Has John Bolton Ever Read The Constitution?


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Greta Van Susteren on Greta’s Fox show “On The Record” ask the War Hawk John Bolton why the Republican Congress doesn’t just pass a formal declaration of war instead of criticizing Obama for treating the ISIS situation as if it were a criminal law issue.

Bolton stuttered then announced he “didn’t think a declaration of war could be declared against anything other than a nation state.”

Greta never ask him “why not?”

Nowhere in the Constitution is the power and duty of the Congress to declare all wars “nation state specific.”

Congress can declare a war on a freggin pickle if it collectively chooses and certainly it can declare war on Islamic Terrorism.
Congress can declare a war on a freggin pickle if it collectively chooses and certainly it can declare war on Islamic Terrorism.

and lets be clear, Obama is more likely to ask Congress to approve a war on pickles than he is a war on Islamic terrorism......
and lets be clear, Obama is more likely to ask Congress to approve a war on pickles than he is a war on Islamic terrorism......

The Constitution says nothing about an official congressional declaration of war being mandated only by a request from a President. The issue and point is, if Republicans want to criticize Obama's tactics, they need to put up and do their duty and declare an official declaration of war so the Republican criticism has credibility because they would have done their constitutional duty. Not just that, but the next President will have the constitutional authority to prosecute a war on Islamic Terrorism and the voters will have the the power collectively to decide who will conduct the war to their satisfaction.
congress ceded their constitutional power when they created the war powers act. the people then went on to apathetically approve that ceding of constitutional power by not electing legislators who would rescind that power. we've progressed a very long way in our failure to maintain a republic by demanding that so much power be invested in the hands of a single elected individual......an elected monarchy if you will. we are our own worst enemy and we failed to maintain that which our founders died for.
What does declaring war by congress even mean? The president can use military action all he wants with no declaration of war, which is "war" by any commonly accepted definition of the term (certainly the people being bombed recognize it as such and could care less about any internal constitutional processes in the US itself). The congress can declare "war", but it doesn't mandate that the president do anything about it.
National Security trumps the constitution....the legal experts understand this...only the delusional think the constitution amounts to much more than just a piece of paper....Presidents have routinely violated in order to enhance National
Security....the powers of the executive branch dwarfs all other branches of government.
What does declaring war by congress even mean? The president can use military action all he wants with no declaration of war, which is "war" by any commonly accepted definition of the term (certainly the people being bombed recognize it as such and could care less about any internal constitutional processes in the US itself).

Contrary to court rulings, any honest and rational constitutional definition of “War Powers Acts” they are unconstitutional without a Constitutional amendment to validate them.

The congress can declare "war", but it doesn't mandate that the president do anything about it.

The point sir of the Republican controlled Congress constitutionally declaring a formal declaration of war is three fold. It first shows that the Republicans understand that “THE CONGRESS” is the only government entity with the power and duty to declare all wars.

It shows that Congressional Republicans and agreeing Democrats understand that a congressional declaration of war needs the debate and validation of “The People’s Representation” as opposed to a single powerful figurehead President exercising powers he doesn’t have under the Constitution without a formal declaration of war, and a formal declaration of war validates the Republican’s criticism of how the President is conducting the war, because the Republicans will have done their constitutional duty as opposed to their criticism they exploit now devoid of any of their constitutional actions and duties constitutionally assigned to them.
Yeah, we typically use drones and bombers to deal with criminal law issues.

There is no constitutional authority for any President to use drones and or bombs without a Congressional declaration of war. There is no constitutional authority for any President to kill an American citizen with a drone without due process of the law. Obama is the only President known to have done that.

Obama, like Bush is a war criminal and the Congress has been a gang of incompetent corrupt cowards for decades.
National Security trumps the constitution....the legal experts understand this...only the delusional think the constitution amounts to much more than just a piece of paper....Presidents have routinely violated in order to enhance National
Security....the powers of the executive branch dwarfs all other branches of government.

