
Mrs Magoo

I am not sure if I am on a political forum or a high school parking lot rumble. So much anger and condescension. I will wade in and test the water before "taking the plunge".
I am not sure if I am on a political forum or a high school parking lot rumble. So much anger and condescension. I will wade in and test the water before "taking the plunge".

The "ignore list" is your friend. I also recommend hiding signatures and pictures (check in settings to hide those)

I am not sure if I am on a political forum or a high school parking lot rumble. So much anger and condescension. I will wade in and test the water before "taking the plunge".

Hello and welcome.

It is true that the conservatives here in general are so ignorant that they are often angry and the liberals therefore treat them with condescension, but I assure you, it is well deserved.

All kidding aside, this is a great forum, the best political debate forum in the Omniverse.

The flavor is somewhat libertarian but in a good way, which is why we are free to tell you how we really feel. Try it, I think you will like it if you give it a chance. It will grow on you, like a fungi.
Oh yay, another boot who's too good for us but signed up anyways. I wonder what insight Mrs. Boot has that might improve our forum. I mean, we've only been around for 7 years.
I am not the least bit "put off" by attention to detail. I respect that.

It's the blatant viciousness that is off-putting.

Doesn't make feel too good for anybody quite frankly. Just an honest observation of what I've read.
I am not the least bit "put off" by attention to detail. I respect that.

It's the blatant viciousness that is off-putting.

Doesn't make feel too good for anybody quite frankly. Just an honest observation of what I've read.

I use humorous insults to drive home the denial of clear cut facts.

How do you respond to the decades of court documented proof that the republican party cheats in elections?

do you deny those cold hard facts or accept the clear cut evidence?