Hedgefund Manager Disses Clientelle, Retires

The low-hanging fruit, ie idiots whose parents paid for prep school, Yale and then the Harvard MBA, was there for the taking," he wrote. "These people who were (often) truly not worthy of the education they received (or supposedly received) rose to the top of companies such as AIG, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and all levels of our government," he said.

What an amazing letter. Talk about unvarnished truth! LOL

He's right our nation and constitution has been taken over by an aristocracy of money.
I wish the story had the whole letter. I'd bet there was even more stuff we'd find interesting in there than the two exempletive paragraphs and the parting wisdom...
What an amazing letter. Talk about unvarnished truth! LOL

He's right our nation and constitution has been taken over by an aristocracy of money.
Our nation and constitution begun by being ruled over by an aristocracy of money. They did a great job. It was the log cabin types who screwed things up initially.

Otherwise, I agree that the letter is amazing and bluntly truthful.
How come I got/get called all kinds of disrespectful names for posting the same kind of stuff that the hedge fund manager said ?
When business people started "just going with " irrational exuberance as a business model, we knew we were in trouble, and will still are, with the new world order being created in the next few weeks, and internationalist fascism becoming the unspoken yet all pervasive ruling meme.

With a single global currency and corporate "trade organizations" dictating policy, they can effectively mold any policy any place on earth by the stipulations and demands they put on agreements to capitalize a region.

An unified galaxy needs a prime directive like in Star Trek, Otherwise it's just infinite opportunity for the expansion of mercantilist fascism.
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I feel 3 things about this guy

1) He is a greedy prick who is part of the reason we millions of Americans retirements have gone to dust. Hedge funds bet against companies and should be regulated. I hope he loses all his money in a shitty divorce or from a gambling problem.

2) he is totally right about the educations. I deal with Harvard type 'geniuses' all the time and even I can run circles around them. Takes a large brain to be smart not a wallet.

3) I agree with him that the financial institution sucks and is stress full. I too believe people should be healthy, enjoy life, and that pot should be legal.
Chappy is anti capitalism ?

At least I would have been called this a few months ago for posting the same thing.
Chappy is anti capitalism ?

At least I would have been called this a few months ago for posting the same thing.

I didnt say im anti capitalism but what hedgefunds are able to do is practically anarchy. They dont have to play by the same rules.
When business people started "just going with " irrational exuberance as a business model, we knew we were in trouble, and will still are, with the new world order being created in the next few weeks, and internationalist fascism becoming the unspoken yet all pervasive ruling meme.

With a single global currency and corporate "trade organizations" dictating policy, they can effectively mold any policy any place on earth by the stipulations and demands they put on agreements to capitalize a region.

An unified galaxy needs a prime directive like in Star Trek, Otherwise it's just infinite opportunity for the expansion of mercantilist fascism.
