Always shouting racism and playing the race card! It's too bad they can't get past race-based politics! It requires a massive stretch to make this companies innocent claims remotely racist!

Family Fights 'Ridiculous' Benefit Denial
Dollar Tree Says No Payout for Murdered Worker Because Crime Was Racially Motivated
Nov. 25, 2008

It was Taneka Talley's greatest wish to see her son head off to college. It was why she took extra shifts at work and set her sights on promotions.
A store withholds benefits for son of employee who was fatally stabbed.

But she was stabbed to death in the Fairfield, Calif., Dollar Tree where she worked in March 2006, by a white man who reportedly attacked her simply because she was black.

Now, Talley's mother is fighting to get her daughter's workers compensation death benefits, which, according to the family's lawyer, have been denied because the killer's targeting her as a black person established a "personal connection" that the company says releases them from having to pay.

"For them to deny her, it's just outrage," Carol Frazier, Talley's mother, told "She worked hard for them at their store so her son could have the best."

California law states an employer must pay death benefits if the employee was killed on the job and if the death was a result of the person's employment, said Moira Stagliano of Boxer & Gerson in Oakland, Calif., who is Frazier's attorney.

More at link...
She may have always been black, but she wouldn't have been black AND at the Dollar Tree for hours on end had she NOT been employed there. She would not have been murdered there had she not worked there.

Fucking lawyers, fucking insurance assholes......(pardon the expletives) }:-(

How is being black a personal connection to someone who doesnt know you?

What if she was killed because she was Female?

What if she was killed because she had bucked teeth?

She was killed by some nut bag and that makes it OK for her employer to not pay the insurance claim?

I dont think Ill ever buy anything from a Dollar store again.
She may have always been black, but she wouldn't have been black AND at the Dollar Tree for hours on end had she NOT been employed there. She would not have been murdered there had she not worked there.

Fucking lawyers, fucking insurance assholes......(pardon the expletives) }:-(

No it's ok, actually, I think those are there real technical names.
Provides a "personal attachment"? What the...?

Wow. Just wow.

This means I can go in there and attack them just because I didn't like their nose and that would be a 'personal attachment' according to the Dollar Tree.
dollar tree sells useless crap and only exists because of excessive consumerism.

So are you saying that useless consumerism killed this woman, or are you saying that useless consumerism is the reason she was able to save up so that her kid could get an education?