

I am a registered republican and have voted that way for some time. For the past few years the republican party has disappointed me. Democrats occasionally have good ideas, but usually are just chalk full of crap. I am here because someone suggested I put my thoughts online and discuss my ideas. Sounds silly to me as I don't know any of you and you don't know me.

Here goes.

I do not know you and you have the word troll in your username. At this time, I will pass on accepting you as a friend.
welcome to the board.

As for your ideas and discussing them with strangers, it is a good way to expose yourself to opposing views and to further evolve your own views on topics. While message boards can sometimes get petty (especially around election time) over the years I have been on sites like this it has been very educational and you will run into opponents you will come to respect (as well as those you will mock for their ignorance). Likewise there will be those who take 'your' side of an argument that you really wish wouldn't as they spout an equal amount of nonsense.
welcome to the board.

As for your ideas and discussing them with strangers, it is a good way to expose yourself to opposing views and to further evolve your own views on topics. While message boards can sometimes get petty (especially around election time) over the years I have been on sites like this it has been very educational and you will run into opponents you will come to respect (as well as those you will mock for their ignorance). Likewise there will be those who take 'your' side of an argument that you really wish wouldn't as they spout an equal amount of nonsense.

Thank you.
As far as knowing people well, I have known some of the posters here since late 2002, when I was a junior in high school, and it has been pretty cool to chat with them that long. It makes it worthwhile hanging around, because there are a lot of disagreeable people as well. I am a centre-right guy who was an apologist for the neocons and Bush when I was 17, but have been extremely exposed to some brilliant libertarian minds that I now drift somewhere between paleoconservatism and libertarianism, and caucused for Ron Paul in 2008 (mostly as a statement).

Legion Troll is the term coined by the site admin (Damocles) to describe one poster who has created a plethora of accounts on this site, one of which happens to be Legion Troll as a parody of the term. That account has been actively handing out mass amounts of reputation (the thanks/groans option) of late, and you will undoubtedly find yourself in our position regarding that.

Welcome aboard!! :clink:
As far as knowing people well, I have known some of the posters here since late 2002, when I was a junior in high school, and it has been pretty cool to chat with them that long. It makes it worthwhile hanging around, because there are a lot of disagreeable people as well. I am a centre-right guy who was an apologist for the neocons and Bush when I was 17, but have been extremely exposed to some brilliant libertarian minds that I now drift somewhere between paleoconservatism and libertarianism, and caucused for Ron Paul in 2008 (mostly as a statement). Legion Troll is the term coined by the site admin (Damocles) to describe one poster who has created a plethora of accounts on this site, one of which happens to be Legion Troll as a parody of the term. That account has been actively handing out mass amounts of reputation (the thanks/groans option) of late, and you will undoubtedly find yourself in our position regarding that. Welcome aboard!! :clink:

A simple Google search of the term legion troll will disprove the Staff Sergeant's lies. One might wonder at the breadth of his knowledge concerning trolling, and draw certain conclusions.


Yes, because an invasion force would have had to kill all who resisted.

Dumb Yankee wanted to know the last time a Democrat had a worthwhile idea, and I showed him. Apparently he agrees it was a good idea, since he defended Truman's decision to Yellow Peril.

Yes, I too see that he agrees with you. I am curious about the total axis loss either way though and wonder if it could be proved. Certainly from our perspective it was needed but that is always the case in war.
Yes, I too see that he agrees with you. I am curious about the total axis loss either way though and wonder if it could be proved. Certainly from our perspective it was needed but that is always the case in war.

Without the total and unconditional surrender forced by the bombs, fighting would have continued wherever Japanese forces continued to hold ground. Many of them would have had to be killed, and there would have been unintended civilian casualties as well in the prolonged fighting.

I agree, there is no "proof" per se of a hard number of lives saved. There cannot be without a "control"; a parallel situation where bombs were not used and the US & Japan had to fight on.

You might want to Google "opportunity cost" and see if that helps.
No sarcasm intended; I agree it saved countless allied lives, but do think more axis lives were really saved than those taken by the bombs?
Yes, and I think many more Japanese lives were saved. The emperor and his command were thought of as gods. The family of a Japanese soldier held his funeral before he went off to war. They willingly went to battle with 1% of the supplies that our soldiers had, and fiercely fought to the death. There was no question that they would lose the war, yet they stubbornly refused to quit. I firmly believe we would have had to kill most of the population to get them to surrender in a conventional war. The result would have been far more devastating then annihilation of two small cities. Their culture was nothing like ours was, and is was nothing like it is today.

This was a desperate time in human history. Do you realize that some of the Manhattan project scientists were concerned that the weapon would ignite the atmosphere? They ran the risk of planetary destruction.
So when was the last time a Republican had a worthwhile idea?

I'm guessing....1863. Or maybe 1964.