

Verified User
I'm Grizz, I don't bite unless I've been bitten first. I lean Right but I detest Bush, Rove and Cheney.
I'm Grizz, I don't bite unless I've been bitten first. I lean Right but I detest Bush, Rove and Cheney.

You lean right but have swallowed the leftist narrative about Bush, Rove and Cheney. We have plenty of idiots like you on the forum already.

So who did you vote for in the last two Presidential elections?
I'm Grizz, I don't bite unless I've been bitten first. I lean Right but I detest Bush, Rove and Cheney.

IN what way is "the Right" different than those three? They personify the modern "right".
I'm Grizz, I don't bite unless I've been bitten first. I lean Right but I detest Bush, Rove and Cheney.

Sounds like we'll get along fine. Leaning right will, of course, not mean you will get along with anybody else though. Have fun.
dear fucking asshole ,

I asked you to show your thinking.

you fucking bocked like an asshole chicken instead
I realize you lefty's all March in lockstep with Obambi, Pelosi, Reid et al...

Well, you would be wrong about that, I am a lefty and I do not march in lockstep with anyone.

Welcome to the board and get ready because you will be challenged on these types of blanketed statements.
But that's not my thing.

I prefer thinking for myself.

Welcome. I see you have met the village idiot. When she mentions "facts" it's like this: trees are plants but she attributes this fact as explaining why airplanes can remain aloft.
so its ok that I ask him a reasonable question and get NO FACTS but a load of partisan empty insults in return?

you fucks have no idea what fairness entails

your nothing but fucking lie bot anymore
Well, you would be wrong about that, I am a lefty and I do not march in lockstep with anyone.

LMAO; now THAT is some funny bullshit.....you really are that dishonest and stupid.

Welcome to the board and get ready because you will be challenged on these types of blanketed statements.

Yeah; because Libruls never make blanketed statements right dumbfuck? :rolleyes: