Help report NSFW threads so we can properly label them


on indefiniate mod break

A lot of people have posted pictures of hot girls.

I am fine with that. :whoa:

But just so everyone else's life is easier on this site, and so people don't have to be scared to open a thread that could even slightly lead to some picture posting, if you guys could report what you would categorize in your mind as nsfw, I will then be able to edit the thread title. with a [NSFW] label. And hopefully, not get you guys fired.

So, to clarify, I am not asking for people to rat each other out, or that someone being reported in this case is getting someone busssted. It's not. Just asking you guys to do this for all of your fellow users careers O_O
3d I don't want to be fun wrecker, and I love irony, but I actually want people to read this thread and nsfwig a thread on reporting nsfw's is kind of self defeating O_O