Hate Crime & Hate Speech Ethics Were Invented By Socialists


Verified User
Democrats love everything containing the word hate, while they despise freedom of speech:


the Muzzle Award goes to the Democrat Party in perpetuity:

2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar
by Philip Klein
March 06, 2019 09:34 PM



According to a report, House Democrats will not condemn anti-Semitism specifically following the controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), but will instead condemn “all hate” in general.

Report: Democrats to Condemn ‘All Hate,’ Not Anti-Semitism Specifically, in Resolution
by Justin Caruso
6 Mar 2019


Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.

The logic used by liberals never cease to amaze me; never more than trying to pass “Hate Crime” legislation. Such philosophical legislation boggles the mind because it assigns a psychological motive to selected acts.
The most outlandish example of defining a hate crime was the time President Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City Bombing.

According to President Clinton it was Rush’s conservative views that triggered hatred in Timothy McVeigh. Bubba apologized as soon as he realized he had a tiger by the tail. After Clinton’s faux pas no one called the Oklahoma City Bombing a hate crime because Democrats did not want the public to know the reason McVeigh did it. Hating the federal government enough to blowup a federal building is not the place advocates of Hate Crime legislation want the public to go.

McVeigh was eventually punished for blowing up a federal building killing approximately 169 federal employees. His trial and punishment were pure and simple —— unclouded by talk of a hate crime. Had the government called it a hate crime they would have admitted McVeigh hated the federal government. In one sense he did hate the federal government because he did it to avenge the government slaughtering men, women, and children in the Branch Davidian Compound in WACO.

NOTE: Neither Democrats nor media mouths ever accused Hillary Clinton of a hate crime even though they knew she ordered the Waco Massacre. Hillary’s “command” has been swept under the rug with the standard explanation: “Conspiracy theory nuts twisted the facts in order to get Hillary Clinton.” Read everything you can find about the Waco Massacre and you will find that the only conspiracy is one covering up for Hillary. The same swamp coverup is protecting Hillary’s from her email treason.


Compare the things Obama said and did throughout his public life to he things President Trump is saying and doing leads to one conclusion the late Charles Krauthammer (1950 - 2018) said about the sewer rat:
Pay no attention to what he says. Watch what he does. Charles Krauthammer

Another load of hate crime excrement was deposited by NYU:

The murderous attack in Pittsburgh should compel us to put those differences aside. This is a moment for our political leaders, including the President, to desist from any language that fuels discrimination or hatred of any kind. Words matter, especially those coming from our leaders. It’s also time for federal, state, and local agencies to enforce reporting requirements and pursue prosecutions of hate crimes, including anti-Semitic attacks. And it’s an opportune moment for the broad network of human rights advocates, here and abroad, to join the fight against the growing tide of anti-Semitism in the U.S. and worldwide.

What in hell is a secretary of state for democracy?

I am the Jerome Kohlberg professor of ethics and finance at NYU Stern School of Business and director of the Center for Business and Human Rights. I served in the Obama Administration from September 2009 until March 2013, as the assistant secretary of state for democracy, hu... MORE

Oct 28, 2018, 08:54pm
Why Anti-Semitic Attacks Are Human Rights Violations -- And Should Be Treated That Way
Michael Posner


I wonder how the "reliable black vote" would react if Hillary Clinton & Her Sisters explained that the "sacred sacrament of abortion" was devised by Margaret Sanger and her crowd as a means of genocide —— eradicate blacks in America? And please do not tell me that advocating infanticide is love speech.

Bottom line: This U.S. should never pass a law against hate speech or hate crimes. The crimes are enough with creating a special category. In addition, such laws reek of human Rights and the United Nations.

Whenever a single organization can define anything the people in charge of that organization make the decisions for everybody. The SPLC is one such organization:

The Southern Poverty Law Center has become the go-to “expert” on “hate groups” for establishment media and companies such as Amazon, but when a Washington Post Magazine reporter was commissioned to produce an in-depth feature on the organization, he came away with a least some doubt about SPLC’s credibility as an arbiter of “hate.”
The reporter, David Montgomery, clearly is an admirer of SPLC, but his article was titled “The State of Hate: Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have set themselves up as the ultimate judges of hate in America. But are they judging fairly?”

The Post writer points out that SPLC has expanded its scope of “hate groups” from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists to conservative organizations that defend traditional marriage, opposed illegal immigration and warn of the threat of supremacist Islam to Western civilization.

Now Washington Post questions SPLC's credibility
Posted By Art Moore On 11/09/2018 @ 10:05 pm


The United Nations hierarchy ——not member states —— decide everything from the atmosphere’s temperature to mass migrations. Not only do those filthy bums define human Rights, they created International law and a judicature to rule favorably on the U.N.’s political agenda, while lesser organizations like the SPLC are stuck with forcing their political agenda on a real judiciary.

