Hastert Has the Answer: The Foley Affair Is A Democratic Conspiracy


Senior Member
You see the Demon Democrats got hold of Foley and Made him write end those emails and IM's. In fact Foley only participated in the IM cyber-sex because a Democrat was holding a gun to his head. In fact I think it is fair to say that Foley has been under the power of the evil Demon Democrats for quite some time now, and that is why he is in the secret rehab program, not because he is an alcoholic but because he is desperately trying to break the spell and the hold that Democrats have on him...So I guess Trog was right, the Democrats did do it after all.

Hastert: Foley Scandal Is A Liberal Conspiracy To ‘Get To Me’ And ‘Affect Our Election’. Oh, so "Liberals" held Foley's hand and forced him to type "Do I make you a little horny?" and "Did you spank it this weekend yourself" and "is your little guy limp ... or growing"? Brilliant defense, Denny, simply brilliant.

Hastert: Foley Scandal Is A Liberal Conspiracy To ‘Get To Me’ And ‘Affect Our Election’

Interviewed by Rush Limbaugh today, House Speaker Hastert said Mark Foley’s inappropriate behavior was "a political issue" and promised Rush that "we are going on offense."

The "offense" is an effort to portray the scandal as a conspiracy specifically timed by liberals to affect the elections. "We are the insulation to protect this country," Hastert declared, "and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well":

SPEAKER HASTERT: There were two pieces of paper out there, one that we knew about and we acted on; one that happened in 2003 we didn’t know about, but somebody had it, and, you know, they’re trying — and they drop it the last day of the session, you know, before we adjourn on an election year. Now, we took care of Mr. Foley. We found out about it, asked him to resign. He did resign. He’s gone. We asked for an investigation. We’ve done that. We’re trying to build better protections for these page programs.

But, you know, this is a political issue in itself, too, and what we’ve tried to do as the Republican Party is make a better economy, protect this country against terrorism — and we’ve worked at it ever since 9/11, worked with the president on it — and there are some people that try to tear us down. We are the insulation to protect this country, and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well.

Full Miserable Lying Story
Hastert Has the Answer: The Foley Affair Is A Democratic Conspiracy

Obviously, the reporter who broke this story - Brian Ross of ABC News - is lying.

Ross is on record today, saying that all his sources for the story were republicans. If Hastert is right, Brian Ross is lying his ass off.
Hastert Has the Answer: The Foley Affair Is A Democratic Conspiracy

Obviously, the reporter who broke this story - Brian Ross of ABC News - is lying.

Ross is on record today, saying that all his sources for the story were republicans. If Hastert is right, Brian Ross is lying his ass off.

Ross is a member of that lying liberal media, so he is a liar by default...He should check into treatment and have his lawyer come out and make excuses for all his lies and tell us that the press conference he called to make the excuses is "part of Rosses recovery"!!!!

I checked into this "new therapy" last night. It's actually referred to as the "Press Conference Cure" in analytic circles. Apparently after three, sometimes four in extreme cases, such press conferences, recovery is finalized and the patient is pronounced cured. Shows how wrong I was, I thought it was all a bad joke. Turns out it is a real therapy practiced by many of those with the funding to pay their lawyers to confess or deny their crimes for them.
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I used to work in the criminal justice system, while I paid the bills through school. The number one excuse cited by those convicted after "I don't belong here" was that "I shouldn't be here; it was the stupid cops who ..." either "... set me up", or " ... shouldn'tve been there", or other such inanities along those lines. Rarely was there an acknowledgement that the deed itself was something for which the individual, now convicted, was actually responsible.

So Hastert didn't look the other way, this IM scandal never happened, there were no e-mails, nobody's guilty of anything except the Dems who are in a conspiracy to discredit the innocents, Hastert, Foley, et al.?
Well that was said drung a Rush Limpballs interview, what do you expect. Truth is not required on Rush and we all should just ignore anything that comes from that mouth.