Harriet Myers and Sarah Palin


Is Sarah Palin John McCain's Harriet Myers? What a curious choice, a nice woman, a soccer mom, governor of a state that is smaller than medium sized cities in terms of government, and a person who has no experience in national or international politics? The right went after Bush over Myers, they will not be able to do that today, a rather curious predicament. Experience can no longer be mentioned in this election by the republicans. A heartbeat away....
Is Sarah Palin John McCain's Harriet Myers? What a curious choice, a nice woman, a soccer mom, governor of a state that is smaller than medium sized cities in terms of government, and a person who has no experience in national or international politics? The right went after Bush over Myers, they will not be able to do that today, a rather curious predicament. Experience can no longer be mentioned in this election by the republicans. A heartbeat away....
Experience kills her in a line-up with Biden, but she has more experience than Obama, and she's only running for Veep.
Experience kills her in a line-up with Biden, but she has more experience than Obama, and she's only running for Veep.

Sorry, but the more I check her out the more I have to wonder if dementia is starting already for John. Nice woman but hardly a VP candidate. I heard she has it in for Polar bears, so I guess that will make her a star among republicans. ROFL
Is Sarah Palin John McCain's Harriet Myers? What a curious choice, a nice woman, a soccer mom, governor of a state that is smaller than medium sized cities in terms of government, and a person who has no experience in national or international politics? The right went after Bush over Myers, they will not be able to do that today, a rather curious predicament. Experience can no longer be mentioned in this election by the republicans. A heartbeat away....

I looked it up and there are 18 cities with populations bigger than Alaska. I don't know if it smaller than "medium" sized cities, but it is a pretty small operation.
Experience kills her in a line-up with Biden, but she has more experience than Obama, and she's only running for Veep.

No way in hell is she more experienced than Obama. That's a rationalization and let's keep in mind that Obama has a Juris Doctorate from one of the most prestigeous law schools in the world where as Palin as a BA in Journalism from State U.

Hell Obama probably represented more people as a Chicago alderman than Palin has as Governor of Alaska.
Alaska also gets pretty high per capita federal money.

And they have the highest tax collection rate in America - it's just that it all comes from oil. Typical conservatives - get a lucky deal, and then claim that it was hard work in the free market and small government that did it for you. Fact: Alaska has the biggest government in the nation. Once the oil dries up, the free market isn't going to help Alaska any more than it did Naru when the phosphorous dried up.
No way in hell is she more experienced than Obama. That's a rationalization and let's keep in mind that Obama has a Juris Doctorate from one of the most prestigeous law schools in the world where as Palin as a BA in Journalism from State U.

Hell Obama probably represented more people as a Chicago alderman than Palin has as Governor of Alaska.

Pallin has two years of governor of a tiny state and two years as a mayor.

Obama has a decade in his state legislature and four years in the US senate.

Who's more "experienced"? You decide.
Not sure I could even take her serious?

Drill drill drill
Wants creationism taught in schools
Supported bridge to nowhere
Outlaw abortion even in rape cases
Ignores the science of global warming