QUESTION: Why is anybody surprised that Mark Zuckerberg is exactly like every dirty little moralist that ever lived?

The minute a martinet acquires political power they impose moral behavior on every sinner in sight. Priests do it, the wealthy do it, and politicians certainly do it. Hell, Democrats send out their tax collectors to force their morality on everybody.

The only thing that makes Zuckerberg unique is that he scares the other moralist freaks because he owns the biggest pulpit the world has ever seen. Naturally, Zuckerberg defines the sin he abhors more than any other. Hate speech is his gig.

Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for regulating "hate speech" on Facebook. And he's stepping up artificial intelligence (A.I.) operations to silence those he deems hate-speakers, to keep the community "safe." He forecasts that it will be a done deal in five to ten years. Asked how he evaluates hate speech and where he draws the line on it at Facebook, by Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota during testimony in the Senate yesterday, Zuckerberg replied:

April 11, 2018
Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for regulating 'hate speech' through AI on Facebook
By Monica Showalter


Zuckerberg is late to the game. Socialist moralists began attacking freedom of speech when they invented politically correct speech. Politically correct speech quickly morphed into punishing politically INCORRECT speech. Democrats alone could not have made that transformation stick. It was judges when they legislated against politically incorrect speech.

I do not expect congressional committees to defend the First Amendment, but before Zuckerberg is crowned Pope conservatives should remind them that offensive speech needs the most constitutional protection. Remove that protection from the First Amendment and the Constitution itself is halfway down the always-busy slippery slope.

Freedom of speech on the Internet is specifically the High Court’s enemy more than it is the enemy of the entire federal government and the media.

Democrats began attacking freedom of speech decades ago when they invented that masterpiece of doublespeak —— politically correct speech. The beauty of politically correct speech is that it is never punishes when the education industry forces children and university students to listen to it. Conversely, politically INCORRECT speech will get you killed if Democrats have their way.

Democrats took hate speech to its inevitable end in the violent country they created:

Nearly every op-ed writer at The New York Times has compared Trump to Hitler. (The conservative on the op-ed page merely called him a “proto-fascist.”) If Trump is Hitler and his supporters Nazis, then the rational course of action for any civilized person is to kill them.

That’s not just a theory, it’s the result.

Ann Coulter: The Left Has One More Argument: Kill Them!
by Ann Coulter
21 Jun 2017


Finally, lets not forget Hillary Clinton’s young Turkettes:

Wellesley student paper argues for “hate speech” limitations on free speech

What is this? Bat-shit-crazy day here in the forum?


To Adolf_Twitler: Here is some more just for you:

Hoax hate crimes belong to a larger category of ideologically motivated hoaxes, meant to sway public opinion and impact policy and legislation. There are broadly three types of ideological hoaxes.

First, one finds journalistic hoaxes. Among these are the hoax of the Duke lacrosse-players and the UVA rape case. Such cases are fabricated and sensationalized in order to support the ideological claim of "rape culture on campuses."

Second, there are academic hoaxes, which are "studies" based on fabricated data and cherry-picked samples designed to provide an ideological outcome. For example, there was a study that showed that gays die much earlier because people do not support calling two men in a romantic relationship a marriage.

The third type is the fake hate crime. They are meant to prove the existence of violent bigots who attack the heroic victims, such as Jussie Smollett, Mathew Shepherd, and Tyler Clementi. These function as morality tales, with a victim hero and a religious martyr who proves the existence of endemic hate and violence. At the center exists the brave innocent who suffered for all our sins. These, by eliciting pity, prove victimhood and the harms of homophobia, racism, and sexism.

Taken together these hoaxes represent a large-scale, coordinated campaign of misinformation and cultural lies.

Many academic hoaxes are clustered in sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) studies. These studies sway public opinion and serve as "hard evidence" or "real science" and are used to change policy and create legislation.

Exposed hoaxes do not often get much media attention. As Austin Ruse notes:

I call it designer-science.

Fake science
is more dangerous than fake news because it takes more than a 24-hour news cycle to debunk fake science. Fake science can take years to dislodge. Even then, it remains part of the "common knowledge." For one paper on homosexuality, it has taken five years for it to be retracted. The paper, cited by more than 100 other scholarly papers, has been withdrawn from Social Science and Medicine because its results could not be replicated. What's more, they found a serious error in coding of the data rendering the initial finding unproven.

