

New member
Hi all, I am new here and thought I'd introduce myself. I am millennial conservative who loves politics and public policy. I look forward to getting to know everyone and to discussing, debating, and learning here!
HI. I'm Mott. Welcome to JPP our dysfunctional little family on the interwebs. I'm a reformed Republican. I consider myself neither a conservative or a liberal and view partisans as proles who are too mentally weak to realize they are just tools being used by by politicians.

I currently see the GOP as being reactionary, knuckle dragging, anti-intellectuals who are more than wiling to sacrifice their and the nations economic well being and their political liberties to an oligarchy as long as the oligarchy well tell them that they are better than anyone who isn't just exactly like them and who's every public policy position is made from shit stained fear of anything and everything they are not familiar with or don't understand.

I currently see the Democrats as being to big of pussies to stand up and tell the GOP they are batshit crazy. They have more sound and equitable policies and are superior at governing but let's face it....no one likes pussies.
Welcome aboard. What exactly is a "millennial conservative"? Does that mean you wish to keep things the same for the next thousand years? Lol
Then how come you take the idiot liberal side at Every. Single. Turn., liar?

Oh...and then there's this...
I'm sorry...I keep forgetting that being objective, rational and possessing critical thinking skills mark me as a liberal. Now go away Troll....There's goats heading this way!
Don't fall for the strawman bullshit you'll constantly get from the liberals here....
put Legion Troll and LeonthePussy on ignore immediately and have fun reading the insanity rants of 'evince'

Otherwise, enjoy

You'll find very little serious, mature debate....threads sink into the gutter very quickly here....
Don't fall for the strawman bullshit you'll constantly get from the liberals here....
put Legion Troll and LeonthePussy on ignore immediately and have fun reading the insanity rants of 'evince'

Otherwise, enjoy

You'll find very little serious, mature debate....threads sink into the gutter very quickly here....

Especially when BLABO here puts in his two cents.