
Nor, I, but I believe we can all do our part, after all, we have to live here! as of now, anyway.
Southeast Asian tree Antiaris toxicaria of the mulberry family Moraceae, with a poisonous latex used for arrows, and traditionally reputed to kill all who fell asleep under it.
The Upas tree.

Are you telling us that if we fall asleep around you ,you will Upas and poison us.

Just kidding AT.

Welcome !
Southeast Asian tree Antiaris toxicaria of the mulberry family Moraceae, with a poisonous latex used for arrows, and traditionally reputed to kill all who fell asleep under it.
The Upas tree.

Are you telling us that if we fall asleep around you ,you will Upas and poison us.

Just kidding AT.

Welcome !

I don't know, why don't you fall asleep and find out? :p