Here is the real "danger" of a Trump Presidency:


Verified User
* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

I continue to be amazed by the number of people on my grapevine who think that there is any chance above 0 that Trump will be proclaimed the winner.
* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

sounds like 2017-2020......
If I were Chinese or a Chinese sympathizer the last thing I would do is try to wake Americans up to the Hellscape that is coming.
but what you are doing is lying about Chinese superiority......that's the grapes your vine is feeding you......Trump beating BIden may be a hellscape for XI and Biden but it's great for Americans.......
but what you are doing is lying about Chinese superiority......that's the grapes your vine is feeding you......Trump beating BIden may be a hellscape for XI and Biden but it's great for Americans.......
The Chinese and their friends are kicking our asses....Wake Up.
the Chinese and their friends are playing a senile old man who sits in the Oval Office.....he and his handlers will be gone in six months......
Biden does not run America....the Revolution High Command who sends him his scripts do....and they are beyond the reach of the people.

They will not let Trump be President.
* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

All morons are automatically signed no need for you to worry.
Biden does not run America....the Revolution High Command who sends him his scripts do....and they are beyond the reach of the people.

They will not let Trump be President.
sorry.....they tipped their hand in 2020.......the voting laws in every swing state have changed......its too late to create another Covid crisis.....his handlers don't WANT to fix the economy or the border........their own audacity will take them down.......
All morons are automatically signed no need for you to worry.
fortunately there are a lot fewer of you morons than there were in 2020........the swing states have already swung......shucks Biden's lead in Minnesota is down to one point..........Minnesota is the one state left which has NEVER voted Republican........
* Regulations get cut

This is my favorite Conservative Talking Point. It shows how little Conservatives actually think about things. Most of these regulations you decry were put in place explicitly because there was a call for it.

Food safety? Wait until a few people get sick from a bag of salad and you all will be SCREAMING for inspectors.

Workplace safety? You lot will be the first to line up for workman's comp when you injure yourself on the job.

Clean Water? You will be first in line demanding MegaCorp shut down their factory that is poisoning your little kids and giving them cancer.

Chemical Safety? Wait until the chemical plant upwind of you explodes.

The list goes on.

* Economy booms

WIth all the tariff's your guy is promising good luck with that.

* Constitution is followed

You mean by the guy who thinks the Constitution gives him "unlimited powers" and who promised to be a "dictator on day one"? Or do you mean follows the Constitution until the vote count comes in and then stages a coup attempt to overturn the election?
* Bureaucrats get fired

Go ahead and politicize governmental jobs like meat inspector or nuclear safety inspector and see how that works out for you.

* Green Agenda halted

Because care for the environment is for pussies. Until your home has to be condemned because it was built on a chemical waste dump.

* DEI eliminated

Because people should know to be born white and male in the USA.


You will be the first to be negatively impacted and your meager income and low level job will go away. Then you'll cry for welfare until you get old enough and then you'll scream for Medicare, but your party will have eliminated it.

You aren't strong enough to survive the country you want.
* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

You're fucking insane.
I would very literally prefer that a huge asteroid strike reduced the earth to space-dust than to endure another pigfucker administration.
* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

You are a fascist.
* Wars get shut down

* Border is secure

* Taxes get cut

* Regulations get cut

* Economy booms

* Government waste is cut

* Constitution is followed

* No politically waged government warfare

* Bureaucrats get fired

* Green Agenda halted

* DEI eliminated

* America ends globalism

* No men in women's sports

