Headwinds for Republicans

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
This is why we see them furiously trying to turn back the clock, but will be to no avail in the long run.Time isn't on their side :) :awesome:

The demographic makeup of the country’s voters continues to shift

Demographic change continued to chip away at the cornerstone of the Republican electoral coalition in 2022, a new analysis of Census data has found.

White voters without a four-year college degree, the indispensable core of the modern GOP coalition, declined in 2022 as a share of both actual and eligible voters, according to a study of Census results by Michael McDonald, a University of Florida political scientist who specializes in electoral turnout.

McDonald’s finding, provided exclusively to CNN, shows that the 2022 election continued the long-term trend dating back at least to the 1970s of a sustained fall in the share of the votes cast by working-class White voters who once constituted the brawny backbone of the Democratic coalition, but have since become the absolute foundation of Republican campaign fortunes.

As non-college Whites have receded in the electorate over that long arc, non-White adults and, to a somewhat lesser extent, Whites with at least a four-year college degree, have steadily increased their influence. “This is a trend that is baked into the demographic change of the country, so [it] is likely going to accelerate over the next ten years,” says McDonald, author of the recent book “From Pandemic to Insurrection: Voting in the 2020 Presidential Election.”

McDonald’s “data support what is self-evident: that Trumpism peaked in 2016, and that it leads to a dead end,” says former US Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Florida Republican. “We saw this in 2018 when Republicans lost the House; we saw it in 2020 when they lost the presidency and the Senate, and we saw it in last year when Republicans were supposed to have big gains in both chambers and [did not]. All of these failures can be attributed to Trumpism. These data just confirm what is visible to the naked eye.”

The impact of these changes on the outcomes of elections, as McDonald says, is very incremental, “like the proverbial frog in the boiling water.” One way to understand that dynamic is to assume that Whites without a college degree on the one hand, and minorities and college-educated Whites on the other, all split their vote at roughly the same proportions as they have in recent elections. If the former group declines as a share of the electorate by two points from 2020-2024 and the latter groups increase by an equal amount, that change alone would enlarge Biden’s margin of victory in the two-party vote from 4.6 percentage points to 5.8, Bonier calculates. Republicans would need to increase their vote share with some or all of those groups just to get back to the deficit Trump faced in 2020 – much less to overcome it.
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...a sustained fall in the share of the votes cast by working-class White voters who once constituted the brawny backbone of the Democratic coalition, but have since become the absolute foundation of Republican campaign fortunes.
This, of course, is a direct result of the Democratic Party emphasizing social issues over economic ones.

The social issues are important, nobody wishes to deny.

Uneducated former Democrats are so repelled by them, however,
that they now embrace Republican policies that kill them economically
but fall in line with their social regressiveness.

They'll do without health care, education, and labor protections
in order for it to be ok to hate niggers, spicks, kikes, and fags.

As I've often said,
they've elevated mind boggling stupidity to a religion,
and they are devout.

This is what we got in our population, folks.
Still want to "come together" with these mutants?​

Reds are on the wrong side of women's choice, the environment, and treatment of minorities.

/scratches head.......you mean because we don't want them to choose to kill their children, ruin the economy or make preferential selections based on the color of a person's skin?........not sure I see where this "wrong side" is OUR problem......