Has a Republican offically thrown their hat in the ring yet?


There is what 4 or 5 name Democrats that have offically thrown their hat in the ring for President. Is there any Republicans? I know several have exploratory committees..but has anybody made it official? We have Mccain, Damo's guy Tancredo, America's Mayor, Huckaberry Hound, Libertarian Icon Ron Paul and I believe Pataki ...but again they are all still specualting.
Of this list.... Mccain would get my vote only if he were up against Hillary .. and even then Im not saying its a given. Paul and Tancredo are interesting but I would need to study their platforms more ..and I would need to see where they stand on important issues to me personally.
Whomever it is, he will lose in '08. The Republicans did a fantastic job of shooting themselves in the foot over the last 6 years. So we'll end up with the Dems controlling both houses and the White House, which will prove to be a disaster once again.

The only one I would vote for though, would be Ron Paul. Otherwise, I'm going to throw my vote away again by voting third party. Maybe Hawaii will be the swing state by then :D
Whomever it is, he will lose in '08. The Republicans did a fantastic job of shooting themselves in the foot over the last 6 years. So we'll end up with the Dems controlling both houses and the White House, which will prove to be a disaster once again.

The only one I would vote for though, would be Ron Paul. Otherwise, I'm going to throw my vote away again by voting third party. Maybe Hawaii will be the swing state by then :D

So true ... thats why Im paying close attention to the Dems ... they do have a couple of interesting candidates .. Richardson of NM is one ... if we must have a Dem President... he is the one that makes sense to me... the guy I really was hoping for was Warner... but he dropped out before he was in ... , sadly I believe the Dems have a better pool to choose from than do the Pubs. And I say sadly because we wont have a Divided Government ....
Like what, exactly?

I just always thoughts with the rollover that McCain did that he was promised the slot and I just figure there won't be many that challenge him.
They will make it look good, but I still feel with Rove in control and them not yet totally abandoning their strategies that they need a man they can control.
There is what 4 or 5 name Democrats that have offically thrown their hat in the ring for President. Is there any Republicans? I know several have exploratory committees..but has anybody made it official? We have Mccain, Damo's guy Tancredo, America's Mayor, Huckaberry Hound, Libertarian Icon Ron Paul and I believe Pataki ...but again they are all still specualting.
Of this list.... Mccain would get my vote only if he were up against Hillary .. and even then Im not saying its a given. Paul and Tancredo are interesting but I would need to study their platforms more ..and I would need to see where they stand on important issues to me personally.
Brownshirt and "Mittens" Romney have both said they're running, I believe.