Often, hoaxes work because the postmodern doctrine of intersectionality demands that the general public play a pick-up game of "find the martyr." Like all workable belief systems, or long cons, it works because there is just enough truth. For the postmodern social-justice position, truth does not matter. Intersectionality stands as complete moral relativism. Intersectional doctrine repeats the ideological proposition that there are two positions: victim and oppressor. In reality, there's a third position used to accrue power: the oppressor masquerading as victim. Basically, those occupying this third position publicly attack people at their psychological core by asserting:

1. Nothing you believe (have been told or taught or know or is common sense) is true. Brain scrub.

2. Everything you or your kind have achieved was taken by violence and exploitation from the rightful owners. Not agreeing means you are a bigoted hater. Bad person.

3. You are complicit in all historical crimes and reap the benefits from them. Guilty person.

4. There can be no dissent. We are the voice of the new God, and the sky is falling. Heed us now. Saved person complies.

5. We are right and will not trifle with your Western logic, ethics, or facts; literature; history. They are all the tools of exploitation and oppression that you have used to destroy us and others. In fact, we will not even be seen speaking to you. Isolated person.

Hoaxes are not isolated from one another and do not take place in a vacuum. Regarding the Jussie Smollett incident, the media declared, "This is America 2019." Both Cory Booker and Kamala Harris called the incident "a modern day lynching." The LGBT news and cultural magazine The Advocate explained Harris's and Booker's legislative intentions: "The federal law they hope to amend, the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, was signed into law by President Obama in 2009."

The Advocate further noted: "Booker spoke on the floor about the importance of the anti-lynching legislation and referenced actor Jussie Smollett, hours after the actor was on Good Morning America. The openly gay star was the victim of an alleged hate crime last month where a rope was put around his neck by two white men, according to local police reports."

Cory Booker himself tweeted twice: "The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I'm glad he's safe." Before the vote, he tweeted: "To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime — I urge you to pay attention."

This bill added sexual and gender identity (the enforced claim that some women have a penis) to groups under hate crime law that incur enhanced mandatory penalties.

Intersectionality is easy — just pose as, say, speaking as an XYZ. We recognize it immediately when Ellen Page vents her oppressed spleen on national TV. On The Late Show with Colbert, Page shrieked, "Kids are going to be abused, and they're going to kill themselves and people are going to be beaten on the street."


Over 300 politically motivated hate crime hoaxes predate "Trump's America," that anti-Narnia, Mad-Max violent landscape where church fish fries serve as covers for cross-burnings and where brutal homophobic attacks are mapped out.

If you thought Ellen Page sounded unhinged, imagine the LGBT activist who set fire to her own home and burned two of her German Shepherds alive, along with three cats, because she was upset that the Pride Parade did not bring out enough hate groups to protest.

The fabrications need to be reinforced and enshrined in the public imagination and consciousness. Truth no longer matters. In an exhaustive study of Mathew Shepard, The Book of Matt: Hidden Truths about the Murder of Matthew Shepard, journalist Stephen Jimenez shows that Shepard socialized with the killers and that all three parties to Shepard's murder were involved in, among other things, the sale of crystal meth.

Recently, amid much publicity and fanfare, Shepard was reinterred at the National Cathedral, a new heroic martyr. This widespread deception by trusted institutions and legislation erodes people's basic civil rights, reduces religion to "hate doctrine," and quells free speech.

This activism is about ideological conformity or isolation. Identity is authoritarian, a new form of totalitarianism masquerading as "civil rights." It has gutted the academy and turned the press in the public's eye into a pack of hucksters who can't be trusted.

Intersectionality rates victim against oppressor as a template for good versus evil.

I have little doubt that if the police had found some poor homeless white men, Smollett would have identified them as his attackers. This is a man who campaigned for Kamala Harris and who knows Cory Booker. Smollett is a 36-year-old wealthy man, a celebrity. If he had been given the chance, he would have sent innocent people to prison — and who would have done so with support of the media and elected representatives.

This is America 2019.

March 9, 2019
The Left's Hate-Crime Hoax Machine
By B. Klein

The dirty little race hustler beat the rap:

Jussie Smollett hoax charges dropped, but federal investigation, lawsuits could be next
Jessica Sager


A whole lot of lying is involved in explaining Smollett’s free pass. I know why Democrats lied, but I would like to know where Smollett learned to lie. Did he learn from the Party of Liars? Did he learn from Kitman and Taqiya? Or did he learn to lie at his mother’s knee?

I have been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I've been accused of.

March 27, 2019
Jussie Smollett learned how to lie from his communist mother
By M. Catharine Evans

Democrats love everything containing the word hate, while they despise freedom of speech:


the Muzzle Award goes to the Democrat Party in perpetuity:

2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar
by Philip Klein
March 06, 2019 09:34 PM



According to a report, House Democrats will not condemn anti-Semitism specifically following the controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), but will instead condemn “all hate” in general.

