HBO is showing Primary Colors again...


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And this time I find myself watching the "Hillary" character more than Travolta as "Clinton". The most powerful scene in the movie is when Kathy Bates character confronts them both with the blood test to prove the 17 year old babysitter is not having Stanton's baby, and that someone else gave their blood other than the governor and Emma Thompson's character says "You would really end his political carreer with this?", and Bates' character says to Governor Stanton, "you see, she's not even upset that you fucked your 17 year old babysitter, she is upset that it could hurt your political carreer." I never realized how exactly the story nails Hillary. For her and has ALWAYS been about riding his coattails. She saw him as her political future and all his affairs and lies meant nothing so long as he could wiggle out and she could capitalize. But then I must just be part of the vast rightwing conspiracy.
I can't imagine Bill and Hillary are the only powerful political couple that are like that. I'm not thinking of anyone in particular but there have to similar marriages that are more bonding of common interests and desire for power than real love.

And they often ask why does the wife stand next to the husband when he's telling the world he cheated on her? Probably because most of them know and as in the Hillary case are pissed their husband got caught and risked their political status.

Am I off base on that?
I dont think you are far off base. Love can still be a part of it. People chose who they settle to marry. No human is perfect. When women marry rounder they often know they are marrying a man who will cheat on them someday but will come back. That or they may have an open marriage. You cant have an open marriage and admitt it and be in politics.

I really and truely wish people would not comdem others on things adults do consentingly.

As long as its legal then its none of my business. I would make prostitution legal and highly policed if I had it my way.

Monica was 26 not 17. Would I marry such a man? Hell NO!

Everyone choses for themselves what they would accept in a relationship.