
  • Thread starter Thread starter GrappasZitsar
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Well helllooooo!!

My names is Grappa. I just l-o-v-e lively debate, and beware! I will rip off your head and poop down your neck if you come after me too.

I may be big and chubby, but I can roll with the best of them!

Moral Outrage is my middle name, and shrieking like a wet cat is my main game!
Well helllooooo!!

My names is Grappa. I just l-o-v-e lively debate, and beware! I will rip off your head and poop down your neck if you come after me too.

I may be big and chubby, but I can roll with the best of them!

Moral Outrage is my middle name, and shrieking like a wet cat is my main game!

How CUTE!!

I have a troll!!

Really...I'm flattered!

To think that someone on this site has so much hatred for me that they have to resort to such childish lengths to try and "get me" it is indeed flattering!

btw...yer gonna need a bigger pic. I'm much fatter than that guy...:cof1:
How CUTE!!

I have a troll!!

Really...I'm flattered!

To think that someone on this site has so much hatred for me that they have to resort to such childish lengths to try and "get me" it is indeed flattering!

btw...yer gonna need a bigger pic. I'm much fatter than that guy...:cof1:

Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie! Is that a whine I hear?

Don't be trying to steal my thunder, thunder thighs. I don't care how big you are, you will never be as big as KING GRAPPA!

Read these words and place a star on your calendar. The KING owns you.
Hey man, did ya see?

Someone hates me so much that they actually spent time creating an idiotic troll!

Anyone want to venture a guess as to who the troll is?

Yes indeedy. A troll is definitely needed to poke at you. Why I was just saying the other day:

"That Zappa needs a troll. Lord knows one person couldn't handle him cuz that's a whole lotta BOY to handle."

In the words of Chuck Berry when he's singing about "My Ding-a-ling"

"That's too much for SIX girls!!!!"

Hell Zap! You're too much for SIX HUNDRED girls!!!


Get your hands off your ding-a-ling Fat Boy!
Still have the hots for loyal, I see. It must be tough feeling so rejected.:(

Thanks for joining in my friend. This is where Tomasina feels the most comfortable.

With the felines.

Always wanted to be a pussy, and well here he gets to live out his secret fantasy, safe from the prying eyes of the Pussy in Chief.
Still waiting for Ice Prancer, no doubt she will arrive soon enough. Maybe there is a traffic jam on Inter Broomstick 1.

Well we know no one's waiting on you, Tomasina. It's tough when there's two pussies in the same house, huh?

Would explain why you are on this site when most "husbands" are sleeping with their wives. Of course if your behavior here is any indication of your man...errr..ahem...hood, then is it any wonder?

Quit scratching up the furniture, Pussy, or will make a rug out of you!
Well we know no one's waiting on you, Tomasina. It's tough when there's two pussies in the same house, huh?

Would explain why you are on this site when most "husbands" are sleeping with their wives. Of course if your behavior here is any indication of your man...errr..ahem...hood, then is it any wonder?

Quit scratching up the furniture, Pussy, or will make a rug out of you!

Pussy, conasse, cunt, are you auditioning for a part in the Vagina Monologues?
Thanks for joining in my friend. This is where Tomasina feels the most comfortable.

With the felines.

Always wanted to be a pussy, and well here he gets to live out his secret fantasy, safe from the prying eyes of the Pussy in Chief.

Yeah, I remember when he was crazy about you and Ethel tried to rein him in. The liberal women are so jealous of Conservative women, but I can't blame them. We are the very best.