Have you Americans lost faith in the American people?


New member
I as a Canadian had lost faith in the American people since they decided to vote 50% for George Bush...

How can that be possible? I really dont get it...Are there that many stupid christian born again conservatives?

Over the past 8 years I have lost faith in the American people and do not see anything changing in a positive direction yet.
Americans are mostly Fat (in attitude if not body) , lazy, spoiled and pretty much told what to think by the media.

Our future will require some sacrifice and hard decisions, we are just not up to it.
Americans are the richest, smartest, and by far most generous.
How bad does your country suck that you have to live vicariously like a Remora on the shark.
We are just oil remoras Sputter.
We like importing Canadian oil :D

We are even building a refinery to process the shale oil.
first new refinery in many years.
we're raping and pillaging your natural resources, we'll use ours when you run out.
Don't expect us to export any to you. LOFL
This is a country that practiced genocide on the Indians, justified the immorality of slavery, stood back and watched for a century as minorities civil rights were violated, and still continue to sit back and watch today as lives are ruined over the Drug War.
This is a country that practiced genocide on the Indians, justified the immorality of slavery, stood back and watched for a century as minorities civil rights were violated, and still continue to sit back and watch today as lives are ruined over the Drug War.

and all the while considering ourselves the beacons of freedom and democracy in the free world.

You left out supporting petty dictators and overthrowing goverments.
We are going to close off our oil to you Americans...than you'll have to depend on Venezuela oil!

Say hello to Chavez.


You cannot. There is a clause within NAFTA that Canada cannot stop selling oil, or even sell less oil, to the United States, EVEN IF, Canada is facing an oil shortage itself. You are locked in. Your leaders signed that. Looks like you have your own chickens that need tending there, eh?
This is a country that practiced genocide on the Indians, justified the immorality of slavery, stood back and watched for a century as minorities civil rights were violated, and still continue to sit back and watch today as lives are ruined over the Drug War.

Now we are doing it to Hodji
and he was so cool in Johnny Quest