hatching sequestration....


fully immersed in faith..
I wonder who Obama figures will be outraged if he eliminates the rolling of Easter eggs on the White House lawn this Easter.....
He came up with the idea and threatened to veto any attempt to stop it.....yet he has half the people blaming the Republicans for it......

gad damn, hes good........Democrats can watch him pissing on their legs and mindlessly put up their umbrellas....its truly amazing.
Isn't it the radical right that wants to cut all social programs so the wealthy can accumulate more wealth? When you make cuts people don't like someone is going to get blamed. What ever happened to the personal responsibility bullshit you guys always spout off about? You gotta start owning some of your actions.
Isn't it the radical right that wants to cut all social programs so the wealthy can accumulate more wealth? When you make cuts people don't like someone is going to get blamed. What ever happened to the personal responsibility bullshit you guys always spout off about? You gotta start owning some of your actions.
Isn't it the radical right that wants to cut all social programs so the wealthy can accumulate more wealth? When you make cuts people don't like someone is going to get blamed. What ever happened to the personal responsibility bullshit you guys always spout off about? You gotta start owning some of your actions.

How could “the actions” belong to the radical right when sequester was an ”Obama Idea?”

Only in Washington can reducing the GROWTH in government by 2% be called a CUT.

One would rationally think that since the government will be spending more money this year on government than it did last year, even with the 2% sequester, the government would need to hire more people rather than lay people off, huh?

When are the morons going to realize it’s all just political theater?

Everything the Obama administration so-called cuts is purely to piss of the fucking idiot voters so he can blame the Republicans and take over the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections.
If they were sooooo concerned with the American people’s dilemma, Why haven’t The Communist & Chief and his Democrat lackeys in Congress and on this forum suggested cutting the President’s and Congresses pay checks FIRST? HEAVE FORBID!!!!
Because it wasn't. The President doesn't make funding decisions.

Try telling that to the leftist reporter Bob Woodward who admitted on Fox News Sunday that the sequester was originated by Obama and the Obama White House.
Try telling that to the leftist reporter Bob Woodward who admitted on Fox News Sunday that the sequester was originated by Obama and the Obama White House.

Did he tell the whole story or is he still whoring his antique ass out?


The Line: “The president’s sequester.”

The Party: Republican

Editor’s note: This is the first of an occasional series called “Party Lines” that will highlight misleading talking points by both parties.

This Republican talking point aims to blame President Obama for more than $1 trillion in automatic, across-the-board cuts in domestic and defense spending that — without action by Congress — are scheduled to take effect on March 1. House Speaker John Boehner, who said on Feb. 12 that “we are only weeks away from the devastating consequences of the president’s sequester,” has been using variations of the line on his website since at least September 2012. He and congressional Republicans recently have taken to using the hashtag #Obamaquester on Twitter to fault the president for the looming cuts. But the reality is that the pending cuts would not be possible had both Democrats and Republicans not supported the legislation that included them.

Here’s the background: In the summer of 2011, when Democrats and Republicans couldn’t agree on a way to cut spending in exchange for increasing the federal government’s borrowing limit, legislators settled on the Budget Control Act instead. The law capped federal discretionary spending to save almost $1.2 trillion over a 10-year period, but also mandated that a bipartisan, 12-person congressional committee find at least $1.5 trillion in additional cuts. If the committee failed to come up with a plan, another $1.2 trillion in cuts would occur automatically — half from defense spending and half from discretionary spending on domestic programs — through sequestration. The committee failed to reach an agreement, and the automatic cuts will now begin in March if Congress doesn’t stop them.

In his book “The Price of Politics,” veteran journalist Bob Woodward of the Washington Post wrote that it was, in fact, Obama’s then-director of the Office of Management and Budget, Jacob Lew, and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors who brought the idea of sequestration to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid before it was proposed to Republicans in Congress. That is the source of Republican claims that this is “the president’s sequester.”

But as Woodward wrote in his book, and as he subsequently explained to Politico, neither party wanted the automatic cuts to take effect or thought they would happen. The cuts were included as a mechanism to force members of the bipartisan committee to work out a deal to avoid them.

Politico, Oct. 23, 2012: “No one thought it would happen. The idea was to design something … that was so onerous that no one would ever let it happen. Of course, it did, because they couldn’t reach agreement,” [Woodward] said. “They all believed that the supercommittee was going to come up with a $1.2 trillion deficit-reduction plan, so there would be no sequestration. Of course, the supercommittee failed and so the trigger went off, which has all of these very Draconian cuts.”
Did he tell the whole story or is he still whoring his antique ass out?


