that too. I've been laughing too hard since the last election to deal with mental health issues. This notion of right wing extremists that any form of public investment is "socialism" is not only short sighted in the extreme it's just down right dumb.
Bull hockey pucks. Our founding fathers issue was taxation without representation. National Defense and Public Infrastructure, Education, Utilities and services aren't built and paid for with right wing selfishness or libertarian fairy dust.

Do you think they would have been satisfied if Parliament had simply called their bluff, and granted British North America a contingent of MPs?
Meh Bull hockey pucks on that too. I've been laughing too hard since the last election to deal with mental health issues. This notion of right wing extremists that any form of public investment is "socialism" is not only short sighted in the extreme it's just down right dumb.

Until the 20th Century, that sort of stuff was essentially viewed as socialism, or, at least unconstitutional.
Meh Bull hockey pucks on that too. I've been laughing too hard since the last election to deal with mental health issues. This notion of right wing extremists that any form of public investment is "socialism" is not only short sighted in the extreme it's just down right dumb.

Your mouth says no; but your eyes say yes.
