Have you noticed this?


Or are all of you totally embedded with the two party system smoke screen?

Because sports came on my consertative AM station (the only reason why AM radio is not dead) I was listening to a dumb liberial on the radio last night (Allen Combs) on a different channel.

The first thing I noticed, is he has a lot more calls disagreeing with him than any consertative talk show host.

The second thing I notices, is he called a consertative a kool-aid drinker.

Let me get this right. The American project started under consertative principals, and was a joke all around the world, yet we became the most prosperious nation in the world in about three short generations. I ask you liberials who adopt others thoughts and think they are your own (like the marksist writes you learned in college)---when exactly was it when the consertatives drank the kool-aid? The real kool-aid drinkers teach socialism that enslaves people. Did consertatives drink the kool-aid when this country was founded?--when they provided a great lifing for their families that the world was jealous of? Not sure when we consertatives quenched our thirst. Was it that damn Paul Revere that threw out kool-aid to everybody when he warned that the Brritish were coming--or were we drinking kool-aid insterad of tea in Boaton? Not sure.

Socialism is a religion for the lazy. It inslaves you while you think you are living the best life you possibly can. Jonestown (where the kool-aid thing came from), had a society that was socialistic and very religious--for the self proclaimed best life possible. For you liberials, who don't know the orgion of the kool-aid term. It came from Jonestown, when their commie leader ordered all of his people to drink poison kool-aid as a rapture kind of thing. Much like social science professors teaching Marksism in our universities today--like William Ayres.
People have died from that kool-aid all over the world--accept the USA so far---but keep trying if you want.

Anyway--enough of the trivia--to my main point
I notice on here, and on that radio show--liberials often accuse consertatives of the things (usually twisted from orgion like the kool-aid thing) that consertatives blame liberials for.

When dems and republicans (assuming there are any real DEMs or REPBS in either of those parties) start accusing eachother of the exact same thing---does that tell you that the two parties have come so close together, they they actually share the same mean now? Can there be a bigger smoke screen if people accuse eachother of the same things? I don't know
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Could you try re-writing your post using English as your language of choice. A dictionary and some grammar lessons would be helpful to. Is the above post in French?? Arabic?
Could you try re-writing your post using English as your language of choice. A dictionary and some grammar lessons would be helpful to. Is the above post in French?? Arabic?

It takes me a long time to fix all my typ'os. I think I got most of them.
There is no need to learn a second language here.

Are you one of those dupes that think there is any corrolation between the command of the english language and intelligence? ( am not that bad at spelling--but I am a very very poor typist--I need smaller tops on the keys--and I may make some) I know that is used as a tool by condesending individuals--but I think it makes them look a bit idiotic and self rightous---because there is no corrolation there.
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It takes me a long time to fix all my typ'os. I think I got most of them.
There is no need to learn a second language here.

Are you one of those dupes that think there is any corrolation between the command of the english language and intelligence? I know that is used as a tool by condesending individuals--but I think it makes them look a bit idiotic and self rightous---because there is no corrolation there.

I think one could make a very good argument for a correlation between language skills and intelligence. How else can one accurately communicate a concept, or their grasp of knowledge on a topic, other than through the medium of language?
I think one could make a very good argument for a correlation between language skills and intelligence. How else can one accurately communicate a concept, or their grasp of knowledge on a topic, other than through the medium of language?

You first need to define intelligence---got a clue?

Are you saying there are no intelligent mutes out there, or if a person never learned to read or write--he can't be intelligent?

Intelligence is using a means, or a combination of means to get a desired outcome--like problem solving. Now to teach to others what the intelligent person learned, communication is important. That is why your new unassembled TV stand has instructions for assembly---I don't usually need the instructions man--do you? lol

Are you intelligent if you only reguritate the marksist socialist philosophies you have been force fed by other oppressive nations philosophies? Does that make you a critical thinking intelligent human being? Does pushing socialistic philosophies and social programs that have nothing but a history of failure all over the world seem intelligent to you---if you actually think about it for yourself?

