Her Tongue Is Longer Than Her Legs


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Every so often Madame Short Legs crawls out from under her rock to enlighten the rest of us. This time she tells us President Trump should not be cracking jokes:

Friday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she was appalled by President Donald Trump smirking while telling Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “don’t meddle in the election” at the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

Mitchell asked, “Your reaction to the way the president joked about that question? It was a serious question. Are they going to discuss election interference?”

Albright said, “Well watching it, I’m appalled. And the fact—frankly, the G-20 is a serious operation and an important institution that’s supposed to be dealing with economic and financial problems. And the president of the United States is using it to insult our allies and make jokes with somebody that is trying to undermine the American system of democracy, as well as really militarize information in Central and Eastern Europe. I find that appalling.”

Madeleine Albright: ‘I’m Appalled’ at Smiling Trump Telling Putin ‘Don’t Meddle in the Election’
28 Jun 2019


Madame Short Legs used to shoot off her mouth about the immorality of national borders. She even spewed her filth in the UK:

Clinton-era Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has slammed U.S. efforts to secure the border, telling the BBC that the immigration policy of President Donald J. Trump “makes it very hard for America to tell Europeans … to be more humane”

Madeleine Albright: U.S. Needs Open Borders So It Can Demand Same from Europe
by Virginia Hale
4 Jul 2018


Parenthetically, Madame Short Legs signed the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) for President Clinton but it was never ratified. In fact, it was never sent to the Senate by Clinton, by Bush the Younger, or by Obama because they knew it would be defeated. A defeat takes a U.N. treaty off the shelf and kills it. (I would like to see President Trump send the CRC to the Senate for ratification with the clear understanding it will be defeated.)

The last time that piece of Euro trash ran off at the mouth she had me in tears. After she came here —— she turned around and devoted the freedoms she got for free by promoting Emma Lazarus’ filth:



Madeleine Albright: There Are Tears in the Eyes of the Statue of Liberty
by Jeff Poor
31 Jan 2017

Let me offer a suggestion to a washed up parasite who was not born in this country “Madame Short Legs please emigrate to a Muslim country. If you love Third World parasites so much you can take your mouth and emigrate to a Third World shit hole where you can do a little hands-on caring with your government pension.”

The most offensive thing about Albright and her kind is them telling Americans what this country stands for while they work full-time at handing this country’s independence to United Nations charity hustlers and Third World parasites.

I would be remiss if I failed to cite this gem from a democracy-loving halfwit:



Madame Short Legs screamed this one at Colin Powell:

I am pretty sure Albright meant ‘Use the U.S. military to serve the United Nations. Whenever our troops have nothing better to do they can serve meals-on-wheels.’

The brief lesson El Rushbo gave to Albright is about the meaning of the Statue of Liberty:

The statue was not intended to recognize immigration. It was intended to recognize liberty and freedom. If you think they’re intertwined, don’t be misled. Here’s Madeleine Albright, the former secretary of state during the Clinton years — who stood by Bill Clinton during all of his womanizing, during all of his misogyny, during all of his reprobate behavior. Here’s Madeleine Albright standing by the guy. She was on CNN this morning. Chris Cuomo, who probably doesn’t know anything I just told you about the Statue of Liberty, said, “You’ve got the Statue of Liberty on your lapel this morning. What is the concern about the ban that you have, Madam Albright?”

Rush Limbaugh
The Statue of Liberty Has Nothing to Do with Immigration
Jan 31, 2017


NOTE: Condoleezza Rice was mentored by Madam Short Legs’ father. The only difference between Albright and Rice Cakes is skin color.

But man for man (or rather, woman for woman), the less-well-known academic Josef Korbel has arguably had a more enduring and practical impact on the history of American policy.

For Albright and Rice, Josef Korbel Is Tie that Binds : NPR
Guy Raz Twitter


Korbel came to this country via political asylum. As soon as he arrived he made a beeline straight for the public trough in academe. Presumably, so he would have a weekly paycheck while dazzling American bumpkins with his Old World brilliance.

Aside from teaching Rice Cakes political philosophy one wonders if Korbel did not also teach her the ins and outs of a successful career feeding at the public trough —— that is bouncing back and forth between the academy and government jobs. Rice’s parents were in education so she knew the parasite fundamentals before hooking up with Korbel. Need I say more about Rice Cake’s dreams of becoming president or vice president?

I could fill a thousand pages talking about Short Legs’ track record. Instead, I will sign off with a piece of crapola coined by the filthiest parasite of them all —— "That's Not Who We Are."

The sewer rat’s phrase is one size fits all. It was designed to give illegal aliens the opportunity to tell Americans what they should be. That bumper sticker slogan is trotted out by Obama clones every time one of liberalism’s scared cows is challenged.
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Every so often Madame Short Legs crawls out from under her rock to enlighten the rest of us. This time she tells us President Trump should not be cracking jokes:

Friday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said she was appalled by President Donald Trump smirking while telling Russia’s President Vladimir Putin “don’t meddle in the election” at the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

Mitchell asked, “Your reaction to the way the president joked about that question? It was a serious question. Are they going to discuss election interference?”

Albright said, “Well watching it, I’m appalled. And the fact—frankly, the G-20 is a serious operation and an important institution that’s supposed to be dealing with economic and financial problems. And the president of the United States is using it to insult our allies and make jokes with somebody that is trying to undermine the American system of democracy, as well as really militarize information in Central and Eastern Europe. I find that appalling.”

Madeleine Albright: ‘I’m Appalled’ at Smiling Trump Telling Putin ‘Don’t Meddle in the Election’
28 Jun 2019


Madame Short Legs used to shoot off her mouth about the immorality of national borders. She even spewed her filth in the UK:

Clinton-era Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has slammed U.S. efforts to secure the border, telling the BBC that the immigration policy of President Donald J. Trump “makes it very hard for America to tell Europeans … to be more humane”

Madeleine Albright: U.S. Needs Open Borders So It Can Demand Same from Europe
by Virginia Hale
4 Jul 2018


Parenthetically, Madame Short Legs signed the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) for President Clinton but it was never ratified. In fact, it was never sent to the Senate by Clinton, by Bush the Younger, or by Obama because they knew it would be defeated. A defeat takes a U.N. treaty off the shelf and kills it. (I would like to see President Trump send the CRC to the Senate for ratification with the clear understanding it will be defeated.)

The last time that piece of Euro trash ran off at the mouth she had me in tears. After she came here —— she turned around and devoted the freedoms she got for free by promoting Emma Lazarus’ filth:



Madeleine Albright: There Are Tears in the Eyes of the Statue of Liberty
by Jeff Poor
31 Jan 2017

Let me offer a suggestion to a washed up parasite who was not born in this country “Madame Short Legs please emigrate to a Muslim country. If you love Third World parasites so much you can take your mouth and emigrate to a Third World shit hole where you can do a little hands-on caring with your government pension.”

The most offensive thing about Albright and her kind is them telling Americans what this country stands for while they work full-time at handing this country’s independence to United Nations charity hustlers and Third World parasites.

I would be remiss if I failed to cite this gem from a democracy-loving halfwit:

Madame Short Legs screamed this one at Colin Powell:

I am pretty sure Albright meant ‘Use the U.S. military to serve the United Nations. Whenever our troops have nothing better to do they can serve meals-on-wheels.’

The brief lesson El Rushbo gave to Albright is about the meaning of the Statue of Liberty:

The statue was not intended to recognize immigration. It was intended to recognize liberty and freedom. If you think they’re intertwined, don’t be misled. Here’s Madeleine Albright, the former secretary of state during the Clinton years — who stood by Bill Clinton during all of his womanizing, during all of his misogyny, during all of his reprobate behavior. Here’s Madeleine Albright standing by the guy. She was on CNN this morning. Chris Cuomo, who probably doesn’t know anything I just told you about the Statue of Liberty, said, “You’ve got the Statue of Liberty on your lapel this morning. What is the concern about the ban that you have, Madam Albright?”

Rush Limbaugh
The Statue of Liberty Has Nothing to Do with Immigration
Jan 31, 2017


NOTE: Condoleezza Rice was mentored by Madam Short Legs’ father. The only difference between Albright and Rice Cakes is skin color.

But man for man (or rather, woman for woman), the less-well-known academic Josef Korbel has arguably had a more enduring and practical impact on the history of American policy.

For Albright and Rice, Josef Korbel Is Tie that Binds : NPR
Guy Raz Twitter


Korbel came to this country via political asylum. As soon as he arrived he made a beeline straight for the public trough in academe. Presumably, so he would have a weekly paycheck while dazzling American bumpkins with his Old World brilliance.

Aside from teaching Rice Cakes political philosophy one wonders if Korbel did not also teach her the ins and outs of a successful career feeding at the public trough —— that is bouncing back and forth between the academy and government jobs. Rice’s parents were in education so she knew the parasite fundamentals before hooking up with Korbel. Need I say more about Rice Cake’s dreams of becoming president or vice president?

