Hello everyone

Hello Harold,


If the trolls have not scared you off yet you should know there are some sincere and respectful people here.

I would recommend building a strong Ignore List...
Hello Harold,


If the trolls have not scared you off yet you should know there are some sincere and respectful people here.

I would recommend building a strong Ignore List...

Absolutely. Hide from those you disagree with :rolleyes:
Hello RB 60,

Absolutely. Hide from those you disagree with :rolleyes:

Hardly. I welcome respectfully presented opposing views. Actually I cherish them. We need conservative voices just as much as we need liberal voices to make America great.

You and I rarely agree. We often disagree, just as we do on using the Ignore feature. I don't have you on Ignore; because you never tried to get personal with me. You talk politics. I don't hide from you.

Here's the thing. You don't have to 'read into' what I say. I say what I mean, mean what I say. Unlike some, I am not here to play games, mess with people's heads, unleash pent up frustration, or become immersed in anger and hatred.

The secret is understanding the big picture. We are the citizens of a great nation. (Yes, the USA is already very great.) Our self-governed nation relies on an actively engaged and well informed populace. That populace includes people on the right and people on the left. It's beautifully all-inclusive. Together, we take the views of all and boil it down into policy. Sometimes we get it right, other times we screw up. But it's us doing it. This model has lasted over 200 years and we are still here. It's always a challenge to keep it all going because we have some pretty wildly differing views.

It helps to keep this all in perspective. Neither the right nor the left is always going to get it's way. We have this constant 'tug of war' back and forth of ideas. That's part of the beauty of it. When we do enact policy, we know it is something that has been thought through the best we can with considerations from all views voiced.

We need the right; and we need the left. We need all views to make America great.

Some people try to block out this concept of diversity. They want it all their way all the time. If they don't get that, they get nasty. That's kind of pointless because it represents a breakdown of communication. It is they who are blocking out the other side by masking it with insult and innuendo.

If the discussion veers from the merit of ideas into character battles, nothing is being accomplished. I don't want to waste time getting into insult contests. That's not fun. It is a waste of ideas to try to argue character. As if all one has to do to win an argument of ideas is to say something hurtful about a person who holds an opposing view. That makes no sense.

As soon as you begin talking about the other person you are no longer talking about the ideas.

That's why I place people on Ignore. I came here to talk about politics, not other posters.

Some here simply don't get that. If they try to win the argument by 'destroying the other person' I see no point in talking to them. That is a game, and I don't want to play it. I come here to talk about events, ideas, concepts. Those who want to talk about posters are wasting my time. I have the power to hide their posts so I use it. I believe that is the correct choice, and I am exercising my freedom to do so.

I know that some of the people I place on Ignore will talk about me. I simply don't care. Let them! People are going to talk about you whether you have them on Ignore or not. People are going to talk about you in real life when you are not around. You can't stop it. You have to accept that.

All I am doing is accepting the things I cannot change, changing the things I can, and trying to find the wisdom to know the difference.