Report: Democrats to Condemn ‘All Hate,’ Not Anti-Semitism Specifically, in Resolution
by Justin Caruso
6 Mar 2019


Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.

The logic used by liberals never cease to amaze me; never more than trying to pass “Hate Crime” legislation. Such philosophical legislation boggles the mind because it assigns a psychological motive to selected acts.
The most outlandish example of defining a hate crime was the time President Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City Bombing.

According to President Clinton it was Rush’s conservative views that triggered hatred in Timothy McVeigh. Bubba apologized as soon as he realized he had a tiger by the tail. After Clinton’s faux pas no one called the Oklahoma City Bombing a hate crime because Democrats did not want the public to know the reason McVeigh did it. Hating the federal government enough to blowup a federal building is not the place advocates of Hate Crime legislation want the public to go.

McVeigh was eventually punished for blowing up a federal building killing approximately 169 federal employees. His trial and punishment were pure and simple —— unclouded by talk of a hate crime. Had the government called it a hate crime they would have admitted McVeigh hated the federal government. In one sense he did hate the federal government because he did it to avenge the government slaughtering men, women, and children in the Branch Davidian Compound in WACO.

NOTE: Neither Democrats nor media mouths ever accused Hillary Clinton of a hate crime even though they knew she ordered the Waco Massacre. Hillary’s “command” has been swept under the rug with the standard explanation: “Conspiracy theory nuts twisted the facts in order to get Hillary Clinton.” Read everything you can find about the Waco Massacre and you will find that the only conspiracy is one covering up for Hillary. The same swamp coverup is protecting Hillary’s from her email treason.


Compare the things Obama said and did throughout his public life to he things President Trump is saying and doing leads to one conclusion the late Charles Krauthammer (1950 - 2018) said about the sewer rat:
Pay no attention to what he says. Watch what he does. Charles Krauthammer

Another load of hate crime excrement was deposited by NYU:

The murderous attack in Pittsburgh should compel us to put those differences aside. This is a moment for our political leaders, including the President, to desist from any language that fuels discrimination or hatred of any kind. Words matter, especially those coming from our leaders. It’s also time for federal, state, and local agencies to enforce reporting requirements and pursue prosecutions of hate crimes, including anti-Semitic attacks. And it’s an opportune moment for the broad network of human rights advocates, here and abroad, to join the fight against the growing tide of anti-Semitism in the U.S. and worldwide.

What in hell is a secretary of state for democracy?

I am the Jerome Kohlberg professor of ethics and finance at NYU Stern School of Business and director of the Center for Business and Human Rights. I served in the Obama Administration from September 2009 until March 2013, as the assistant secretary of state for democracy, hu... MORE

Oct 28, 2018, 08:54pm
Why Anti-Semitic Attacks Are Human Rights Violations -- And Should Be Treated That Way
Michael Posner


I wonder how the "reliable black vote" would react if Hillary Clinton & Her Sisters explained that the "sacred sacrament of abortion" was devised by Margaret Sanger and her crowd as a means of genocide —— eradicate blacks in America? And please do not tell me that advocating infanticide is love speech.

Bottom line: This U.S. should never pass a law against hate speech or hate crimes. The crimes are enough with creating a special category. In addition, such laws reek of human Rights and the United Nations.

Whenever a single organization can define anything the people in charge of that organization make the decisions for everybody. The SPLC is one such organization:

The Southern Poverty Law Center has become the go-to “expert” on “hate groups” for establishment media and companies such as Amazon, but when a Washington Post Magazine reporter was commissioned to produce an in-depth feature on the organization, he came away with a least some doubt about SPLC’s credibility as an arbiter of “hate.”
The reporter, David Montgomery, clearly is an admirer of SPLC, but his article was titled “The State of Hate: Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have set themselves up as the ultimate judges of hate in America. But are they judging fairly?”

The Post writer points out that SPLC has expanded its scope of “hate groups” from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists to conservative organizations that defend traditional marriage, opposed illegal immigration and warn of the threat of supremacist Islam to Western civilization.

Now Washington Post questions SPLC's credibility
Posted By Art Moore On 11/09/2018 @ 10:05 pm


The United Nations hierarchy ——not member states —— decide everything from the atmosphere’s temperature to mass migrations. Not only do those filthy bums define human Rights, they created International law and a judicature to rule favorably on the U.N.’s political agenda, while lesser organizations like the SPLC are stuck with forcing their political agenda on a real judiciary.

QUESTION: Why is anybody surprised that Mark Zuckerberg is exactly like every dirty little moralist that ever lived?