I have a brotjher that used to be very very intelligent. He read the encyclopedia Birtannica collection we had, at the age of 7. He skipped second grad and went right into thrid grade. he graduatded 4.0 from our HS,a nd went on to Mich State (where he drank the kool-aid and became a liberial). I think that was the height of his intelligence, but he still was on top. Then, he finished MS university, graduated suma collada (or wat ever it is). he then got a job a Microsoft--and adoped socialistic philosophies. Paul and I have never been really close as brothers--we had vastly different interests and friends. But-I do have an example of liberialism did to him (IMO). He lives neart Seattle still, and I bought him a 700 dollar electric go=ped scooter for Christmas. The scooter has a fold down handle bar poll, and it did not come totally assembled for shipping. All he has to do is take the round pivot pin provided, and pound it into a round hole--14 year old kids do it every time they get one of these scooters, and don't have much problem with it. My liberial kool-aid drinking brother can no longer put a round peg in a round hole. The scooter still sits in a corner, two years later--because he cant get it together.

Now--he used to work on his motorcycle engine and bicycles as a kid---how did he loose that primal skill of putting a round peg in a round hole? Noter--he has been depressed for about 4 years now after breaking up with his boyfriend and thowing away his position at Microsoft--but still man--it is a round peg and a round hole!! He went from a productive individual to a do nothing liberial. I think I have to remind him that the happiest years of his life was when he was productive. He is liberial--they don't listen because he looks down on anybody sharing some wisdom with him. I might let him live his life in misery if he wants in that case.

I degress--sorry

Gotta go live my American dream now--and make some bank while having fun. later do nothings!
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You first need to define intelligence---got a clue?

Are you saying there are no intelligent mutes out there, or if a person never learned to read or write--he can't be intelligent?

Intelligence is using a means, or a combination of means to get a desired outcome--like problem solving. Now to teach to others what the intelligent person learned, communication is important. That is why your new unassembled TV stand has instructions for assembly---I don't usually need the instructions man--do you? lol

Are you intelligent if you only reguritate the marksist socialist philosophies you have been force fed by other oppressive nations philosophies? Does that make you a critical thinking intelligent human being? Does pushing socialistic philosophies and social programs that have nothing but a history of failure all over the world seem intelligent to you---if you actually think about it for yourself?

Are you implying that mute people are incapable of communicating? That they cannot read or write or communicate non-verbally? How do you know that I'm not a mute-deaf person? Have you ever heard me speak?

To be honest, I didn't need instructions to set up my last TV. I did have to read the instructions to set up the High Performance Liquid Chromatograph at work before I could develop my test method and my brother in law had to read the instructions before he set up his CNC milling machine so he could program it to make the parts he had contracted to produce. Thank God that the manufacturers of both machines knew how to communicate intelligently or we both would of had a problem if you see my point?

But what does this have to do with your strawman on socialism? Apparently anyone rational enough to reject the extremism of the reactionary right is a socialist to you. That's just an ignorant strawman argument as I bet I can give one hell of a lot better condemnation of dialectic socioeconomic systems than you can.

Hell you probably think Ayn Rand is a producer of hydraulic equipment.
I think its possible to be very intelligent and still have poor communication skills. But I also think that good communication skills are a sign of intelligence.

Maj, you keep referring to "koolaid drinkers". Somehow you are under the mistaken impression that we all got our views by simply being indoctrinated by some great liberal media machine.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I am not a child, by any stretch of the imagination. I am not too far from the 5 decade mark. My views have changed over my many years, as anyone's will. I grew my views from decades of life. From working in numerous jobs in several different areas. I grew it from travelling. I grew it from reading. I grew it from my experiences with other people and from listening to their stories. I grew it from listening to many political talking heads, from Rush Limbaugh to Air America. I grew it from what I learned in college.

There is no koolaid here. There is a flavorful and well aged wine here. Any assumptions to the contrary on your part is simply ignorance of who I am.
Did consertatives drink the kool-aid when this country was founded?--when they provided a great lifing for their families that the world was jealous of?

Oh man I got to this part and just starting cracking up.

This guy thinks the revolutionarys who started this country were conservatives?

Dude you are so full of koolaide.