I could fill a thousand pages talking about Short Legs’ track record. Instead, I will sign off with a piece of crapola coined by the filthiest parasite of them all —— "That's Not Who We Are."

The sewer rat’s phrase is one size fits all. It was designed to give illegal aliens the opportunity to tell Americans what they should be. That bumper sticker slogan is trotted out by Obama clones every time one of liberalism’s scared cows is challenged.
Trump smirks at everything. The only thing he takes seriously is lining his own pockets. That's why the U.S. has never had a worse international reputation.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
U.S. has never had a worse international reputation.

To rjhenn:
That is the best news I heard in years.

Conversely, this country’s reputation hit a high point with the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) when Jimmy Peanuts was president. Note that he and Madame Short Legs are two old farts trying to stay relevant. In fact, the Democrat Party is run by an army of old morons preaching the same anti-America sermon they preached 50 years ago. They are the Democrats who are only proud of this country when it is defeated by the UNIC.

At the Democratic Party presidential debates, several of the candidates mentioned Russia as our country’s greatest threat, citing their attempts to influence the result of the 2016 presidential election. This obsession with Russia has infected the entire Democratic Party, including their elder statesman, former President Jimmy Carter.

Ironically, when Carter served as the nation’s 39th President, Jimmy Carter was a disaster on both domestic issues and foreign policy. He left the economy in shambles and our military in disarray.

In his dealings with the Soviet Union, Carter was a total weakling

In his dealings with the Soviet Union, Carter was a total weakling. As the communist nation expanded their sphere of influence around the world and invaded Afghanistan, Carter’s toughest response was a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Surely, Communist General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev laughed hysterically when Carter penalized our Olympic team more than the Soviet Union.

By Jeff Crouere
June 29, 2019


Incidentally, boycotting the Olympics was the only thing Carter ever did right.

And let us not forget Jimmy Peanuts who boycotted the Olympics in 1980 to protest The Soviet Union’s war in Afghanistan.


Jimmy’s motive was solid, while most Americans were as pleased as punch when they saw the Olympic Games take a big hit.

More recently the democracy crowd was in hog heaven when the Olympic Games went to North Korea. They wasted no time telling us the Olympics Games promote democracy. If that is true everyone making a buck off the Olympic Games should be locked up for life.


To rjhenn:
That is the best news I heard in years.

Conversely, this country’s reputation hit a high point with the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) when Jimmy Peanuts was president. Note that he and Madame Short Legs are two old farts trying to stay relevant. In fact, the Democrat Party is run by an army of old morons preaching the same anti-America sermon they preached 50 years ago. They are the Democrats who are only proud of this country when it is defeated by the UNIC.

At the Democratic Party presidential debates, several of the candidates mentioned Russia as our country’s greatest threat, citing their attempts to influence the result of the 2016 presidential election. This obsession with Russia has infected the entire Democratic Party, including their elder statesman, former President Jimmy Carter.

Ironically, when Carter served as the nation’s 39th President, Jimmy Carter was a disaster on both domestic issues and foreign policy. He left the economy in shambles and our military in disarray.

In his dealings with the Soviet Union, Carter was a total weakling

In his dealings with the Soviet Union, Carter was a total weakling. As the communist nation expanded their sphere of influence around the world and invaded Afghanistan, Carter’s toughest response was a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Surely, Communist General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev laughed hysterically when Carter penalized our Olympic team more than the Soviet Union.

By Jeff Crouere
June 29, 2019


Incidentally, boycotting the Olympics was the only thing Carter ever did right.

And let us not forget Jimmy Peanuts who boycotted the Olympics in 1980 to protest The Soviet Union’s war in Afghanistan.


Jimmy’s motive was solid, while most Americans were as pleased as punch when they saw the Olympic Games take a big hit.

More recently the democracy crowd was in hog heaven when the Olympic Games went to North Korea. They wasted no time telling us the Olympics Games promote democracy. If that is true everyone making a buck off the Olympic Games should be locked up for life.


The GOP is dominated by an old moron.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Albright is a bloodthirsty neo-lib, her R2P is what done in Libya and why we killed Qaddafi.
may her and Hillary rot for the death and destruction they visited upon that land.

The R2P doctrine is an open invitation for interventionism anywhere and anytime.

Our shared responsibility to protect
Every nation in the world, including the United States, has recognized a responsibility to protect civilians anywhere from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, or ethnic cleansing, and — at least in theory — has pledged to act accordingly.

Sadly, the promise of R2P has been more noteworthy in the breach than in the honoring of our commitments. The current crisis in Syria, where Basharal-Assad’s regime has declared all-out war on its own people, is the most visible case of our collective failure to protect vulnerable populations from the most serious crimes.

