Hate Fueled And Lying BC Human Right Commissioner Advocates LGBT Hate Groups Lies

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
What needs to not be tolerated is this LGBT hate group along with their factually exposed foundations of lies and deceptions being thrust on on legislation, our policies along with any of us individuals around the world let alone upon our innocent little children!

This so called BC Human Rights Commissioner slanders parents who care about ending their kids being lied too and deceived by this LGBT hate group and protecting them from factually exposed foundations of sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions that permanently ruin kids lives as the haters.

You stand against your child being lied too, deceived, set up with puberty blockers and having their genital destroyed from being capable of procreation, sick individuals like this BC Commissioner lie about you calling you a hater for simply not going along with these sick WEF mentalities along with their slew of lies and deceptions. Get sued for not going along with sick WEF mentalities, lose your job for not going along with these WEF sick mentalities, get banned from websites for not going along with these sick WEF mentalities, get made out to be a criminal for not going along with these sick and filthy WEF and their little LGBT sicko hate group mentalities and they want to silence you, make you out to be a criminal while they continue to attempt to force oppression upon us all so they can continue to divide, conquer and enslave survivors without anyone else getting any say. They want to appear like they have no opposition which is why they want to silence you and try and make a criminal out of you for being very against their sick behavior while claiming that removing LGBT lies and deceptions will not be tolerated! Removing the LGBT's right to rob you of the right to be what you are will not be tolerated and they place this under the guise of a human right!

Here this sick individual advocates factually exposed foundations of lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day with forced oppression for the greed bags of the World Economic Forum while also slandering anyone who stands against this LGBT hate group and all of their hateful supporters such as this pathetic excuse for a so called Commissioner as the haters. Think who is the hater here, those attempting to force lies and deceptions on your children while calling you a hater for being against their sick behavior or are you the hater for caring about your children and wanting to protect them from such sick and filthy LGBT sick behavior which is primarily forcing factually proven foundations of sick and filthy lies and deceptions upon the general public with support of the WEF and their useful idiots along with their useful idiot policies forced upon school boards and media?!! Question is simple, are these compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers abusing your children the haters or are you the hater for stepping up to put an end to this sick and filthy LGBT behavior?! It's a no brainer who the haters are such as this BC Commissioner for wanting to continue to abuse your children with LGBT lies and deceptions while abusing parents by slandering parents who go against her sickly support for this sick and filthy LGBT!

The LGBT needs to be criminalized permanently and globally, their lies and deceptions removed from legislation, their sick policies removed from media, school boards and other government offices for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet.

Go ahead and ask your kid to see if they know what the difference between a female and a male is to find out how redundant this LGBT has made them already.

This sick so called commissioner says LGBT kids feel unsafe at school, well if you stop forcing lies in schools and taught kids to accept themselves for what sex/gender they were conceived as thus born as thus are for life, there would no reason for LGBT kids to feel unsafe because there wouldn't be any!

The LGB, not much a problem there I mean even that organization fights the LGBT because the LGBT are compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers that do not want to accept themselves for what they are, seem to think everyone else should accept them for what they are not and never will be so that they can go around robbing everyone else of the right to be what we are!

Female athletes being robbed by male LGBT sickos. Heterosexual doesn't include having sex with someone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with but the LGBT wants to help homosexuals to pretend to be what they are not so they can get away with making a mockery of what it means to be heterosexual by robbing you of the right to be heterosexual with their sick and filthy LGBT lies and deceptions while trying to make it look like they have your sympathy to help them get away with such sick behavior.

THE LGBT is World Economic Forum easily baited trash used to divide and conquer with lies and deceptions while the WEF, their useful idiots and main stream idiot media to force many other lies and deceptions to bombard you with divide and conquer while they use many guises to undermine their obvious intent and not just here in Canada, in several countries around the world simultaneously in modern day which is factual evidence of conspiracy unfolding on international levels of which those conspiring use their useful idiots, hate groups and main stream idiot media to try and dumb it down to a mere theory. Pathetic!

Bravo 1millionmarchforchildren good to see caring loving people going up against a bunch of haters such as the WEF, the LGBT or this hateful commissioner who are obviously so very desperate to try and use every lie and deception they can pathetically fathom in attempt to try and drag you down to their sick and filthy level.




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
And how sickening ...Here we go again with anti protesters (paid actors etc.) sickly funded at tax payers expense thanks to WEF's useful idiots meanwhile tax payers fight for their children to not be abused by this LGBT hate groups lies and deceptions out of the goodness of their own hearts and out of the common of their own sense!