The minute a martinet acquires political power they impose moral behavior on every sinner in sight. Priests do it, the wealthy do it, and politicians certainly do it. Hell, Democrats send out their tax collectors to force their morality on everybody.

The only thing that makes Zuckerberg unique is that he scares the other moralist freaks because he owns the biggest pulpit the world has ever seen. Naturally, Zuckerberg defines the sin he abhors more than any other. Hate speech is his gig.

Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for regulating "hate speech" on Facebook. And he's stepping up artificial intelligence (A.I.) operations to silence those he deems hate-speakers, to keep the community "safe." He forecasts that it will be a done deal in five to ten years. Asked how he evaluates hate speech and where he draws the line on it at Facebook, by Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota during testimony in the Senate yesterday, Zuckerberg replied:

April 11, 2018
Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for regulating 'hate speech' through AI on Facebook
By Monica Showalter


Zuckerberg is late to the game. Socialist moralists began attacking freedom of speech when they invented politically correct speech. Politically correct speech quickly morphed into punishing politically INCORRECT speech. Democrats alone could not have made that transformation stick. It was judges when they legislated against politically incorrect speech.

I do not expect congressional committees to defend the First Amendment, but before Zuckerberg is crowned Pope conservatives should remind them that offensive speech needs the most constitutional protection. Remove that protection from the First Amendment and the Constitution itself is halfway down the always-busy slippery slope.

Freedom of speech on the Internet is specifically the High Court’s enemy more than it is the enemy of the entire federal government and the media.

Democrats began attacking freedom of speech decades ago when they invented that masterpiece of doublespeak —— politically correct speech. The beauty of politically correct speech is that it is never punishes when the education industry forces children and university students to listen to it. Conversely, politically INCORRECT speech will get you killed if Democrats have their way.

Democrats took hate speech to its inevitable end in the violent country they created:

Nearly every op-ed writer at The New York Times has compared Trump to Hitler. (The conservative on the op-ed page merely called him a “proto-fascist.”) If Trump is Hitler and his supporters Nazis, then the rational course of action for any civilized person is to kill them.

That’s not just a theory, it’s the result.

Ann Coulter: The Left Has One More Argument: Kill Them!
by Ann Coulter
21 Jun 2017


Finally, lets not forget Hillary Clinton’s young Turkettes:

Wellesley student paper argues for “hate speech” limitations on free speech



Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.


Bottom line: This U.S. should never pass a law against hate speech or hate crimes. The crimes are enough without creating a special category. In addition, such laws reek of human Rights and the United Nations.

It took longer than I thought for television parasites to dedicate a mini-series to the invention of hate crimes. How long will it be before a weekly show follows on cable TV? And that is not counting decades of reruns!

The new Netflix original mini-series exposes the dark heart of American hatred with all the trappings of 'Law and Order' we love.

Why ‘Law And Order: Hate Crimes Unit’ Is The Show America Needs
By David Marcus
June 16, 2019


On the bright side, the title alone ‘Law And Order: Hate Crimes Unit’ makes it so easy to analyze government lies. So easy, nobody with an ounce of brains has to watch it to know what the government is lying about.
The Democrat Party retired the best actor award:


the Muzzle Award goes to the Democrat Party in perpetuity:

Campuses won the best supporting actor award:

The “Campus Muzzle Awards” issued annually by legendary civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate went only to New England academic institutions this year.

2019 Campus Muzzle Awards: 5 worst censors of speech
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 07/07/2019 @ 3:15 pm

The dirty little race hustler beat the rap:

Jussie Smollett hoax charges dropped, but federal investigation, lawsuits could be next
Jessica Sager


A whole lot of lying is involved in explaining Smollett’s free pass. I know why Democrats lied, but I would like to know where Smollett learned to lie. Did he learn from the Party of Liars? Did he learn from Kitman and Taqiya? Or did he learn to lie at his mother’s knee?

I have been truthful and consistent on every single level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I've been accused of.

March 27, 2019
Jussie Smollett learned how to lie from his communist mother
By M. Catharine Evans



American Thinker

Hillary gave the go ahead order? Just fucking priceless! :rofl2:

Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.

The logic used by liberals never cease to amaze me; never more than trying to pass “Hate Crime” legislation. Such philosophical legislation boggles the mind because it assigns a psychological motive to selected acts.

Our British cousins are swimming in choppy waters without water wings:

Members of the Crown Prosecution Service in the United Kingdom – the equivalent of the U.S. Justice Department – must follow a new “thought crime” standard based on the alleged victim’s personal “perception.”

In other words, prosecutors must regard a crime a being motivated by hate if the person “perceives” himself to be of a protected class and “perceives” that the accused was motivated by hate.