And that’s how we got the World’s Police Force, a National Security System that has 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers while the rest of the world has 2, we have the humongous Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about, we’re the United Nations Military Arm, we have a massive unconstitutional Drug War and 19 trillion dollars of National Debt and trillion dollar annual deficits.

Trash the Constitution and suffer the consequences.
Greta Van Susteren on Greta’s Fox show “On The Record” ask the War Hawk John Bolton why the Republican Congress doesn’t just pass a formal declaration of war instead of criticizing Obama for treating the ISIS situation as if it were a criminal law issue.

Bolton stuttered then announced he “didn’t think a declaration of war could be declared against anything other than a nation state.”

Greta never ask him “why not?”

Nowhere in the Constitution is the power and duty of the Congress to declare all wars “nation state specific.”

Congress can declare a war on a freggin pickle if it collectively chooses and certainly it can declare war on Islamic Terrorism.

Apparently you haven't read it. The purpose of a declaration of war is to set the standards and rules for engagement between nation states, not an ideology.

Yeah dumbfuck; let's declare war on ISIS and attack every nation they operate in.

The ONLY thing Obama needs is an authorization to conduct military operations against ISIS in specific areas. He has that now.

Good lord; do you ever THINK before you erupt with your predictable leftist views about Republicans?

A Congressional Research Service report from 2007 states:

But a declaration of war automatically brings into effect a number of statutes that confer special powers on the President and the Executive Branch, especially concerning measures that have domestic effect. A declaration, for instance, activates statutes that empower the President to interdict all trade with the enemy, order manufacturing plants to produce armaments and seize them if they refuse, control transportation systems in order to give the military priority use, and command communications systems to give priority to the military. A declaration triggers the Alien Enemy Act, which gives the President substantial discretionary authority over nationals of an enemy state who are in the United States. It activates special authorities to use electronic surveillance for purposes of gathering foreign intelligence information without a court order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It automatically extends enlistments in the armed forces until the end of the war, can make the Coast Guard part of the Navy, gives the President substantial discretion over the appointment and reappointment of commanders, and allows the military priority use of the natural resources on the public lands and the continental shelf.

U.S. Congress made an attempt to regain its power “to declare” war with the War Powers Resolution Act of 1973. This bill allows the president to use military force for up to sixty days, with an additional thirty days to permit disengagement.

The Constitution says nothing about an official congressional declaration of war being mandated only by a request from a President. The issue and point is, if Republicans want to criticize Obama's tactics, they need to put up and do their duty and declare an official declaration of war so the Republican criticism has credibility because they would have done their constitutional duty. Not just that, but the next President will have the constitutional authority to prosecute a war on Islamic Terrorism and the voters will have the the power collectively to decide who will conduct the war to their satisfaction.

Congress cannot declare war without a request from the Commander and Chief you clueless moron.
National Security trumps the constitution....the legal experts understand this...only the delusional think the constitution amounts to much more than just a piece of paper....Presidents have routinely violated in order to enhance National
Security....the powers of the executive branch dwarfs all other branches of government.

This is a fine example of Constitutional ignorance. Moron.

We still don’t have a King no matter how much leftist retards want one.
There is no constitutional authority for any President to use drones and or bombs without a Congressional declaration of war. There is no constitutional authority for any President to kill an American citizen with a drone without due process of the law. Obama is the only President known to have done that.

Obama, like Bush is a war criminal and the Congress has been a gang of incompetent corrupt cowards for decades.

This is an ignorant claim; you're quite full of it. The Commander and Chief can authorize actions throughout the world. It is Congress who can decide whether it requires a war authorization or merely continued funding.

Congress creates laws and provides the funding; the C and C determines how, when and where the forces are used.
And that’s how we got the World’s Police Force, a National Security System that has 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers while the rest of the world has 2, we have the humongous Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about, we’re the United Nations Military Arm, we have a massive unconstitutional Drug War and 19 trillion dollars of National Debt and trillion dollar annual deficits.

