He is a member of a radical Christian church, He is a Muslam, Vote McCain the Athist


Well-known member
The Cons are starting the irony all over again. Just like in the last election, when they were all over Kerry for not really deserving his purple hart, then voted for Bush who served in Alabama during Viet nam...

Now they are all over Obama, first saying he was a 20 member of a Christian Church that had an unaccpetable pastor. (How could you be a member for so long without accpeting there beilfes?) At the same time they are allover him for "being a Muslam." Instead they are going to vote for McCain who is a member of no Church!
But you should welcome this my brother. My worry was that they would be smarter and not engage in the same Rovian tactics that has caused the decline of the Republican Party. The vaunted and feared "Republican attack machine" requires really dumb or frightened people for it to work. During 9/11, the American people were both, dumb and frightened, so the machine worked to perfection.

Today, Americans are less dumb, and what frightens them is everything republicans have stood for, not just since Bush, but a retrospective look at republican administrations over the last 40 years demonstrates why their ideology culminated in Bush. Bush was just the product of the seeds they planted.

The problem is not the republican machine, the problem is that democrats have been weak as shit my brother. History will not blame all of this on Bush. The Democratic Party under the thumb of the DLC, i.e., the Clintons, has only remotely resembled an opposition party. That was by design, but let's deal with what is obvious .. Americans really can't handle too much truth.

Where do you think the hunderds of millions of dollars the Clinton's stumbled upon came from?

OOopss, sorry .. I disgress.

Where do you think the all of a sudden out of the clear blue sky over left field sudden "friendship" between the Clinton's and Richard "the fuck" Schiafe came from?

OOppss .. sorry.

I was skeptical of Obama and when he announced I gave him the same look I gave everybody else .. but the moment I knew I was going to support him was when I read and researched this ..

“I am not currently, nor have I ever been, a member of the DLC,” said Obama, in a statement that substantially reflects a telephone conversation with Associate Editor Bruce Dixon, this weekend. “It does appear that, without my knowledge, the DLC…listed me in their ‘New Democrat’ directory,” Obama continued. “Because I agree that such a directory implies membership, I will be calling the DLC to have my name removed, and appreciate your having brought this fact to my attention.”


This was in 2003 and Obama was running for the US Senate.

You should read the whole article, including the letter from Obama he wrote back to Bruce.

Then take a look at those behind Obama, those who have been there from the beginning and I suggest that his biggest fight is already over. The battle was between the DLC and the progressive wing of the party .. and the Clintons were a much more powerful force than McCain will ever be .. for all the reasons you know .. and the country knows .. and planet earth knows.

The republican machine is doodoo and stupid as hell. Democrats should hang their heads in shame that they EVER allowed such an inept group of bumbling Keystone Kops to take control of this country. History will write their shame .. and cowardice.

Question: Would you openly use attacking Michelle Obama as a campaign strategy in a climate where you're also trying to court Clinton supporters and in a climate where the power of women voters have never been so pronounced?

Would you do that?

Then what in the fuck are democrats so damn afraid of? These people are IDIOTS. They do not possess the ability to adapt to an evolving society. They are reading from the same playbook .. and everywhere they've played it so far, they lose.

They don't have 9/11, terrorism, patriotism, Bin Laden, Saddam, the flag, Elian Gonzolez, islamopobia, or any of that idiocy they used to frighten Americans in line.

There is one other .. uhh .. unmentionable, that has exposed itself undeniably in all of this. Just between you and I, there are some really dumb people on the right. I mean some near lobotomized dumb ass people exist on the right and that's true from the bottom to the top. Not all of them, but just DAMN .. most of these people aren't bright. .. Just look around here.

I welcome the vaunted attack machine .. there are more than just democrats who are ready to laugh that bullshit off. They'll do more damage to their chances than they do good .. and that applies all the way down the election line.

Wars cannot be won without warriors my brother.