The concept was featured by George Orwell in his book “1984,” which described a thoughtcrime as a politically unorthodox belief, such as “doubts that contradict” the government’s prescribed belief system.

In other words:


In the U.K., however, it appears to be reality.

The dictate came this month in the government agency’s “Trans Equality Statement.”

“Any criminal offense which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability; and any crime motivated by a hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender,” the document states.

It acknowledges the “definition is wider than the legal definition to ensure that all relevant crimes that might amount to hate crimes are reported and investigated as such.”

The guidance also states that a third party can make an equally legitimate claim that a “hate crime” has taken place.

And it advises prosecutors to “address Trans victims, witnesses and defendants according to their affirmed gender and name, using that gender and related pronouns in all documentation and in the courtroom.”

The Christian Institute noted the “wide, subjective definition of a ‘hate crime'” could lead to people being “required to lie.”

“A court of law is an arena for truth and justice,” said the institute’s Ciarán Kelly. “People should not be encouraged to make statements they know to be false – especially in a courtroom.”

The guidance also states it’s “more likely that prosecution is required if the offense was motivated by any form of prejudice against the victim’s actual or presumed ethnic or national origin, gender, disability, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity; or if the suspect targeted or exploited the victim, or demonstrated hostility towards the victim, based on any of those characteristics.”

It suggests that “misgendering” itself can be “a transphobic hate crime.”

Failed case

The institute pointed out, however, that the U.K.’s first transgender “hate crime” case was a colossal failure.

The judge said in dismissing it, “There is no case and never was a case.”

The complaint was filed by Miranda Yardley, who underwent “gender reassignment” surgery 10 years ago and was accused of harassing a transgender rights activist on Twitter.

“Helen Islan, who works for notorious trans-activist group Mermaids, accused Yardley of committing a hate crime by publicly voicing that people cannot change sex,” the report said. “Despite changing his name to Miranda and under-going surgery himself, Yardley still recognizes that he is a man.”

The argument online was over whether individuals can choose their sex.

As a result, Islan went to police claiming Yardley made her feel “stressed and sick,” whereupon police promptly found a “hate crime.”

The judge said there simply was no evidence.

Prosecutors adopt shocking new 'thought crime' standard
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 07/28/2019 @ 4:43 pm

"To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance." Eric Hoffer

When your sources of thought are Breitbart, wnd, and the Washington Examiner, you know you are in fantasyland. Dark Money has such control over some people, and it pays well for those who are easily led and want others to follow too. I wonder if the writer even read Eric Hoffer for he wouldn't find a place he'd be comfortable in. But seriously it is sad so many Americans are so easily led. How is it that personal resentment dominates their very being? When did Americans become so weak. See links in op.


"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33917107-on-tyranny
Last edited:
The OP is horse crap. Hate crimes and hate speech are used by righties as well as lefties.

Modern day propaganda was created by the British in WWI, aimed at Germany: very effective. All major nations have used it since.

The fascists in Italy and Germany developed a new wave of hate propaganda, which was picked up by all right-wing fascist nations. Huey Long, America First, etc., used hate, as did the southern Conservatives against blacks, Jews, and other minorities in America.

The far right in America is just one of the latest hate groups in America. Trump is effective in its use on Twitter.
"What is patriotism?

To midcan5:
You got it wrong. President Trump’s actions define his patriotism, while every time top Democrat wrap themselves in the flag proclaiming how much they love their country I am reminded of my disagreement with Doctor Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784):

“Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

Patriotism is the first refuge of scoundrels because they always wrap themselves in the flag for profit (usually tax dollars) even when there is no imminent danger to their country. Without exception, the flag they despise becomes a national shroud when charlatans succeed in fooling everyone.

Patriotism is the last recourse of a free people who wish to remain free because they try everything else before calling upon patriotism to defend the nation. President Trump’s last recourse is to call upon patriotism to defend the country militarily.

Democrats dare not call President Trump a patriot so they attack the word nationalist, nor can Democrats denigrate patriotism. Should they do either they would be admitting they hate this country.

Bottom line: No American in their right mind believe Democrats will defend the nation now or ever.

Modern day propaganda was created by the British in WWI, aimed at Germany: very effective. All major nations have used it since.

To jimmymccready: You are wrong as usual. There is no such thing as “Modern day propaganda. . .”.

The term “propaganda” apparently first came into common use in Europe as a result of the missionary activities of the Catholic church. In 1622 Pope Gregory XV created in Rome the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. This was a commission of cardinals charged with spreading the faith and regulating church affairs in heathen lands. A College of Propaganda was set up under Pope Urban VIII to train priests for the missions.

