Here Comes the Legislation!


Prepare for it to be passed by both the House and Senate and signed by the President in short order.

Two days after the shooting deaths of 26 people at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school, Sen. Dianne Feinstein pledged Sunday that she would introduce new gun-control legislation at the beginning of next year’s congressional session.

“It [the bill] will ban the sale, the transfer, the transportation and the possession,” the California senator said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Not retroactively, but prospectively. And it will ban the same for big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets.”

Feinstein said the purpose of her proposal, a version of the assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004, is to get “weapons of war off the streets of our cities.”

Additionally, Senators (D-Conn) Blumenthal & (D-Illinois) Durbin will be introducing legislation next week.
Aren't big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets necessary to deter government tyranny?
Feinstein said the purpose of her proposal, a version of the assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004, is to get “weapons of war off the streets of our cities.”
she can start with getting them out of the hands of cops and feds.
Police say home-schooled Adam Lanza used a Bushmaster he took from his heavily-armed mom to massacre children.

The only shot he fired from a handgun was the one that he killed himself with.

Are you saying Yurtie's wrong?
Are you saying Yurtie's wrong?

i guess so, the report i read yesterday say he was armed with only two semi auto pistols at the school and that the shots came from the pistols

so in reality, the report i read was wrong, as was i for not knowing all the facts before stating it as fact

see howey, that is how you admit you're wrong, something you never do
i guess so, the report i read yesterday say he was armed with only two semi auto pistols at the school and that the shots came from the pistols

so in reality, the report i read was wrong, as was i for not knowing all the facts before stating it as fact

see howey, that is how you admit you're wrong, something you never do

Kudos to you, Yurt! :good4u: Although you could have left out the last sentence. Let's all try to get in the Christmas spirit. :)
Kudos to you, Yurt! :good4u: Although you could have left out the last sentence. Let's all try to get in the Christmas spirit. :)

Unfortunately where you have competetive media the truth will often take second place to a scoop.
Aren't big clips, drums or strips of more than 10 bullets necessary to deter government tyranny?
The Problem is that the gun grabbers will not be satisfied with just ten round magazines, they will want 6 rounds next, because they want all our guns, you know it and I know it. What really needs to be done is take the guns away from all the street gang members. The gang members are afraid to come out here in Tuliville because most of US have guns, and we all practice.
I predict that the new assault weapons ban will pass easily in both houses of Congress. There is no way to oppose this and come out looking good. Same mentality that passed the Patriot Act will pass this one too.
I predict that the new assault weapons ban will pass easily in both houses of Congress. There is no way to oppose this and come out looking good. Same mentality that passed the Patriot Act will pass this one too.

I predict it will be buried in committee, like every other anti-freedom bill. But should it pass, I know what my next career move will be.
I predict that the new assault weapons ban will pass easily in both houses of Congress. There is no way to oppose this and come out looking good. Same mentality that passed the Patriot Act will pass this one too.

You call yourself 'Live Free' and then mention the one act your government passed that destroys your freedom for ever.
Its quite funny watching Americans trying to make sense of their self imposed confusion. Irony? In spades!
You call yourself 'Live Free' and then mention the one act your government passed that destroys your freedom for ever.
Its quite funny watching Americans trying to make sense of their self imposed confusion. Irony? In spades!
this is what happens when people feel they must place so much of their freedom in the hands of 536 people, all in the name of safety.