Hard to envision McCain comeback now


New member
"Game changer" is officially the loveable catch-phrase of this particular election.

McCain didn't get it, in any of the debates. What now follows is Obama running out the clock, with a huge cash advantage, and what seems to be a significant advantage on the ground, courtesy of a hard-fought primary battle.

Obama also effectively took the Ayers and Acorn "issues" off the table tonight. I doubt that the McCain camp will continue to hammer either. What they'll start with tomorrow will be the specter of Obama/Reid/Pelosi running the show unchecked, but it will be too little, too late.

To be sure, stranger things have happened, and I never would have predicted Bush getting 2 terms, but I think Obama sealed it tonight.
But but but the racists!! White people are racists. Just wait and see!!

thats aluminum foil - tin foil is too hard to find in reasonable amounts

and you may be right about the 'undecideds' and those that lied to the pollsters

racists racists everywhere and few honest ones when they are being watched by non-racists

oh well, there is always the final poll...but money speaks loudly
Obama will win because he reached out the the independents like myself. People who are below 250k as a family but still worry about paying bills and are forced to vote republican for financial reasons. Democrat ideas are good in some regards but in the past they always lumped the upper middle into the rich and taxed the shit out of us.

Very smart of the democrats to finally tap into this group.
Kerry tried the same thing in 04. This has been the democrats master plan for a while now. "Hey, as long as you are not the 2-5%, why do you give an eff?"
Kerry tried the same thing in 04. This has been the democrats master plan for a while now. "Hey, as long as you are not the 2-5%, why do you give an eff?"

The message is just now resonating because of the proposed tax cuts. Kerry was a dud