The word itself:

Propaganda is a modern Latin word, the gerundive form of propagare, meaning to spread or to propagate, thus propaganda means that which is to be propagated. Originally this word derived from a new administrative body of the Catholic church (congregation) created in 1622 as part of the Counter-Reformation, called the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregation for Propagating the Faith), or informally simply Propaganda. Its activity was aimed at "propagating" the Catholic faith in non-Catholic countries.

From the 1790s, the term began being used also to refer to propaganda in secular activities. The term began taking a pejorative or negative connotation in the mid-19th century, when it was used in the political sphere.


Propaganda was practiced for thousands of years. In this case, technology popularized the word everybody knows but few understand.

Propaganda during the Reformation, helped by the spread of the printing press throughout Europe, and in particular within Germany, caused new ideas, thoughts, and doctrine to be made available to the public in ways that had never been seen before the 16th century. During the era of the American Revolution, the American colonies had a flourishing network of newspapers and printers who specialized in the topic on behalf of the Patriots (and to a lesser extent on behalf of the Loyalists).


Note that most people pooh-pooh a deadly concept with the word propaganda. Very few people give the practitionerss of propaganda in the media, entertainment, education complex a second thought.
Hate crimes existed long before socialism and even Jesus for that matter. If you want to go there, they weren't existant in our country for a while because they weren't considered crimes back in the day.
Flanders said that I wrote there is no modern-day propaganda.

In fact, I wrote, "Modern day propaganda was created by the British in WWI, aimed at Germany: very effective. All major nations have used it since."

Thus, Flanders is woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, malignantly motivate, or a combination of any or all three.
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Democrats love everything containing the word hate, while they despise freedom of speech:


the Muzzle Award goes to the Democrat Party in perpetuity:

2020 Democrats normalize anti-Semitism by defending Ilhan Omar
by Philip Klein
March 06, 2019 09:34 PM



According to a report, House Democrats will not condemn anti-Semitism specifically following the controversy over Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), but will instead condemn “all hate” in general.

Report: Democrats to Condemn ‘All Hate,’ Not Anti-Semitism Specifically, in Resolution
by Justin Caruso
6 Mar 2019


Murder is murder. Codifying “Hate Crimes” is discriminatory in that it makes one victim more important than another in the eyes of the law. If ever the slippery slope argument was applicable it is in convicting an accused defendant based on motive alone. One unrelated remark defined as hate speech uttered by a defendant years before he was arrested can be used to prove he or she committed a hate crime.

The logic used by liberals never cease to amaze me; never more than trying to pass “Hate Crime” legislation. Such philosophical legislation boggles the mind because it assigns a psychological motive to selected acts.
The most outlandish example of defining a hate crime was the time President Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City Bombing.

According to President Clinton it was Rush’s conservative views that triggered hatred in Timothy McVeigh. Bubba apologized as soon as he realized he had a tiger by the tail. After Clinton’s faux pas no one called the Oklahoma City Bombing a hate crime because Democrats did not want the public to know the reason McVeigh did it. Hating the federal government enough to blowup a federal building is not the place advocates of Hate Crime legislation want the public to go.

McVeigh was eventually punished for blowing up a federal building killing approximately 169 federal employees. His trial and punishment were pure and simple —— unclouded by talk of a hate crime. Had the government called it a hate crime they would have admitted McVeigh hated the federal government. In one sense he did hate the federal government because he did it to avenge the government slaughtering men, women, and children in the Branch Davidian Compound in WACO.

NOTE: Neither Democrats nor media mouths ever accused Hillary Clinton of a hate crime even though they knew she ordered the Waco Massacre. Hillary’s “command” has been swept under the rug with the standard explanation: “Conspiracy theory nuts twisted the facts in order to get Hillary Clinton.” Read everything you can find about the Waco Massacre and you will find that the only conspiracy is one covering up for Hillary. The same swamp coverup is protecting Hillary’s from her email treason.


Compare the things Obama said and did throughout his public life to he things President Trump is saying and doing leads to one conclusion the late Charles Krauthammer (1950 - 2018) said about the sewer rat:
Pay no attention to what he says. Watch what he does. Charles Krauthammer

Another load of hate crime excrement was deposited by NYU:

The murderous attack in Pittsburgh should compel us to put those differences aside. This is a moment for our political leaders, including the President, to desist from any language that fuels discrimination or hatred of any kind. Words matter, especially those coming from our leaders. It’s also time for federal, state, and local agencies to enforce reporting requirements and pursue prosecutions of hate crimes, including anti-Semitic attacks. And it’s an opportune moment for the broad network of human rights advocates, here and abroad, to join the fight against the growing tide of anti-Semitism in the U.S. and worldwide.

