Hatch blames Bill Clinton for economie.

Pffft. That's nothing.

If you have the stomach to wade through the depths of wingnuttotopia, some of them are blaming Jimmy Carter.
One of the obvious reasons historians wait to judge politicians (especially Presidents) is because decisions they make today may not be felt until long into the future. IMO, that's a good thing because too many (almost all) politicians make decisions based on expediency not what is best for the long term because politicians obviously get re-elected now.

So I would surmise what Jaord watched is someone referring to a specific policy. I have no idea what he saw but he's been on this board enough to see there has been much talk of the 1999 Glass Stegal Act breaking up that that was probably it.
Amazing ! 8 years of Bush and now they blame Clinton.

LMAO... and how many leftwingnuts have blamed Gramm over and over and over again for a bill that was signed into law in 1999? (we won't mention WHO signed that bill into law)

This started in 1977, continued in 1988, 1992, 1995 and 1999 and didn't get corrected any time since.

There is plenty of 'blame' to go around.
One of the obvious reasons historians wait to judge politicians (especially Presidents) is because decisions they make today may not be felt until long into the future. IMO, that's a good thing because too many (almost all) politicians make decisions based on expediency not what is best for the long term because politicians obviously get re-elected now.

So I would surmise what Jaord watched is someone referring to a specific policy. I have no idea what he saw but he's been on this board enough to see there has been much talk of the 1999 Glass Stegal Act breaking up that that was probably it.

Bush and the Republican congress had plenty of time to repeal it if the Glass Stegal Act was posing a grave danger!

I blame the Contentinental Congress!
LMAO... and how many leftwingnuts have blamed Gramm over and over and over again for a bill that was signed into law in 1999? (we won't mention WHO signed that bill into law)

This started in 1977, continued in 1988, 1992, 1995 and 1999 and didn't get corrected any time since.

There is plenty of 'blame' to go around.

And go back and look at the record on that law.

It was packaged and presented as a law to protect the consumers personal information and the striking of Glass Steagal portion was not its main thrust.

Bill Clinton should not have signed it but Phil Gram wrote and promoted the Mutherfucker.
And go back and look at the record on that law.

It was packaged and presented as a law to protect the consumers personal information and the striking of Glass Steagal portion was not its main thrust.

Bill Clinton should not have signed it but Phil Gram wrote and promoted the Mutherfucker.

and NINETY Senators votes yes. So as much as you enjoy blaming Gramm... Clinton and the other 89 are just as responsible. They all wanted to 'champion' more home ownership. That sentiment continued right up until the point that it blew up in all their faces.
and NINETY Senators votes yes. So as much as you enjoy blaming Gramm... Clinton and the other 89 are just as responsible. They all wanted to 'champion' more home ownership. That sentiment continued right up until the point that it blew up in all their faces.

That's true - though again, the ideological home of that thinking is your party.

Remind me - wasn't there something tweaked on this after bush took office??
and NINETY Senators votes yes. So as much as you enjoy blaming Gramm... Clinton and the other 89 are just as responsible. They all wanted to 'champion' more home ownership. That sentiment continued right up until the point that it blew up in all their faces.

If you'd like don't leave out Robert Rubin who was very strongly behind this as well. Not too many have accused Rubin of having his "idelogical" home with the right. But maybe Gramm bamboozled him as well as we know the head of Citigroup probably isn't all that bright.
If you'd like don't leave out Robert Rubin who was very strongly behind this as well. Not too many have accused Rubin of having his "idelogical" home with the right. But maybe Gramm bamboozled him as well as we know the head of Citigroup probably isn't all that bright.


No doubt, a commie.
and NINETY Senators votes yes. So as much as you enjoy blaming Gramm... Clinton and the other 89 are just as responsible. They all wanted to 'champion' more home ownership. That sentiment continued right up until the point that it blew up in all their faces.

You refuse to accept the fact that this bill was marketed and presented a a bill to protect consumer information.

That was how it was dressed up and you refuse to admitt it, why?
You refuse to accept the fact that this bill was marketed and presented a a bill to protect consumer information.

That was how it was dressed up and you refuse to admitt it, why?

So Clinton and Rubin who were pushing for this bill were completely bamboozled by Gramm?
Some (Many?) people hate Clinton for some reason. My dad hit his thumb with a hammer and the other day and blamed Bill for it. I really don't get it.
Some (Many?) people hate Clinton for some reason. My dad hit his thumb with a hammer and the other day and blamed Bill for it. I really don't get it.

This isn't about liking Clinton or not its about a particular piece of legislation that was passed while he was President than many are claiming played a role in helping us get us into the financial situation we are in today. Hence the partisan debate about who had more "influence" over the bill.
You refuse to accept the fact that this bill was marketed and presented a a bill to protect consumer information.

That was how it was dressed up and you refuse to admitt it, why?

Where have I 'refused to admit' that desh?

None of that changes the fact that the GLB was originally passed by a slim margin. Then it was passed as part of that package 90-8.

You pretend that no one knew what was in the GLB. But they had already voted on it.

I know it is important for you to believe that the Dems are ever so innocent. But again..... for the final time.... BOTH PARTIES ARE TO BLAME FOR THIS MESS. GLB was only the final straw.

Accept it or keep living in your fantasy world where everything bad is due to Reps.