Here it IS!!!!


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A Fox News report from earlier today (embedded above) and a posting by Larry Johnson at the No Quarter blog scheduled for 0900 later this morning raise two questions that are both very enticing and very disturbing.

Does videotape exist of Michelle Obama railing against 'Whitey' at the Trinity UCC Church?

And will a major network or other source release it to the public later this morning?

Those very same questions are starting to burn up the wires.

Here's a transcript of the Fox News report.

Rumors have been circulating since mid-May of a bombshell video showing Michelle Obama ranting against 'Whitey' at the Trinity UCC Church. The GOP was allegedly holding onto it as an October Surprise, should Obama be the Democratic candidate in the general election.

The rumors, however, have been heating up with reliable sources confirming its existence, claims a major news network has the video in its possession, and that it may be released to the public as early as this morning (June 2nd).

According to those news reports, the tape was scoured from hours of publicly available Trinity videos by Republican operatives, is in no less the hands of Karl Rove and his political allies, and is currently being used to generate GOP campaign contributions.

It is also rumored the Hillary Clinton campaign is trying to gets its hands on it, if they don't have it already.

It goes without saying what kind of damage such a video could do to Obama's campaign.

No mention or denials of it in the Obama website's news or press release sections.

Some back story, From Rick Moran of the American Thinker, May 17th:

Rumors are a dime a dozen on the Internet and we usually aren't in the habit of printing them.

But when a top liberal blog publishes a story confirming rumors that I personally have heard from other sources, I find it irresistible:

Larry Johnson of No Quarter:

I now have it from two three four sources (three who are close to senior Republicans) that there is video dynamite-Michelle Obama railing against "whitey" at Jeremiah Wright's church. Republicans may have a lousy record when it comes to the economy and the management of the war in Iraq, but they are hell on wheels when it comes to opposition research.

Someone took the chance and started reviewing the recordings from services at Jeremiah Wright's United Church of Christ. Holy smoke!! I am told there is a clip that is being held for the fall to drop at the appropriate time. The last thing Barack and Michelle need is a new clip that raises further questions about her judgment and temperament.

I heard the exact same thing about 10 days ago from a source who should be in the know. I also heard it was political dynamite and was a tape of Michelle Obama. Beyond that, my source would not get into specifics as to what exactly was on the tape or when the GOP might drop this atomic bomb on to the campaign.

This story should break full force if this alleged video is released later today, as some are predicting.

Regardless, It certainly seems now that, if the tape does exist, the heat is on and it will leak a lot sooner than October.

Perhaps as soon as today.

It would certainly confirm my theory of the Final Clinton Ace, which has yet to be played. My contention has always been, Obama made it this far because the Clinton's wanted him to, they have had something on him from the start, and were waiting for the right moment to release it. This would fit that bill to a tee.

People say, well if they had this, why not release it before Super Tuesday? But that is the thing... the Clinton's couldn't play their ace that early, too many skeletons in their own closet for that... plus it gives spin doctors ample time to do damage control... would be stupid to play your ace and still get beat on Super Tuesday... so they held it.

Now is better, because of DNC rules, the entire nominating process is essentially in the hands of the Super Delegates... if they have a "compelling reason" to over-ride the voters, they can nominate Hillary. Again, this bombshell is just the sort of thing they need to justify that.

It's not coincidence this is supposed to be the day she withdraws from the race.
It's racist to question Obama.

It's racist to criticize Obama.

It's racist to oppose Obama.

It's racist to vote for anyone but Obama.

It's racist to only vote for Obama once.