


Hello everybody... I'm a social studies teacher and I'm from Kansas as you might guess by my name. I found the site through random Googling (I'm a little too embarrassed to say what I was Googling) and decided to jump right in.
Hello everybody... I'm a social studies teacher and I'm from Kansas as you might guess by my name. I found the site through random Googling (I'm a little too embarrassed to say what I was Googling) and decided to jump right in.
LOL. Welcome.
Welcome Jay... we'll work on that embarrassment, trust me, maybe we'll even get you to tell us what you were Googling. :)

Glad to have your input on the site.

Hello everybody... I'm a social studies teacher and I'm from Kansas as you might guess by my name. I found the site through random Googling (I'm a little too embarrassed to say what I was Googling) and decided to jump right in.

Cool, I'm studying to become a social studies teacher. Welcome aboard.
Its a well known fact that Kansas has more people named Jay who are pro-war than any other state.

Thats where they get the name "Jayhawker"
Jay, I returned today from a brief sojourn in your fair state. It was our first trip and I loved Kansas! Hope you enjoy the site.