Health debate fails to ignite Obama’s Web


New member
By Jeff Zeleny

updated 9:53 a.m. CT, Sat., Aug 15, 2009
MUSCATINE, Iowa - At her home on Tom Sawyer Road here the other night, Bonnie Adkins agreed to begin spreading the word that President Obama’s embattled health care plan needed help.

Ms. Adkins, who for the past two years devoted hundreds of hours helping Mr. Obama get to the White House, hosted a potluck supper that was advertised to Democrats in this eastern Iowa town along the Mississippi River. People were invited to bring a favorite salad or dessert — and their cellphones — to make calls drumming up support for the president’s agenda.

She wondered whether her house would hold everyone, but there was no reason for worry.

“We had 10 people. Not a huge number, but good,” said Ms. Adkins, 55, who has been an Obama volunteer since the first day she saw him during a stop here on March 11, 2007. “The enthusiasm is not there like it was a year ago. Most people, when they get to Nov. 5, put their political hat away and it doesn’t come out for three years.”

As the health care debate intensifies, the president is turning to his grass-roots network — the 13 million members of Organizing for America — for support.

Mr. Obama engendered such passion last year that his allies believed they were on the verge of creating a movement that could be mobilized again. But if a week’s worth of events are any measure here in Iowa, it may not be so easy to reignite the machine that overwhelmed Republicans a year ago.

More than a dozen campaign volunteers, precinct captains and team leaders from all corners of Iowa, who dedicated a large share of their time in 2007 and 2008 to Mr. Obama, said in interviews this week that they supported the president completely but were taking a break from politics and were not active members of Organizing for America.

'Waste of time'
Some said they were reluctant to talk to their neighbors about something personal and complicated like health care. And others expressed frustration at the genteel approach, asking why Democrats were not filling the town-hall-style meetings of Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Finance Committee negotiating health care legislation, or Representative Leonard L. Boswell, a member of the moderate Blue Dog Democratic group.

“It’s a waste of time,” said Gilbert P. Sierra of Davenport, a Democrat who attended an Organizing for America meeting, where about 100 people gathered to vent frustrations and discuss how they could stand up to conservative critics. “Why spend money on this and only be talking to the choir?”

read the rest and weep..
By Jeff Zeleny

updated 9:53 a.m. CT, Sat., Aug 15, 2009
MUSCATINE, Iowa - At her home on Tom Sawyer Road here the other night, Bonnie Adkins agreed to begin spreading the word that President Obama’s embattled health care plan needed help.

Ms. Adkins, who for the past two years devoted hundreds of hours helping Mr. Obama get to the White House, hosted a potluck supper that was advertised to Democrats in this eastern Iowa town along the Mississippi River. People were invited to bring a favorite salad or dessert — and their cellphones — to make calls drumming up support for the president’s agenda.

She wondered whether her house would hold everyone, but there was no reason for worry.

“We had 10 people. Not a huge number, but good,” said Ms. Adkins, 55, who has been an Obama volunteer since the first day she saw him during a stop here on March 11, 2007. “The enthusiasm is not there like it was a year ago. Most people, when they get to Nov. 5, put their political hat away and it doesn’t come out for three years.”

As the health care debate intensifies, the president is turning to his grass-roots network — the 13 million members of Organizing for America — for support.

Mr. Obama engendered such passion last year that his allies believed they were on the verge of creating a movement that could be mobilized again. But if a week’s worth of events are any measure here in Iowa, it may not be so easy to reignite the machine that overwhelmed Republicans a year ago.

More than a dozen campaign volunteers, precinct captains and team leaders from all corners of Iowa, who dedicated a large share of their time in 2007 and 2008 to Mr. Obama, said in interviews this week that they supported the president completely but were taking a break from politics and were not active members of Organizing for America.

'Waste of time'
Some said they were reluctant to talk to their neighbors about something personal and complicated like health care. And others expressed frustration at the genteel approach, asking why Democrats were not filling the town-hall-style meetings of Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Finance Committee negotiating health care legislation, or Representative Leonard L. Boswell, a member of the moderate Blue Dog Democratic group.

“It’s a waste of time,” said Gilbert P. Sierra of Davenport, a Democrat who attended an Organizing for America meeting, where about 100 people gathered to vent frustrations and discuss how they could stand up to conservative critics. “Why spend money on this and only be talking to the choir?”

read the rest and weep..

Did you see Jackson-Lee's townhall meeting where Jackson-Lee called on a woman who said she was a doctor and marveled over Obama's healthcare plan? It turns out she lied about being a doctor and in reality, she was an Obama delegate and didn't even live in Jackson-Lee's district.
Did you see Jackson-Lee's townhall meeting where Jackson-Lee called on a woman who said she was a doctor and marveled over Obama's healthcare plan? It turns out she lied about being a doctor and in reality, she was an Obama delegate and didn't even live in Jackson-Lee's district.

yeah I saw it, that is why we are suppose to believe all those TRUTHS this administration is telling us..
I hope you two have health insurance after all that mutual back-slapping. You probably sprained something. :cof1:
Did you see Jackson-Lee's townhall meeting where Jackson-Lee called on a woman who said she was a doctor and marveled over Obama's healthcare plan? It turns out she lied about being a doctor and in reality, she was an Obama delegate and didn't even live in Jackson-Lee's district.
LOL. I wonder when we'll get the "On the campaign trail I met a doctor..." stories.
The Reality Check website exists to inform public debate about health insurance reform. To better understand what new misinformation is bubbling up online or in other venues, we want suggestions about topics to address through the Reality Check site.

Since the White House's Reality Check site launched, we've seen incredible response from individuals eager to get the facts about health insurance reform and pass them along to family and friends.

An ironic development is that the launch of an online program meant to provide facts about health insurance reform has itself become the target of fear-mongering and online rumors that are the tactics of choice for the defenders of the status quo.

E-mail updates from the White House have played a central role in our effort to push back on misinformation and get the facts out about health insurance reform. These updates will continue to be an important source of information about the president, his priorities and opportunities for public participation.

Despite reports by some that have invoked a variety of sinister conspiracy theories, more people signed up for updates last week than during the entire month of July.
Please, the "reality check" website is an attempt to have their cake and eat it too. "We got rid of the e-mail address" they'll say... as they still ask for you to report others for "fishy" statements.
I can't believe any senators or congressmen are getting death threats just for talking about the plan... Brad Miller of NC, for example.
What I "can't believe" is that people are getting death threats just for speaking out against the plan when they aren't even elected.