Hello, My Name Is Not OrnotBitwise


OrnotBitwise is, however, my favorite nick. My handle. My moniker. My nom de guerre, as it were. It was not always thus, however.

Long, long ago, on boards far, far away, I was one bad internet mo-fo. Picture Grind with a collectivist twist. Eat the rich and spit out the beaks sort of thing. At that time, I took great pride in posting under my own name. Now that I'm younger and mellower, I've given up the antagonistic mud slinging -- for the most part.


So, what's with the "Ornot Bitwise" thing, you ask? Is that a name or a logical fallacy?

This nick is a joke. It's a joke that only a fellow nerd would get . . . and even then, it's pretty weak. I will explain it once. Newbies henceforth are on their own.

In formal logic, the statement "A OR NOT A" -- A || !A -- is always true. To an olde tyme geek like me, this is called "OR-ing the NOT."

When you're working directly with computer memory -- working bitwise, as it were -- OR-ing the NOT produces an address with all 1s -- or all TRUE.

01100101 || 10011010 = 11111111

Hence, what I say is always true.

Got it? Good. That's all she wrote.

Damn it.

I thought he was back then I saw the date.

Still miss you guy and cant wait for you to reshow.
He can't stand me truthing him out on his idiotic word games which he believes are actual arguments. He's been too shamed to reappear.
I've known OrNot from different boards for ~8 years. Asshole, he ain't afraid of you!
Ornot has a fabulous weapon to use in forums. It's called a sense of humour. Just another Weapon of Crassness Destruction.
Ah, I don't think you are as bad as you pretend to be. Mostly fluff and no stuff.
Ah, I don't think you are as bad as you pretend to be. Mostly fluff and no stuff.
I always take these sort of posts by him as I would a song like "I'm the Man!" by Anthrax.

Of course they were making fun of those groups who sing about how awesome they are compared to everybody else, but you know what I mean I think...