He wants to be your First Gentleman

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Batshit-crazy Bach-to-Mom comes with all sorts of baggage.

There's the history of glaring gaffes, the 5 spawn, the 23 foster spawn, and the Man, chosen by God, who Must Be Submitted To.


Let's talk about Marcus, the Bach-Mann. First of all, he's fat. That will dismay the Dalai Damocles, who is unamused by fat references (when they;re aimed at Republicans, that is).

Just take Webby's gibes at the current First Lady and imagine applying them to a man. You get the idea.

Let's check out the Bach-mann, who puts the "mann" in Michele.

He met the soon-to-submit Michele at Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota. In school, they bonded over their shared faith as born-again Christians, but also over politics.

It wasn’t what one might imagine, though: Michele Bachmann has spoken of how they worked together on Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign in 1976.

As a “personal mission statement,” he writes, “I believe my call is to minister to the needs of people in a practical, effective, and sensitive way. Christ is the Almighty Counselor.”

His focus in part reflects his training, which included a master’s degree at Regent University, the Virginia institution founded by Pat Robertson, as well as a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Union Institute and University, a correspondence-based school in Cincinnati.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/06/16/michele-bachmann-s-first-dude-husband-marcus-bachmann.html[/FONT]

God chose her husband for her and then told her she should “submit” to him (he, in turn, told her to study tax law), she says God “called me to run"…


There's more, much. much more to come....but I've probably exceeded the attention span of most of the board's righties already.

Stay tuned.

The submitted woman waddles in the wake of the whale

So who is Mr. Bachmann, the man who would be first husband?

A "Christian therapist", he has referred to gays as barbarians.

Bachmann & Associates (which received government subsidies)
advertises “Christian counseling,” and as a “personal mission statement,” he writes, “I believe my call is to minister to the needs of people in a practical, effective, and sensitive way".

His views on counseling are unorthodox. In one radio interview, he criticizes counselors who focused on patients’ feelings, saying that instead patients should be instructed on the correct path.

“Our culture is filled with, ‘How do you feel?’” he said. “When you get a counselor saying, ‘How do you feel?’ that’s really a mistake. What should drive us is the undeniable truth and the godly principles of truth in God’s word... Too often do we find counselors who will excuse a person and allow their feelings to take charge.”

He said, “We’ve decided if you feel it, it’s all right.”

In November 2005, Marcus Bachmann delivered a presentation called “The Truth About the Homosexual Agenda” at the Minnesota Pastors’ Summit.

According to a gay activist who attended and spoke to City Pages, Bachmann’s presentation ended with testimony from three people who claimed they’d been gay and had been “cured” and become straight.

But Bachmann has denied that he works to turn gay patients straight.

In spring 2010, Dr. Bachmann appeared on a conservative radio program to talk about homosexuality and his counseling clinic.

He had advice for parents whose children are gay or lesbian. “I think you clearly say what is the understanding of God’s word on homosexuality,” he said. “We have to understand that barbarians need to be educated, they need to be disciplined, and just because someone feels it or thinks it doesn’t mean we need to go down that road. That’s what’s called the sinful nature.”

He added, “And we have a responsibility as parents and authority figures not to encourage such thoughts and feelings moving into the action steps.”

Bachmann’s clinic, Bachmann and Associates, Inc., also took nearly $30,000 in state funds over the last several years.


Marcus Bachmann. Photo: Andy Birkey, Minnesota Independent

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truly hilarious, the troll just responds to himself in a vacuum, no other posts except this one and his four talking to himself
Bach-to-Mom's male master tells her what to wear.


Bat-shit Bachmann's male master tells her what God (another male) says:


Minnesota Michele's male master tells her who to hate:


Tea-bagger Bachmann's male master is a welfare king who takes government money:


Bach-to-Mom and her male master took $$$ for foster spawn:

I love Rightards claims that centrists fear "strong women"...

Failin' Palin and Bach-to-Mom are submissive slaves to their male masters.
