Head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland was allegedly caught in a child sex predator sting

Thats the left for you. Crooks, sicko's, fags, sexually perverse and confused , anything goes. You name it they do it. Nothing is beneath them no matter how deranged. Their time is short now though. Justice is coming.
Andy Ngo. Oh brother.
Might as well not put on the "ACT" where you just pretend the story isnt true and instead ridicule the source. Not a good look. Thats the reason your fellow LWers stayed away from this story and wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole btw,....they just want it to get memory holed and forgotten as fast as possible by ignoring it. :thinking: Everyone knows the story is true and is being widely reported as such now. The guy is a predator. Worse yet he preys on children. CHILDREN! In a lot of other countries he would be put to death for such evil and perverse acts. He should be here too. Hopefully we can get those kind of laws passed when we take over after November. Capital punishment for all child predator pedos. No lingering in jail either,.....expedite the punishment. Public hanging would really be the best,....sets a visual example for all the other creeps to see.
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And IF this guy is guilty he will be immediately abandoned by all the left

You assholes protect and vote for your pedos
Might as well not put on the "ACT" where you just pretend the story isnt true and instead ridicule the source. Not a good look. Thats the reason your fellow LWers stayed away from this story and wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole btw,....they just want it to get memory holed and forgotten as fast as possible by ignoring it. :thinking: Everyone knows the story is true and is being widely reported as such now. The guy is a predator. Worse yet he preys on children. CHILDREN! In a lot of other countries he would be put to death for such evil and perverse acts. He should be here too. Hopefully we can get those kind of laws passed when we take over after November. Capital punishment for all child predator pedos. No lingering in jail either,.....expedite the punishment. Public hanging would really be the best,....sets a visual example for all the other creeps to see.
So punish him? Being a Democrat has nothing to do with it.
I always knew this kind of crap existed I just never knew it existed to this kind of degree. Where did we ever go this far off track? How can there possibly be THIS MANY sicko's in our country? Its all you even hear about anymore,...seems like its everywhere. Its all over Hollywood and the music industry thats for sure. Its undeniable now. What in the hell is going on that this much evil is taking root in our country? There is talk about rounding up illegal aliens some day and shipping them out and thats fine by me but honestly I think these kind of sicko's need to be rounded up first! Rounded up, tried, sentenced, and hung. The kinds of people who would hurt a child need to be dealt with in the harshest possible way IMO because if a person would harm a child they are capable of doing about anything! We cant have this.
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