

New member
Just looking for intelligent discussion, I would describe my views as fundalmentally centrist. Hello to everyone:)
Don't fuck up.

Don't mind the curmudgeon asshole mod, he has no real power, just his angry rants.

Enjoy the board and if you're really looking for mostly unfiltered (read non moderated) thoughts, then this is your board. You can be an evil racist or a pure as snow Quran thumper, you are welcome here, just don't break rule 12b.
Btw, don't take it personal, manlicker, says the same thing to every new poster who introduces themselves. He relishes what he thinks is power on the internet.

The cool mods and owner are: Grind and Damocles. Grind changes his name often, Damocles doesn't. The other Rana or Snowflake or whatever she is now, is normally cool, but she has lost her marbles in the last couple of months because of Trump. That said, I don't see her abusing her powers as a mod or being a dick about it like manlicker.
Don't mind the curmudgeon asshole mod, he has no real power, just his angry rants.

Enjoy the board and if you're really looking for mostly unfiltered (read non moderated) thoughts, then this is your board. You can be an evil racist or a pure as snow Quran thumper, you are welcome here, just don't break rule 12b.

All you did was offer a wordier version of "don't fuck up." :hand:
