Has Obama's string of good luck run out?


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The Obama team must know that they can’t prevail solely with a negative assault on Mitt Romney, but really, what is the positive case?

Ordering the mission to kill Osama bin Laden isn’t a case; it could be an important element of a larger argument about his stewardship if it connected to anything larger. But he hasn’t done that, and it’s hard to see where it fits in.

There’s an element of bad political luck here for the president, especially when it comes to Europe. And he’s just not used to bad political luck.

In 2004, running for US Senate in Illinois, he got an enormously lucky break when an unprecedented judicial ruling made public some ugliness from child-custody proceedings that caused his strong Republican rival, Jack Ryan, to withdraw and left Obama to face an absurd GOP challenger.

In 2008, he enjoyed good fortune in the Democratic primaries in large measure due to the shocking incompetence of Hillary Clinton’s political team, which didn’t actually understand the rules governing delegate selection. Winning the presidency with three years of national political experience under his belt was probably the luckiest event in the history of American politics.

He needs a lucky break of some kind between now and November. Hard to say what it could be, since it would by definition be unexpected. But without it, he’s not going to win a second term.

Not under these conditions.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinio..._is_case_G2XmxRTEFv1ieifcFmAs3O#ixzz1wZ7BEmD7
Maybe Al Qaeda will crash a plane into the halls of Congress?

Remember how the Republicans use to accuse the Democrats of wanting bad things to happen in Iraq, and now the shoe is on the other foot and the Teapublicans are hoping for the economy to continue to fail so Romney can win in November!
Remember how the Republicans use to accuse the Democrats of wanting bad things to happen in Iraq, and now the shoe is on the other foot and the Teapublicans are hoping for the economy to continue to fail so Romney can win in November!
Absolutely. Although, everyone knew Iraq was a failed oil grab. Of course, if you spoke out against the obvious illegal action, you were declared 'unpatriotic'. In essence, being against Iraq, was borne out of a desire for this country to do well. Iraq broke us, and we may never come back from it.

Hoping for the economy to stay in the tank, is quite the opposite. It helps funnel money to the top of the foodchain, while giving repubs. their only hope to take over the govt.

Now THAT'S unpatriotic.
suggest one reads the link

it's not really a partisan piece, it's saying circumstances have always favored Obama, now the economic data is not so favorable.
Or more correctly "Bush did it" was true; but at some point th American ppl hold their POTUS responsible for the economy ( rightly or wrongly)
Bad luck with the Euro as much as anything is a culprit now. Obama's horseshoe might have gotten rusty is the main point.