So now the leftist Bob Woodward is a whore, just because he dropped a dime on the leftist Messiah? How interesting!

So goober, the “whole story” is exactly as everybody that pays attention already knew is the sequester idea originated in Obama’s White House which Obama is totally responsible for and Obama signed it into law. So we’re talking here about the Obamaquester.” Of course he’ll blame it all on the Republicans and probably Bush just like he does everything. His goal of course is to blame enough shit on the Republicans to gain the Democrats control of the House Of Representatives in the mid-term election. As fucking stupid as America’s voters are, he’ll probably pull it off. I’d say he has a damn good chance of that. The problem with that, if it works, is with Democrats back in control of all of the federal government, they’ll fuck things up so bad and piss off so many voting morons, that in the next general election the Republicans will be forced back into power by the minions and the Democrats will be the party searching for a new identity like the Republicans are now after the Bushwhacker.
not to mention all sequestration cuts are being decided by members of the executive office under his control........

Not really. To my recollection the cuts, (which are only 2% of the intended increase in spending that the bastards were going to spend anyhow) are actually across the board and don’t have much wiggle room for spending shifting. However, having said that, it should be noted that the Republicans offered Obama the opportunity with legislation to manage the so-called cuts by shifting them according to his prerogative within all agencies and Obama refused the offer. Of course he can’t stand being forced to actually take responsibility for anything and he would much rather make it look like whatever so-called pain there is all belongs to the Republicans. Let’s remember he’s a fucking Chicago politician and the prerequisite for being a Chicago politician is first you need to be a fucking crooked bastard and a first class liar. He’s Richard Nixon with a sun tan on steroids.
Not really. To my recollection the cuts, (which are only 2% of the intended increase in spending that the bastards were going to spend anyhow) are actually across the board and don’t have much wiggle room for spending shifting.

the cuts are across the board, but obviously the head of each department needs to decide what, within the department, is going to be cut.....obviously they don't have to cut the same exact percentage out of the pencils they buy, the electricity they use, the salaries they pay, and the benefits they provide and every other single thing they spend money on......

that's obvious, or they wouldn't have had to cancel Easter, they would have just spent three cents less on it........
the cuts are across the board, but obviously the head of each department needs to decide what, within the department, is going to be cut.....obviously they don't have to cut the same exact percentage out of the pencils they buy, the electricity they use, the salaries they pay, and the benefits they provide and every other single thing they spend money on......

that's obvious, or they wouldn't have had to cancel Easter, they would have just spent three cents less on it........

I understand all of that, but government bureaucracies are mired in sub-departmentalism and the sequester cuts across the board of every sub-department. The Republicans offered to pass legislation that would allow Obama to shift cuts within the main department cutting some sub divisions more and others less. He of course refused to take on that responsibility because he fully intends to blame any so-called pain on the Republicans. The entire issue is nothing more than another Obama scam to discredit the Republicans with the idiot voters and refill the House with Democrats and even get a few more Democrats elected to the Senate in the mid-term election. He’s a Chicago crook!
I understand all of that, but government bureaucracies are mired in sub-departmentalism and the sequester cuts across the board of every sub-department. The Republicans offered to pass legislation that would allow Obama to shift cuts within the main department cutting some sub divisions more and others less. He of course refused to take on that responsibility because he fully intends to blame any so-called pain on the Republicans. The entire issue is nothing more than another Obama scam to discredit the Republicans with the idiot voters and refill the House with Democrats and even get a few more Democrats elected to the Senate in the mid-term election. He’s a Chicago crook!

not arguing with any of that.....my point was that he is also directing WHAT will be cut, by ordering all department heads to cut those things which will incite as many voters as possible.....my original question was who he thought would be incited by getting rid of the Easter egg hunt......
not arguing with any of that.....my point was that he is also directing WHAT will be cut, by ordering all department heads to cut those things which will incite as many voters as possible.....my original question was who he thought would be incited by getting rid of the Easter egg hunt......

Can anybody rationally argue that the Chicago Crook neo-communist won’t use HIS sequester to blame the idiot Republicans so as to recapture total control of Congress, reestablish the idiot slut Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and go to work on confiscating guns from America’s law abiding citizens? Of course not! His intention is so very transparent to anybody with half a brain is to “incite” the idiot minions that elected his sorry crooked ass. He’s Tricky Dick on steroids! And just think, the Republicans were calling him an “amateur.” Apparently Republicans don’t recognize a professional political Chicago crook when they see one.