What in hell is a secretary of state for democracy?

I am the Jerome Kohlberg professor of ethics and finance at NYU Stern School of Business and director of the Center for Business and Human Rights. I served in the Obama Administration from September 2009 until March 2013, as the assistant secretary of state for democracy, hu... MORE

Oct 28, 2018, 08:54pm
Why Anti-Semitic Attacks Are Human Rights Violations -- And Should Be Treated That Way
Michael Posner


I wonder how the "reliable black vote" would react if Hillary Clinton & Her Sisters explained that the "sacred sacrament of abortion" was devised by Margaret Sanger and her crowd as a means of genocide —— eradicate blacks in America? And please do not tell me that advocating infanticide is love speech.

Bottom line: This U.S. should never pass a law against hate speech or hate crimes. The crimes are enough with creating a special category. In addition, such laws reek of human Rights and the United Nations.

Whenever a single organization can define anything the people in charge of that organization make the decisions for everybody. The SPLC is one such organization:

The Southern Poverty Law Center has become the go-to “expert” on “hate groups” for establishment media and companies such as Amazon, but when a Washington Post Magazine reporter was commissioned to produce an in-depth feature on the organization, he came away with a least some doubt about SPLC’s credibility as an arbiter of “hate.”
The reporter, David Montgomery, clearly is an admirer of SPLC, but his article was titled “The State of Hate: Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have set themselves up as the ultimate judges of hate in America. But are they judging fairly?”

The Post writer points out that SPLC has expanded its scope of “hate groups” from the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists to conservative organizations that defend traditional marriage, opposed illegal immigration and warn of the threat of supremacist Islam to Western civilization.

Now Washington Post questions SPLC's credibility
Posted By Art Moore On 11/09/2018 @ 10:05 pm


The United Nations hierarchy ——not member states —— decide everything from the atmosphere’s temperature to mass migrations. Not only do those filthy bums define human Rights, they created International law and a judicature to rule favorably on the U.N.’s political agenda, while lesser organizations like the SPLC are stuck with forcing their political agenda on a real judiciary.

QUESTION: Why is anybody surprised that Mark Zuckerberg is exactly like every dirty little moralist that ever lived?

The minute a martinet acquires political power they impose moral behavior on every sinner in sight. Priests do it, the wealthy do it, and politicians certainly do it. Hell, Democrats send out their tax collectors to force their morality on everybody.

The only thing that makes Zuckerberg unique is that he scares the other moralist freaks because he owns the biggest pulpit the world has ever seen. Naturally, Zuckerberg defines the sin he abhors more than any other. Hate speech is his gig.

Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for regulating "hate speech" on Facebook. And he's stepping up artificial intelligence (A.I.) operations to silence those he deems hate-speakers, to keep the community "safe." He forecasts that it will be a done deal in five to ten years. Asked how he evaluates hate speech and where he draws the line on it at Facebook, by Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota during testimony in the Senate yesterday, Zuckerberg replied:

April 11, 2018
Mark Zuckerberg has big plans for regulating 'hate speech' through AI on Facebook
By Monica Showalter


Zuckerberg is late to the game. Socialist moralists began attacking freedom of speech when they invented politically correct speech. Politically correct speech quickly morphed into punishing politically INCORRECT speech. Democrats alone could not have made that transformation stick. It was judges when they legislated against politically incorrect speech.

I do not expect congressional committees to defend the First Amendment, but before Zuckerberg is crowned Pope conservatives should remind them that offensive speech needs the most constitutional protection. Remove that protection from the First Amendment and the Constitution itself is halfway down the always-busy slippery slope.

Freedom of speech on the Internet is specifically the High Court’s enemy more than it is the enemy of the entire federal government and the media.

Democrats began attacking freedom of speech decades ago when they invented that masterpiece of doublespeak —— politically correct speech. The beauty of politically correct speech is that it is never punishes when the education industry forces children and university students to listen to it. Conversely, politically INCORRECT speech will get you killed if Democrats have their way.

Democrats took hate speech to its inevitable end in the violent country they created:

Nearly every op-ed writer at The New York Times has compared Trump to Hitler. (The conservative on the op-ed page merely called him a “proto-fascist.”) If Trump is Hitler and his supporters Nazis, then the rational course of action for any civilized person is to kill them.

That’s not just a theory, it’s the result.

Ann Coulter: The Left Has One More Argument: Kill Them!
by Ann Coulter
21 Jun 2017


Finally, lets not forget Hillary Clinton’s young Turkettes:

Wellesley student paper argues for “hate speech” limitations on free speech


poor Adolph
The modern democratic state committed to minority right still can limit the extent that citizens have to refrain, withdraw, and abstain from public requirements.