Herald the New Era

"Since Obama took office, China-U.S. ties have got to a good start." -- Hu

"Good relations with the United States is not only in the interests of the two peoples, but also beneficial to peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region, and the world at large." -- Hu

"I hope I can establish good working and private relations with you." -- Hu

"China is willing to work with the United States to make even greater progress in advancing the bilateral relations." -- Hu

"The relation between the United States and China has become extremely constructive." -- U.S. President Barack Obama

"Our economic relation is very strong." -- Obama

"I said publicly our relation is not only important for citizens of the two countries, but also help set the stage for how the world build with a host of challenges." -- Obama

"I look forward to a very productive and open conversation, not only about the whole state of the world economy during the current crisis, but also about how to work together to improve peace and security for both countries and the whole world." -- Obama
