Has Obama hit bottom yet?

Big Money

New member

The New York Times wonders if the botched health-care rollout is Obama’s Katrina, while the pro-Obama Andrew Sullivan draws parallels to Iran-Contra.

Obama is a fucking lying incompetent bastard lounging around the People’s White House.

If the fucking Congress ever gets on the ball and totally exposes Benghazi, Obama’s crooked bastard Attorney General Eric Holder and Fast & Furious and snooping into reporters e-mails and the IRS scandal to go along with this fucking ACA disaster, folks might get pissed enough to demand the bastard be impeached.

But don’t hold your breath there are still crooked whack-jobs out there that will scream “RACISM” every time somebody exposes the Chicago Crook son-of-a-bitch.

The New York Times wonders if the botched health-care rollout is Obama’s Katrina, while the pro-Obama Andrew Sullivan draws parallels to Iran-Contra.


If he hit rock-bottom there's only one way to go from there.
This kid doesn't know much about Left wing media. Obama was on the bad list long ago with the Left. I'm not left and Im not too uninformed to know this.

Recently when Obama tried to use the Military Industrial Complex as a reason to go to war with Syria the Left noticed Obama was PURCHASED too. If you don't know who he was purchased by then......LOL. JEEEEEEZ. Newbies.

Learn more about politicians on the payroll of Corporations. You do realize that one of Obama's top ten donors his last election was Healthcare (R)ight? ..