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Incidentally, boycotting the Olympics was the only thing Carter ever did right.

Lowell Ponte closed his autopsy report on Jimmy Peanuts with this paragraph:

President Trump, unlike Carter or President Barack Obama, deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.

Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize
Posted By Lowell Ponte On 06/30/2019 @ 4:42 pm


I am sure Mr. Ponte meant well, but suggesting Trump for a Noble Peace Prize is no kindness:

NOT giving Trump the PP is the best thing the Nobel Committee can do for him. If President Trump actually gets the prize he should tell them “I accept. Send the check and forget the rest.”

Trump smirks at everything. The only thing he takes seriously is lining his own pockets. That's why the U.S. has never had a worse international reputation.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Why should we care about what others think of us. If we're doing things the way they should be done, and Trump is, fuck them and anyone like you that is more concerned about pleasing others than getting the job done.

Let me offer a suggestion to a washed up parasite who was not born in this country “Madame Short Legs please emigrate to a Muslim country. If you love Third World parasites so much you can take your mouth and emigrate to a Third World shit hole where you can do a little hands-on caring with your government pension.”

The most offensive thing about Albright and her kind is them telling Americans what this country stands for while they work full-time at handing this country’s independence to United Nations charity hustlers and Third World parasites.

Short Stumps is doing alright by China, too:

Albright Stonebridge has significant consulting operations in China, which is its "largest single country practice," according to its website.

"We work to create allies within the Chinese system through an approach that emphasizes systematic engagement with agencies and non-government stakeholders at the central, provincial, and local levels," said the Albright Stonebridge Group website.

Although Albright Stonebridge is not registered as a foreign lobbying group, it engages in much of the same influence-peddling work as companies that do register. Albright Stonebridge is not required to disclose its clients, however.

The firm employs "former high-level U.S. and Chinese government officials and diplomats," according to its website.

Although Albright Stonebridge is not registered as a foreign lobbying group, it engages in much of the same influence-peddling work as companies that do register. Albright Stonebridge is not required to disclose its clients, however.

The firm employs "former high-level U.S. and Chinese government officials and diplomats," according to its website.

The chairman of Albright Stonebridge’s China branch is Jin Ligang, who previously served as director of China’s ministry of foreign trade. Mu Lan, a senior adviser at Albright Stonebridge, was a former Chinese embassy official, and Jia Mingru, another senior adviser at the firm, was a former assistant minister of culture in China.

Just a reminder if you are thinking about voting for Senile Joe Biden:

The company also has numerous former Biden aides on its staff. Julie Mason, a senior vice president at Albright Stonebridge, previously served as the director of special projects under Biden while he was vice president. She was also communications director for his wife, Jill Biden. Lawrence Silverman, a senior advisor at the firm, was Biden’s special adviser to Europe and Russia. Scott Jacobs, a vice president at Albright Stonebridge, was a former aide in Biden’s vice presidential office.

The firm previously worked on behalf of First Solar, helping the solar power company secure a contract in China, the Washington Free Beacon reported in 2015. Albright Stonebridge did not respond to a request for comment.

Madeleine Albright’s Consulting Firm Took Millions in Coronavirus Relief Funding,
Alana Goodman
July 6, 2020 6:35 PM
Records Show


Clinton’s Secretary of State ----- Madeleine Albright.

In Support of Arab Democracy


NOTE: Sixty million aborted infants since Roe v. Wade in this country alone does not qualify as genocide in Albright’s governing philosophy:

. . . task force effort co-chaired by Madeleine Albright, William Cohen and other leading figures to call on the new administration and Congress to make preventing genocide and mass atrocities a national priority

Genocide Prevention Task Force Delivers Blueprint for US Government
November 13, 2007
12:00 am


Albright and Condoleezza Rice were mentored by Stumpy’s father.

Lets not forget that Albright joined Zbigniew Brzezinski on the National Security Council way back in the Carter Administration. (Ronald Reagan defeating Jimmy Peanuts in 1982 was the only positive contribution Carter ever made.)

Stumpy is still a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Adding insult to injury, the lying sack of shit gave Madam Short Legs the Presidential Medal of Freedom. (Obama ain’t standing on a box.)

Obama’s Secretaries of State ----- Traitor John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. (Kerry is now a Biden advisor.)

Obama’s U.S. Ambassadors to the United Nations ----- Liar Suzy Five Shows and foreign-born Samantha Power —— Mrs. Cass Sunstein in real life:

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
Published: 01/12/2012 at 10:56 PM
by Aaron Klein