Trash the Constitution and suffer the consequences.

Another painfully stupid liberal strawman; that we are the world's police force. You're quite full of leftist strawmen aren't you dumbfuck?
There is no constitutional authority for any President to use drones and or bombs without a Congressional declaration of war. There is no constitutional authority for any President to kill an American citizen with a drone without due process of the law. Obama is the only President known to have done that.

Obama, like Bush is a war criminal and the Congress has been a gang of incompetent corrupt cowards for decades.

The WAR RESOLUTION against IRAQ is still in effect,,,,,the presidents DUTY is protect the citizens of this country and has, not only the authority, but duty to do just that.

Whereas Iraq both poses a continuing threat to the national security of
the United States and international peace and security in the
Persian Gulf region and remains in material and unacceptable breach
of its international obligations by, among other things, continuing
to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons
capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and
supporting and harboring terrorist organizations;

Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for
attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including
the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in

Whereas Iraq continues to aid and harbor other international terrorist
organizations, including organizations that threaten the lives and
safety of United States citizens;
Apparently you haven't read it. The purpose of a declaration of war is to set the standards and rules for engagement between nation states, not an ideology.

Yeah dumbfuck; let's declare war on ISIS and attack every nation they operate in.

The ONLY thing Obama needs is an authorization to conduct military operations against ISIS in specific areas. He has that now.

Good lord; do you ever THINK before you erupt with your predictable leftist views about Republicans?

A Congressional Research Service report from 2007 states:

But a declaration of war automatically brings into effect a number of statutes that confer special powers on the President and the Executive Branch, especially concerning measures that have domestic effect. A declaration, for instance, activates statutes that empower the President to interdict all trade with the enemy, order manufacturing plants to produce armaments and seize them if they refuse, control transportation systems in order to give the military priority use, and command communications systems to give priority to the military. A declaration triggers the Alien Enemy Act, which gives the President substantial discretionary authority over nationals of an enemy state who are in the United States. It activates special authorities to use electronic surveillance for purposes of gathering foreign intelligence information without a court order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It automatically extends enlistments in the armed forces until the end of the war, can make the Coast Guard part of the Navy, gives the President substantial discretion over the appointment and reappointment of commanders, and allows the military priority use of the natural resources on the public lands and the continental shelf.

U.S. Congress made an attempt to regain its power “to declare” war with the War Powers Resolution Act of 1973. This bill allows the president to use military force for up to sixty days, with an additional thirty days to permit disengagement.


Of course none of your post denies or debunks anything in my OP or have posted herein since.

There's no constitutional authority for a "War Powers Act" that in effect amends the Constitution without actually following the process for a valid amending of the Constitution. Therefore, the War Powers Act is unconstitutional.
This is an ignorant claim; you're quite full of it. The Commander and Chief can authorize actions throughout the world. It is Congress who can decide whether it requires a war authorization or merely continued funding.

Congress creates laws and provides the funding; the C and C determines how, when and where the forces are used.

It is constitutionally illegal for a President to conduct acts of war without an official declaration of war from the Congress.

"The Congress shall have the power.......to declare war....."(Article One, Section Eight, United States Constitution)
Another painfully stupid liberal strawman; that we are the world's police force. You're quite full of leftist strawmen aren't you dumbfuck?

The United States maintains military bases and personnel in over 120 foreign nations. The United States acts as the military arm of the United Nations taking the nation to undeclared, unconstitutional wars in Kuwait and Iraq to enforce UN resolutions. The United States is called on by every NATO nation to take the leadership roll in every world dispute concerning NATO. The United States has maintained military police forces for more than a decade in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I'm sure you have your own absurd definition of those actions, but I'll call it the "World's Police Force" even though it punched your undies up the crack of your absurd ass.